Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Power Pen Learning Cards: Reading Comprehension Grade 1

Power Pen Learning Cards: Reading Comprehension Grade 1

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Literature, Grade 1

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Passage Pages
The Farmer's Corn 57-58
Talking Trees 59-60
The Strong Princess 61-62
King Cheese 63-64
Paul Bunyan’s Dinner 65-66
Bigfoot! 67-68
The Lady with a Lamp 69-70
I Dare You 71-72
The Good Mother 73-74
Franklin’s Problem 75-76
Smokey the Bear 77-78
The Small Girl 79-80
Tamales 81-82
The Firefighter 83-84
The Bean Plant 85-86
The Stray Cat 87-88
The Computer 89-90
Going Camping 91-92
Surfer Jin 93-94
The Apple Thief 95-96
School Mice 97-98
Uncle Steve's Glasses 99-100
Sammy Seal 101-102
Big Mouth 103-104
Casey Can 105-106

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.1.2: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.

Passage Pages
The Farmer's Corn 57-58
Talking Trees 59-60
The Strong Princess 61-62
King Cheese 63-64
Paul Bunyan’s Dinner 65-66
Bigfoot! 67-68
The Lady with a Lamp 69-70
I Dare You 71-72
The Good Mother 73-74
Franklin’s Problem 75-76
Smokey the Bear 77-78
The Small Girl 79-80
Tamales 81-82
The Firefighter 83-84
The Bean Plant 85-86
The Stray Cat 87-88
The Computer 89-90
Going Camping 91-92
Surfer Jin 93-94
The Apple Thief 95-96
School Mice 97-98
Uncle Steve's Glasses 99-100
Sammy Seal 101-102
Big Mouth 103-104
Casey Can 105-106

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

Passage Pages
The Farmer's Corn 57-58
Talking Trees 59-60
The Strong Princess 61-62
King Cheese 63-64
Paul Bunyan’s Dinner 65-66
Bigfoot! 67-68
The Lady with a Lamp 69-70
I Dare You 71-72
The Good Mother 73-74
Franklin’s Problem 75-76
Smokey the Bear 77-78
The Small Girl 79-80
Tamales 81-82
The Firefighter 83-84
The Bean Plant 85-86
The Stray Cat 87-88
The Computer 89-90
Going Camping 91-92
Surfer Jin 93-94
The Apple Thief 95-96
School Mice 97-98
Uncle Steve's Glasses 99-100
Sammy Seal 101-102
Big Mouth 103-104
Casey Can 105-106

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

Passage Pages
Talking Trees 59-60
King Cheese 63-64
Paul Bunyan’s Dinner 65-66
Bigfoot! 67-68
The Lady with a Lamp 69-70
I Dare You 71-72
The Good Mother 73-74
Franklin’s Problem 75-76
The Small Girl 79-80
Tamales 81-82
Going Camping 91-92
Surfer Jin 93-94
School Mice 97-98
Sammy Seal 101-102
Big Mouth 103-104

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.1.9: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.

Passage Pages
The Strong Princess 61-62
The Lady with a Lamp 69-70
The Good Mother 73-74
Tamales 81-82
Sammy Seal 101-102
Big Mouth 103-104

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RL.1.10: With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1.

Passage Pages
The Farmer's Corn 57-58
Talking Trees 59-60
The Strong Princess 61-62
King Cheese 63-64
Paul Bunyan’s Dinner 65-66
Bigfoot! 67-68
The Lady with a Lamp 69-70
I Dare You 71-72
The Good Mother 73-74
Franklin’s Problem 75-76
Smokey the Bear 77-78
The Small Girl 79-80
Tamales 81-82
The Firefighter 83-84
The Bean Plant 85-86
The Stray Cat 87-88
The Computer 89-90
Going Camping 91-92
Surfer Jin 93-94
The Apple Thief 95-96
School Mice 97-98
Uncle Steve's Glasses 99-100
Sammy Seal 101-102
Big Mouth 103-104
Casey Can 105-106

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 1

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.1.2: Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

Passage Pages
Raining Fish 1-2
A City Without Cars 3-4
A Salt Mine 5-6
The Biggest Antique Ever Sold 7-8
A Big Food Fight 9-10
Day and Night Are the Same 11-12
The Most Bones 13-14
The Hungry Shark 15-16
Why Astronauts Sneeze 17-18
The Quiet Flyer 19-20
Impossible to Sink 21-22
Cleaning Without Soap 23-24
Left Foot, Right Foot 25-26
Why the Tree Was Scraped 27-28
Talking with Signs 29-30
The First Rubber Ball 31-32
A Secret 33-34
Seventeen Years Underground 35-36
Don't Open the Window! 37-38
A Fruit That Can’t Go on a Train 39-40
Silly Laws 41-42
Hurricane Names 43-44
What Frank Forgot 45-46
Walking to a Lesson 47-48
Gorilla Lady 49-50
From No Good to Good 51-52
Losing Eighty Times 53-54
No One Knew 55-56

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Passage Pages
Raining Fish 1-2
A City Without Cars 3-4
A Salt Mine 5-6
The Biggest Antique Ever Sold 7-8
A Big Food Fight 9-10
Day and Night Are the Same 11-12
The Most Bones 13-14
The Hungry Shark 15-16
Why Astronauts Sneeze 17-18
The Quiet Flyer 19-20
Impossible to Sink 21-22
Cleaning Without Soap 23-24
Left Foot, Right Foot 25-26
Why the Tree Was Scraped 27-28
Talking with Signs 29-30
The First Rubber Ball 31-32
A Secret 33-34
Seventeen Years Underground 35-36
Don't Open the Window! 37-38
A Fruit That Can’t Go on a Train 39-40
Silly Laws 41-42
Hurricane Names 43-44
What Frank Forgot 45-46
Walking to a Lesson 47-48
Gorilla Lady 49-50
From No Good to Good 51-52
Losing Eighty Times 53-54
No One Knew 55-56

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.1.3: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

Passage Pages
Raining Fish 1-2
The Biggest Antique Ever Sold 7-8
Day and Night Are the Same 11-12
The Most Bones 13-14
The Hungry Shark 15-16
Why Astronauts Sneeze 17-18
Cleaning Without Soap 23-24
Why the Tree Was Scraped 27-28
Talking with Signs 29-30
Seventeen Years Underground 35-36
A Fruit That Can’t Go on a Train 39-40
Hurricane Names 43-44
What Frank Forgot 45-46
Walking to a Lesson 47-48
Gorilla Lady 49-50
No One Knew 55-56

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.

Passage Pages
Raining Fish 1-2
A City Without Cars 3-4
A Salt Mine 5-6
The Biggest Antique Ever Sold 7-8
A Big Food Fight 9-10
Day and Night Are the Same 11-12
The Most Bones 13-14
The Hungry Shark 15-16
Why Astronauts Sneeze 17-18
The Quiet Flyer 19-20
Impossible to Sink 21-22
Cleaning Without Soap 23-24
Left Foot, Right Foot 25-26
Why the Tree Was Scraped 27-28
Talking with Signs 29-30
The First Rubber Ball 31-32
A Secret 33-34
Seventeen Years Underground 35-36
Don't Open the Window! 37-38
A Fruit That Can’t Go on a Train 39-40
Silly Laws 41-42
Hurricane Names 43-44
What Frank Forgot 45-46
Walking to a Lesson 47-48
Gorilla Lady 49-50
From No Good to Good 51-52
Losing Eighty Times 53-54
No One Knew 55-56

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.1.5: Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text.

Passage Pages
Raining Fish 1-2
A Salt Mine 5-6
The Biggest Antique Ever Sold 7-8
The Most Bones 13-14
Cleaning Without Soap 23-24
Left Foot, Right Foot 25-26
Why the Tree Was Scraped 27-28
Walking to a Lesson 47-48
Gorilla Lady 49-50

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.1.8: Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.

Passage Pages
Raining Fish 1-2
Day and Night Are the Same 11-12
The Most Bones 13-14
The Hungry Shark 15-16
Why Astronauts Sneeze 17-18
The Quiet Flyer 19-20
Impossible to Sink 21-22
Cleaning Without Soap 23-24
Left Foot, Right Foot 25-26
Why the Tree Was Scraped 27-28
Talking with Signs 29-30
A Secret 33-34
A Fruit That Can’t Go on a Train 39-40
What Frank Forgot 45-46
Walking to a Lesson 47-48
Gorilla Lady 49-50
From No Good to Good 51-52
Losing Eighty Times 53-54
No One Knew 55-56

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.1.10: With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.

Passage Pages
Raining Fish 1-2
A City Without Cars 3-4
A Salt Mine 5-6
The Biggest Antique Ever Sold 7-8
A Big Food Fight 9-10
Day and Night Are the Same 11-12
The Most Bones 13-14
The Hungry Shark 15-16
Why Astronauts Sneeze 17-18
The Quiet Flyer 19-20
Impossible to Sink 21-22
Cleaning Without Soap 23-24
Left Foot, Right Foot 25-26
Why the Tree Was Scraped 27-28
Talking with Signs 29-30
The First Rubber Ball 31-32
A Secret 33-34
Seventeen Years Underground 35-36
Don't Open the Window! 37-38
A Fruit That Can’t Go on a Train 39-40
Silly Laws 41-42
Hurricane Names 43-44
What Frank Forgot 45-46
Walking to a Lesson 47-48
Gorilla Lady 49-50
From No Good to Good 51-52
Losing Eighty Times 53-54
No One Knew 55-56

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