Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.2.2: Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
Passage | Pages |
Goodbye Bugs | 57-58 |
Tiny, Black Cow | 59-60 |
Essie and the Parrots | 61-62 |
The Rat and the Princess | 63-64 |
Slow Worm and the Quail | 65-66 |
A Pilgrim Day | 71-72 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
Passage | Pages |
Goodbye Bugs | 57-58 |
Tiny, Black Cow | 59-60 |
The Rat and the Princess | 63-64 |
Slow Worm and the Quail | 65-66 |
Jumping Jellyfish | 67-68 |
A Pilgrim Day | 71-72 |
Grandpa and the Five and Dime | 73-74 |
Crayons | 75-76 |
Toll House Cookies | 77-78 |
Missing Money | 81-82 |
Party | 83-84 |
My Hair | 89-90 |
Lights in the Shed | 91-92 |
Who’s At My House? | 93-94 |
Arnie the Ant | 101-102 |
Talking Shampoo Bottle | 103-104 |
Wishes | 105-106 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Goodbye Bugs | 57-58 |
Tiny, Black Cow | 59-60 |
Essie and the Parrots | 61-62 |
The Rat and the Princess | 63-64 |
Slow Worm and the Quail | 65-66 |
Jumping Jellyfish | 67-68 |
Sam Walks on the Moon | 69-70 |
A Pilgrim Day | 71-72 |
Grandpa and the Five and Dime | 73-74 |
Crayons | 75-76 |
Toll House Cookies | 77-78 |
Hoops | 79-80 |
Missing Money | 81-82 |
Party | 83-84 |
Skiing | 85-86 |
After School | 87-88 |
My Hair | 89-90 |
Lights in the Shed | 91-92 |
Who’s At My House? | 93-94 |
Socks | 95-96 |
The Missing Dog | 97-98 |
Look At Its Hair! | 99-100 |
Arnie the Ant | 101-102 |
Talking Shampoo Bottle | 103-104 |
Wishes | 105-106 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.2.6: Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.
Passage | Pages |
Goodbye Bugs | 57-58 |
Tiny, Black Cow | 59-60 |
The Rat and the Princess | 63-64 |
Slow Worm and the Quail | 65-66 |
Jumping Jellyfish | 67-68 |
A Pilgrim Day | 71-72 |
Grandpa and the Five and Dime | 73-74 |
Crayons | 75-76 |
Toll House Cookies | 77-78 |
Missing Money | 81-82 |
Party | 83-84 |
After School | 87-88 |
My Hair | 89-90 |
Lights in the Shed | 91-92 |
Who’s At My House? | 93-94 |
Socks | 95-96 |
The Missing Dog | 97-98 |
Arnie the Ant | 101-102 |
Talking Shampoo Bottle | 103-104 |
Wishes | 105-106 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.2.4: Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.
Passage | Pages |
Skiing | 85-86 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.2.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Pages |
Goodbye Bugs | 57-58 |
Tiny, Black Cow | 59-60 |
Essie and the Parrots | 61-62 |
The Rat and the Princess | 63-64 |
Slow Worm and the Quail | 65-66 |
Jumping Jellyfish | 67-68 |
Sam Walks on the Moon | 69-70 |
A Pilgrim Day | 71-72 |
Grandpa and the Five and Dime | 73-74 |
Crayons | 75-76 |
Toll House Cookies | 77-78 |
Hoops | 79-80 |
Missing Money | 81-82 |
Party | 83-84 |
Skiing | 85-86 |
After School | 87-88 |
My Hair | 89-90 |
Lights in the Shed | 91-92 |
Who’s At My House? | 93-94 |
Socks | 95-96 |
The Missing Dog | 97-98 |
Look At Its Hair! | 99-100 |
Arnie the Ant | 101-102 |
Talking Shampoo Bottle | 103-104 |
Wishes | 105-106 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Passage | Pages |
The Big Wave | 1-2 |
The Biggest Country | 3-4 |
Four Corners | 5-6 |
Emergency Number | 7-8 |
Floating Islands | 9-10 |
A Long Walk on a Long Wall | 11-12 |
The Smaller Lung | 13-14 |
Koalas | 15-16 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Lucky Accident | 19-20 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
How a Pot Kept Trials Short | 23-24 |
Singing Sands | 25-26 |
Cobwebs and Soldiers | 27-28 |
One-Room Schools | 29-30 |
Rich on Water | 31-32 |
The Elephant on the Bridge | 33-34 |
Googol | 35-36 |
Funny Laws | 37-38 |
Submarine Sleep | 39-40 |
Forwards and Backwards | 41-42 |
A Bank with No Money | 43-44 |
Free in Space | 45-46 |
How the Band-Aid® Came About | 47-48 |
A Horse for Legs | 49-50 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Where Did Farini Go? | 53-54 |
Across Antarctica | 55-56 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Passage | Pages |
The Big Wave | 1-2 |
The Biggest Country | 3-4 |
Four Corners | 5-6 |
Emergency Number | 7-8 |
Floating Islands | 9-10 |
A Long Walk on a Long Wall | 11-12 |
The Smaller Lung | 13-14 |
Koalas | 15-16 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Lucky Accident | 19-20 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
How a Pot Kept Trials Short | 23-24 |
Singing Sands | 25-26 |
Cobwebs and Soldiers | 27-28 |
One-Room Schools | 29-30 |
Rich on Water | 31-32 |
The Elephant on the Bridge | 33-34 |
Googol | 35-36 |
Funny Laws | 37-38 |
Submarine Sleep | 39-40 |
Forwards and Backwards | 41-42 |
A Bank with No Money | 43-44 |
Free in Space | 45-46 |
How the Band-Aid® Came About | 47-48 |
A Horse for Legs | 49-50 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Where Did Farini Go? | 53-54 |
Across Antarctica | 55-56 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.3: Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
Passage | Pages |
Floating Islands | 9-10 |
The Smaller Lung | 13-14 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Lucky Accident | 19-20 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
Singing Sands | 25-26 |
Rich on Water | 31-32 |
The Elephant on the Bridge | 33-34 |
Free in Space | 45-46 |
How the Band-Aid® Came About | 47-48 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
Passage | Pages |
The Big Wave | 1-2 |
The Biggest Country | 3-4 |
Four Corners | 5-6 |
Emergency Number | 7-8 |
Floating Islands | 9-10 |
A Long Walk on a Long Wall | 11-12 |
The Smaller Lung | 13-14 |
Koalas | 15-16 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Lucky Accident | 19-20 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
How a Pot Kept Trials Short | 23-24 |
Singing Sands | 25-26 |
Cobwebs and Soldiers | 27-28 |
One-Room Schools | 29-30 |
Rich on Water | 31-32 |
The Elephant on the Bridge | 33-34 |
Googol | 35-36 |
Funny Laws | 37-38 |
Submarine Sleep | 39-40 |
Forwards and Backwards | 41-42 |
A Bank with No Money | 43-44 |
Free in Space | 45-46 |
How the Band-Aid® Came About | 47-48 |
A Horse for Legs | 49-50 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Where Did Farini Go? | 53-54 |
Across Antarctica | 55-56 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
Passage | Pages |
The Big Wave | 1-2 |
The Biggest Country | 3-4 |
Four Corners | 5-6 |
Emergency Number | 7-8 |
Floating Islands | 9-10 |
A Long Walk on a Long Wall | 11-12 |
The Smaller Lung | 13-14 |
Koalas | 15-16 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Lucky Accident | 19-20 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
How a Pot Kept Trials Short | 23-24 |
Singing Sands | 25-26 |
Cobwebs and Soldiers | 27-28 |
One-Room Schools | 29-30 |
Rich on Water | 31-32 |
The Elephant on the Bridge | 33-34 |
Googol | 35-36 |
Funny Laws | 37-38 |
Submarine Sleep | 39-40 |
Forwards and Backwards | 41-42 |
A Bank with No Money | 43-44 |
Free in Space | 45-46 |
How the Band-Aid® Came About | 47-48 |
A Horse for Legs | 49-50 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Where Did Farini Go? | 53-54 |
Across Antarctica | 55-56 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.5: Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
Passage | Pages |
Emergency Number | 7-8 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
How a Pot Kept Trials Short | 23-24 |
Funny Laws | 37-38 |
Forwards and Backwards | 41-42 |
Free in Space | 45-46 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.2.8: Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.
Passage | Pages |
The Big Wave | 1-2 |
The Biggest Country | 3-4 |
Emergency Number | 7-8 |
The Smaller Lung | 13-14 |
Koalas | 15-16 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Lucky Accident | 19-20 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
How a Pot Kept Trials Short | 23-24 |
Singing Sands | 25-26 |
Cobwebs and Soldiers | 27-28 |
One-Room Schools | 29-30 |
Rich on Water | 31-32 |
The Elephant on the Bridge | 33-34 |
Submarine Sleep | 39-40 |
How the Band-Aid® Came About | 47-48 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Across Antarctica | 55-56 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.2.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Pages |
The Big Wave | 1-2 |
The Biggest Country | 3-4 |
Four Corners | 5-6 |
Emergency Number | 7-8 |
Floating Islands | 9-10 |
A Long Walk on a Long Wall | 11-12 |
The Smaller Lung | 13-14 |
Koalas | 15-16 |
A Plant Like Flypaper | 17-18 |
A Lucky Accident | 19-20 |
A Pretzel Bone Knot | 21-22 |
How a Pot Kept Trials Short | 23-24 |
Singing Sands | 25-26 |
Cobwebs and Soldiers | 27-28 |
One-Room Schools | 29-30 |
Rich on Water | 31-32 |
The Elephant on the Bridge | 33-34 |
Googol | 35-36 |
Funny Laws | 37-38 |
Submarine Sleep | 39-40 |
Forwards and Backwards | 41-42 |
A Bank with No Money | 43-44 |
Free in Space | 45-46 |
How the Band-Aid® Came About | 47-48 |
A Horse for Legs | 49-50 |
The Night the House Burned | 51-52 |
Where Did Farini Go? | 53-54 |
Across Antarctica | 55-56 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.