Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.2: Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Shipwrecked in Antarctica | 16-18 |
Against All Odds | 19-21 |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.3: Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Shipwrecked in Antarctica | 16-18 |
Against All Odds | 19-21 |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Shipwrecked in Antarctica | 16-18 |
Against All Odds | 19-21 |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.4.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Shipwrecked in Antarctica | 16-18 |
Against All Odds | 19-21 |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.4.5: Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Shipwrecked in Antarctica | 16-18 |
Against All Odds | 19-21 |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.4.6: Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the differences in focus and the information provided.
Passage | Pages |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.4.8: Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Shipwrecked in Antarctica | 16-18 |
Against All Odds | 19-21 |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.4.7: Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.4.9: Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Passage | Pages |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.4.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Pages |
Determined to Go Home | 10-12 |
Doomed Pioneers: The Donner Party | 13-15 |
Shipwrecked in Antarctica | 16-18 |
Against All Odds | 19-21 |
“Houston, We’ve Had a Problem” | 22-24 |
Head Downhill and Follow the Water | 25-27 |
Adrift in the Pacific Ocean | 28-30 |
Chicago: Gone in a Puff of Smoke | 31-33 |
The Great White Hurricane | 34-36 |
The Triangle Shirtwaist Tragedy | 37-39 |
The Flu Pandemic of 1918 | 40-42 |
The World’s Worst Tornado | 43-45 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 | 46-48 |
The Journey that Proved Earth Was Round | 49-51 |
Wild Ride Down the Colorado River | 52-54 |
The Klondike Gold Rush | 55-57 |
The Race to the South Pole | 58-60 |
A Risky Sea Journey | 61-63 |
Conquering Mount Everest | 64-66 |
Around the World in 71 Days | 67-69 |
Anesthesia | 70-72 |
Genes | 73-75 |
Vitamins | 76-78 |
Antibiotics | 79-81 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls | 82-84 |
Qin’s Terracotta Army | 85-87 |
Egypt: One Nation on Two Continents | 88-90 |
Liberia, Named for Freedom | 91-93 |
Mexico, Land of Corn | 94-96 |
The Netherlands: Land of Windmills, Bicycles, and Tulips | 97-99 |
North Korea | 100-102 |
Nunavut, Land of the Inuit | 103-105 |
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