Pepper Fun

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Language Arts, Reading, Vocabulary, Oral Language, Listening, Speaking, Science, Life Science

Grade 1- 3


Students will learn about the various kinds of peppers.


Each of the activity sheets has directions for how to complete the activity with your students. Below are some further fun activities!
Pepper Facts

  • Peppers need 65-84 days to mature.
  • Peppers are rich in vitamins A and C.
  • Peppers can be yellow, red, or green.
  • The smaller the pepper, the "hotter" the taste.
  • All hot peppers contain capsaicinoids, which produce the burning sensation in the mouth.
  • Bell peppers are sweet.
  • Chile peppers are spicy "hot."
  • Peppers are used as a seasoning.

Pepper Fun Activities
  1. Compare peppers by size and color.
  2. String and dry chile peppers.
  3. Taste, if you dare!
  4. Cut open and examine the insides of different peppers.
  5. Count the number of seeds found in a bell pepper.
  6. Cook and eat a stuffed bell pepper.
  7. Graph favorite ways to eat peppers.
Book List
Ehlert, Lois. Eating the Alphabet. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Pub., 1989).
Ehlert, Lois. Growing Vegetable Soup. (Harcourt Brace & Co., 1987).
Patent, Dorothy. Where Food Comes From. (Holiday House, 1991).


  • copies of the student activity sheets (see the link below)
  • copies of the reproducible little books (see the link below)

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