STEM: Engaging Hands-On Challenges Using Everyday Materials Grade K

  • Kindergarten
  • 112 pages
  • Product ID: TCR8180

Price: $14.99
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Provide students with grade-level appropriate challenges guaranteed to spark imagination as they ask, imagine, plan, create (build), test, and improve. In each challenge, students will be making sense of phenomena and/or designing solutions to a problem as they build a clearer understanding of science and engineering practices (SEPS), disciplinary core ideas (DCIs), and crosscutting concepts (CCCs).

Each exploration in this book provides students with meaningful experiences to help them to understand particular concepts by using three sequential steps: a set of introductory and cross-curricular activities, two-small group centers, and a science or engineering challenge. This progression of activities is designed to introduce students to new concepts, to give them hands-on experience with those concepts, and to challenge them to use what they learned to solve a related problem. Correlated to the NGSS Standards. 112 pages.

ISBN: 9781420681802
UPC: 088231981800

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