Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Let's Get This Day Started: Writing and Language Skills Grade 6

Let's Get This Day Started: Writing and Language Skills Grade 6

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Literature, Grade 6

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Activity Pages
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.6.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Activity Pages
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

Activity Pages
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.

Activity Pages
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.6.9: Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Activity Pages
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91

Strand - Writing Standards, Grade 6

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.6.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Interjections 23-25
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Activity Pages
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73

Production and Distribution of Writing

ELA.W.6.5: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Interjections 23-25
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Formal English 47-49
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Production and Distribution of Writing

ELA.W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Interjections 23-25
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Style and Tone 44-46
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Production and Distribution of Writing

ELA.W.6.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of three pages in a single sitting.

Activity Pages
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.6.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.6.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.6.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100

Strand - Speaking and Listening Standards, Grade 6

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Interjections 23-25
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Style and Tone 44-46
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.6.2: Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.

Activity Pages
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Style and Tone 44-46
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.6.3: Delineate a speaker's argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.

Activity Pages
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.6.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Interjections 23-25
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Style and Tone 44-46
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.6.5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.

Activity Pages
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.6.4: Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Activity Pages
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 6

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.6.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Interjections 23-25
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Style and Tone 44-46
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13

Knowledge of Language

ELA.L.6.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Interjections 23-25
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Style and Tone 44-46
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive 5-7
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Interjections 23-25
Punctuation: Commas in Nonrestrictive Elements 26-28
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Punctuation: Dashes 32-34
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Sentence Patterns 38-40
Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments 41-43
Style and Tone 44-46
Formal English 47-49
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Types of Writing: Narrative 59-61
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.6.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Activity Pages
Adverbs: Modifier Placement 17-19
Vocabulary: Abbreviated Words 62-64
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words 71-73
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.6.5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

Activity Pages
Vocabulary: Nuances in Word Meanings 74-76
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Imagery 80-82
Figurative Language: Idioms 83-85
Figurative Language: Adages and Proverbs 86-88
Figurative Language: Symbolism 89-91
Figurative Language: Personification 92-94
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97
Figurative Language: Analogies 98-100
Figurative Language: Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 101-103
Figurative Language: Hyperbole and Allusion 104-106

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 6

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Activity Pages
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.6.3: Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

Activity Pages
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Activity Pages
Adjectives: Modifier Placement 14-16
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas.

Activity Pages
Formal English 47-49
Types of Writing: Informative 56-58

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.6.6: Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.

Activity Pages
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Vocabulary: Connotations and Denotations 77-79
Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors 95-97

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.6.7: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

Activity Pages
Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive 8-10
Verbs: Conventional Use in Standard English 11-13
Conjunctions: Compound and Complex Sentences 20-22
Punctuation: Parentheses 29-31
Transition Words and Phrases 35-37
Credible Sources and Plagiarism 50-52
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 65-67
Vocabulary: Context Clues 68-70

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.6.8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.

Activity Pages
Types of Writing: Argumentative 53-55

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