Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Document-Based Questions for Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking

Document-Based Questions for Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 6

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.6.2: Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Passage Pages
Without Warning: The Destruction of Pompeii 10-12
The Black Death 13-15
Look Out Below! Here Comes the Snow 16-18
Horror in Halifax 19-21
The Hindenburg Tragedy 22-24
Space Shuttle Disasters 25-27
Waves that Shook the Planet: The 2004 Tsunami 28-30
Prison Reform at Eastern State Penitentiary 31-33
Civil War Battleship Crews: The First Integrated U.S. Armed Forces 34-36
The Birth of Radio: The “Wireless” 37-39
Henry Ford's Assembly Line 40-42
Charles Lindbergh and the First Transatlantic Flight 43-45
A Giant Leap for Mankind 46-48
Executed for Espionage 49-51
Mascots in the Military 52-54
Destroying Ecosystems 55-57
The U.S. Coast Guard 58-60
The Man Who Slept Through His Own Presidency 61-63
Scream Machines: The History of Roller Coasters 64-66
Dorothea Dix, Champion for the Mentally Ill 67-69
Thomas Edison, the Wizard of Menlo Park 70-72
Mohandas Gandhi: A Man of Peaceful Action 73-75
Amazing Courage: Irena Sendler’s Silence 76-78
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice 79-81
Mother Teresa: Greatest Humanitarian of the Twentieth Century 82-84
At a Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Afghanistan 85-87
Antarctica: A Hidden Land 88-90
The Land Down Under: Australia 91-93
Bulgaria: A Balkan Nation 94-96
The Cradle of Civilization: Iraq 97-99
Jamaica, Jewel in the Caribbean Sea 100-102
Swaziland, Land of a Single Culture 103-105

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Passage Pages
Without Warning: The Destruction of Pompeii 10-12
The Black Death 13-15
Look Out Below! Here Comes the Snow 16-18
Horror in Halifax 19-21
The Hindenburg Tragedy 22-24
Space Shuttle Disasters 25-27
Waves that Shook the Planet: The 2004 Tsunami 28-30
Prison Reform at Eastern State Penitentiary 31-33
Civil War Battleship Crews: The First Integrated U.S. Armed Forces 34-36
The Birth of Radio: The “Wireless” 37-39
Henry Ford's Assembly Line 40-42
Charles Lindbergh and the First Transatlantic Flight 43-45
A Giant Leap for Mankind 46-48
Executed for Espionage 49-51
Mascots in the Military 52-54
Destroying Ecosystems 55-57
The U.S. Coast Guard 58-60
The Man Who Slept Through His Own Presidency 61-63
Scream Machines: The History of Roller Coasters 64-66
Dorothea Dix, Champion for the Mentally Ill 67-69
Thomas Edison, the Wizard of Menlo Park 70-72
Mohandas Gandhi: A Man of Peaceful Action 73-75
Amazing Courage: Irena Sendler’s Silence 76-78
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice 79-81
Mother Teresa: Greatest Humanitarian of the Twentieth Century 82-84
At a Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Afghanistan 85-87
Antarctica: A Hidden Land 88-90
The Land Down Under: Australia 91-93
Bulgaria: A Balkan Nation 94-96
The Cradle of Civilization: Iraq 97-99
Jamaica, Jewel in the Caribbean Sea 100-102
Swaziland, Land of a Single Culture 103-105

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Passage Pages
Without Warning: The Destruction of Pompeii 10-12
The Black Death 13-15
Look Out Below! Here Comes the Snow 16-18
Horror in Halifax 19-21
The Hindenburg Tragedy 22-24
Space Shuttle Disasters 25-27
Waves that Shook the Planet: The 2004 Tsunami 28-30
Prison Reform at Eastern State Penitentiary 31-33
Civil War Battleship Crews: The First Integrated U.S. Armed Forces 34-36
The Birth of Radio: The “Wireless” 37-39
Henry Ford's Assembly Line 40-42
Charles Lindbergh and the First Transatlantic Flight 43-45
A Giant Leap for Mankind 46-48
Executed for Espionage 49-51
Mascots in the Military 52-54
Destroying Ecosystems 55-57
The U.S. Coast Guard 58-60
The Man Who Slept Through His Own Presidency 61-63
Scream Machines: The History of Roller Coasters 64-66
Dorothea Dix, Champion for the Mentally Ill 67-69
Thomas Edison, the Wizard of Menlo Park 70-72
Mohandas Gandhi: A Man of Peaceful Action 73-75
Amazing Courage: Irena Sendler’s Silence 76-78
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice 79-81
Mother Teresa: Greatest Humanitarian of the Twentieth Century 82-84
At a Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Afghanistan 85-87
Antarctica: A Hidden Land 88-90
The Land Down Under: Australia 91-93
Bulgaria: A Balkan Nation 94-96
The Cradle of Civilization: Iraq 97-99
Jamaica, Jewel in the Caribbean Sea 100-102
Swaziland, Land of a Single Culture 103-105

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas.

Passage Pages
Without Warning: The Destruction of Pompeii 10-12
The Black Death 13-15
Look Out Below! Here Comes the Snow 16-18
Horror in Halifax 19-21
The Hindenburg Tragedy 22-24
Space Shuttle Disasters 25-27
Waves that Shook the Planet: The 2004 Tsunami 28-30
Prison Reform at Eastern State Penitentiary 31-33
Civil War Battleship Crews: The First Integrated U.S. Armed Forces 34-36
The Birth of Radio: The “Wireless” 37-39
Henry Ford's Assembly Line 40-42
Charles Lindbergh and the First Transatlantic Flight 43-45
A Giant Leap for Mankind 46-48
Executed for Espionage 49-51
Mascots in the Military 52-54
Destroying Ecosystems 55-57
The U.S. Coast Guard 58-60
The Man Who Slept Through His Own Presidency 61-63
Scream Machines: The History of Roller Coasters 64-66
Dorothea Dix, Champion for the Mentally Ill 67-69
Thomas Edison, the Wizard of Menlo Park 70-72
Mohandas Gandhi: A Man of Peaceful Action 73-75
Amazing Courage: Irena Sendler’s Silence 76-78
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice 79-81
Mother Teresa: Greatest Humanitarian of the Twentieth Century 82-84
At a Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Afghanistan 85-87
Antarctica: A Hidden Land 88-90
The Land Down Under: Australia 91-93
Bulgaria: A Balkan Nation 94-96
The Cradle of Civilization: Iraq 97-99
Jamaica, Jewel in the Caribbean Sea 100-102
Swaziland, Land of a Single Culture 103-105

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.6.6: Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.

Passage Pages
Prison Reform at Eastern State Penitentiary 31-33
A Giant Leap for Mankind 46-48
Executed for Espionage 49-51
Destroying Ecosystems 55-57
Dorothea Dix, Champion for the Mentally Ill 67-69
Mohandas Gandhi: A Man of Peaceful Action 73-75
Amazing Courage: Irena Sendler’s Silence 76-78
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice 79-81
Mother Teresa: Greatest Humanitarian of the Twentieth Century 82-84
At a Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Afghanistan 85-87
The Land Down Under: Australia 91-93
Bulgaria: A Balkan Nation 94-96
Jamaica, Jewel in the Caribbean Sea 100-102
Swaziland, Land of a Single Culture 103-105

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.6.7: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

Passage Pages
Without Warning: The Destruction of Pompeii 10-12
Waves that Shook the Planet: The 2004 Tsunami 28-30
Mascots in the Military 52-54
At a Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Afghanistan 85-87
The Land Down Under: Australia 91-93
The Cradle of Civilization: Iraq 97-99
Jamaica, Jewel in the Caribbean Sea 100-102
Swaziland, Land of a Single Culture 103-105

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.6.9: Compare and contrast one author's presentation of events with that of another (e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person).

Passage Pages
The Black Death 13-15
Look Out Below! Here Comes the Snow 16-18
Horror in Halifax 19-21
The Hindenburg Tragedy 22-24
Prison Reform at Eastern State Penitentiary 31-33
Civil War Battleship Crews: The First Integrated U.S. Armed Forces 34-36
A Giant Leap for Mankind 46-48
Dorothea Dix, Champion for the Mentally Ill 67-69
Mohandas Gandhi: A Man of Peaceful Action 73-75
Amazing Courage: Irena Sendler’s Silence 76-78
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice 79-81
Mother Teresa: Greatest Humanitarian of the Twentieth Century 82-84
Antarctica: A Hidden Land 88-90
Bulgaria: A Balkan Nation 94-96

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Passage Pages
Without Warning: The Destruction of Pompeii 10-12
The Black Death 13-15
Look Out Below! Here Comes the Snow 16-18
Horror in Halifax 19-21
The Hindenburg Tragedy 22-24
Space Shuttle Disasters 25-27
Waves that Shook the Planet: The 2004 Tsunami 28-30
Prison Reform at Eastern State Penitentiary 31-33
Civil War Battleship Crews: The First Integrated U.S. Armed Forces 34-36
The Birth of Radio: The “Wireless” 37-39
Henry Ford's Assembly Line 40-42
Charles Lindbergh and the First Transatlantic Flight 43-45
A Giant Leap for Mankind 46-48
Executed for Espionage 49-51
Mascots in the Military 52-54
Destroying Ecosystems 55-57
The U.S. Coast Guard 58-60
The Man Who Slept Through His Own Presidency 61-63
Scream Machines: The History of Roller Coasters 64-66
Dorothea Dix, Champion for the Mentally Ill 67-69
Thomas Edison, the Wizard of Menlo Park 70-72
Mohandas Gandhi: A Man of Peaceful Action 73-75
Amazing Courage: Irena Sendler’s Silence 76-78
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice 79-81
Mother Teresa: Greatest Humanitarian of the Twentieth Century 82-84
At a Crossroads and in the Crosshairs: Afghanistan 85-87
Antarctica: A Hidden Land 88-90
The Land Down Under: Australia 91-93
Bulgaria: A Balkan Nation 94-96
The Cradle of Civilization: Iraq 97-99
Jamaica, Jewel in the Caribbean Sea 100-102
Swaziland, Land of a Single Culture 103-105

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