Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Activity | Page |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.5.3: Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.
Activity | Page |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Legumes | 49 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.5.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Exercise for a Healthier Life | 11-12 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.5.7: Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Local Foods | 50 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.5.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 4–5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Exercise for a Healthier Life | 11-12 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.5.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.5.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
Activity | Pages |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Legumes | 49 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Try Me! | 86 |
Healthcare Professional | 90 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.5.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.5.7: Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Local Foods | 50 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Range of Writing
ELA.W.5.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Try Me! | 86 |
Healthcare Professional | 90 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.5.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Activity | Page |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.5.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.5.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Exercise for a Healthier Life | 11-12 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.5.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships (e.g., however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition).
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Exercise for a Healthier Life | 11-12 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Activity | Pages |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Try Me! | 86 |
Healthcare Professional | 90 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Local Foods | 50 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Range of Writing
ELA.W.6.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Try Me! | 86 |
Healthcare Professional | 90 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Activity | Page |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Pages |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Exercise for a Healthier Life | 11-12 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Exercise for a Healthier Life | 11-12 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 70 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Activity | Page |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? | 54-55 |
Calories | 56 |
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar | 57-58 |
What Is Fiber? | 59 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 60 |
Sodium in Foods | 61 |
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! | 62 |
My Plate-Revised! | 63 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 64 |
Food Safety | 65 |
Sleep Is Good for Us | 66 |
Protect Your Lungs! | 67 |
Pathway to Health | 68 |
Stranger Danger | 69 |
Staying Fit | 71 |
Interval Training | 72 |
You Are a Fitness Machine! | 73 |
Fitness Survey | 74 |
Case for Fitness | 75 |
Sports | 76 |
Think Like an Athlete | 77 |
Careers in the Health Industry | 78 |
Healthy Habits Review | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 81-91 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
What Makes a Healthy Food? | 9 |
Healthy Foods Come in Groups | 10 |
Exercise for a Healthier Life | 11-12 |
Think About Fruit | 13-14 |
Growing Fruit | 15 |
Stone Fruits | 16 |
How Well Do You Know Melons? | 17 |
Dragon Fruit | 18 |
Bunches of Bananas | 19 |
Think About Vegetables | 20-21 |
Different Kinds of Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary Vegetables Crossword | 23-24 |
Peppers | 25-26 |
Vegetable Family Tree | 27 |
All Kinds of Squash | 28-29 |
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables | 30 |
Growing Vegetables in Small Places | 31 |
Think About Grains | 32 |
Corn | 33 |
Whole Grains | 34 |
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? | 35 |
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Types of Milk | 38 |
Not All Milk Comes from Cows | 39 |
Say Cheese! | 40 |
Fun with Dairy Facts | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Types of Protein | 43 |
Do You Know Your Food Animals? | 44 |
All Kinds of Nuts | 45 |
Wild About Seeds | 46 |
Fish and Shellfish Crossword | 47-48 |
Legumes | 49 |
Local Foods | 50 |
Organic Foods | 51 |
What’s in Your Food? | 52 |
Look at the Label! | 53 |
What Counts as One Serving? |