Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Rigorous Reading: The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963

Rigorous Reading: The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963

English Language Arts

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 3

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.3.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Pages
Create a Book Trailer 68-69

Strand - Reading Standards: Literature, Grade 4

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.4.1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Activity Page
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.4.2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.

Activity Page
Sum It Up 12
Major Minors 16
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section III Instructions 35
Section IV Instructions 41
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.4.3: Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).

Activity Page
Sum It Up 12
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.4.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean).

Activity Page
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.4.6: Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations.

Activity Page
Another Voice 17
Section I Instructions 23
Section II Instructions 29
Section III Instructions 35
Section IV Instructions 41
Section V Instructions 46
A Limited Perspective 49
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Character Interview 66

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.4.7: Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.

Activity Pages
Create a Book Trailer 68-69

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RL.4.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4-5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Activity Page
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Strand - Reading Standards: Foundational Skills, Grade 4

Phonics and Word Recognition

ELA.RF.4.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73


ELA.RF.4.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Strand - Writing Standards, Grade 4

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
On Purpose 25
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Battle of the Bullies 31
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.4.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.4.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

Activity Page
Another Voice 17
Section I Instructions 23
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Section V Log-In 52
School Media 61
Pitching a Sequel 70

Production and Distribution of Writing

ELA.W.4.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Production and Distribution of Writing

ELA.W.4.5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 4)

Activity Pages
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.4.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.4.8: Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Section V Log-In 52
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.4.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Range of Writing

ELA.W.4.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73

Strand - Speaking and Listening Standards, Grade 4

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.4.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Activity Page
In the Beginning 24
Protecting Each Other 30
It's About Time 36
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Out of Nowhere? 51
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.4.2: Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

Activity Page
In the Beginning 24
Protecting Each Other 30
Surprise, Surprise 44
Out of Nowhere? 51
Discussing Historical Fiction 59

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.4.3: Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points.

Activity Page
Protecting Each Other 30
Surprise, Surprise 44
Out of Nowhere? 51
Discussing Historical Fiction 59

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.4.4: Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.

Activity Page
Protecting Each Other 30
Surprise, Surprise 44
Out of Nowhere? 51
A Novel Poster 64-65

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.4.5: Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.

Activity Pages
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.4.6: Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion); use formal English when appropriate to task and situation.

Activity Page
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 4

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.4.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73
Words to Know 74-75

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.4.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73
Words to Know 74-75

Knowledge of Language

ELA.L.4.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73
Words to Know 74-75

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.4.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42
Painting a Picture 43
Surprise, Surprise 44
Section IV Log-In 45
Section V Instructions 46
Who or What? 47-48
A Limited Perspective 49
The Passage of Time 50
Out of Nowhere? 51
Section V Log-In 52
Add It Up 55-57
Finding Out the Facts 58
Discussing Historical Fiction 59
Bullying 60
School Media 61
An Elemental Choice 62-63
A Novel Poster 64-65
A Character Interview 66
Acting Out 67
Create a Book Trailer 68-69
Pitching a Sequel 70
My Book Rating 71
A Persuasive Letter 72-73
Words to Know 74-75

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.4.5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

Activity Page
Judging a Book 8
Your Role as a Reader 9
Sum It Up 12
Novel Vocabulary 13
The Main Character 14
The Voice of the Novel 15
Major Minors 16
Another Voice 17
Following a Few Themes 18
Conflicts of Interest 19
Making the Mood 20
Storyboarding a Scene 21
I Predict 22
Section I Instructions 23
In the Beginning 24
On Purpose 25
School Classes 26
Ready, Aim, Fire! 27
Section I Log-In 28
Section II Instructions 29
Protecting Each Other 30
Battle of the Bullies 31
Bird on the Wire 32-33
Section II Log-In 34
Section III Instructions 35
It's About Time 36
In Our Time 37
Not So Simple 38
The Road South 39
Section III Log-In 40
Section IV Instructions 41
Two Trips 42