Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Healthy Habits for Healthy Kids Grade 5-up

Healthy Habits for Healthy Kids Grade 5-up

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 5

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Activity Page
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.5.3: Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.

Activity Page
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Types of Protein 43
Legumes 49
What Is Cholesterol? 60

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.5.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Exercise for a Healthier Life 11-12
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.5.7: Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Dragon Fruit 18
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Whole Grains 34
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Local Foods 50
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Stranger Danger 69
Careers in the Health Industry 78

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.5.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 4–5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Exercise for a Healthier Life 11-12
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Strand - Writing Standards, Grade 5

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.5.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Dragon Fruit 18
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Protect Your Lungs! 67
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.5.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

Activity Pages
Peppers 25-26
Types of Milk 38
Think About Protein Foods 42
Legumes 49
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Try Me! 86
Healthcare Professional 90

Production and Distribution of Writing

ELA.W.5.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Dragon Fruit 18
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Local Foods 50
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Staying Fit 71
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.5.7: Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Dragon Fruit 18
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Whole Grains 34
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Local Foods 50
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Stranger Danger 69
Careers in the Health Industry 78

Range of Writing

ELA.W.5.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91
Try Me! 86
Healthcare Professional 90

Strand - Speaking and Listening Standards, Grade 5

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.5.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Activity Page
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Dragon Fruit 18
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Whole Grains 34
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Healthy Habits Review 79

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 5

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.5.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Dragon Fruit 18
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Local Foods 50
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Staying Fit 71
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.5.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Exercise for a Healthier Life 11-12
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.5.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships (e.g., however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition).

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Exercise for a Healthier Life 11-12
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Strand - Writing Standards, Grade 6

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Dragon Fruit 18
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Protect Your Lungs! 67
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

Activity Pages
Peppers 25-26
Types of Milk 38
Think About Protein Foods 42
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Try Me! 86
Healthcare Professional 90

Production and Distribution of Writing

ELA.W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Dragon Fruit 18
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Local Foods 50
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Staying Fit 71
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.6.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Dragon Fruit 18
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Whole Grains 34
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Local Foods 50
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Stranger Danger 69
Careers in the Health Industry 78

Range of Writing

ELA.W.6.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Try Me! 86
Healthcare Professional 90

Strand - Speaking and Listening Standards, Grade 6

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Activity Page
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Dragon Fruit 18
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Whole Grains 34
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Healthy Habits Review 79

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 6

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Pages
Think About Fruit 13-14
Dragon Fruit 18
Vegetable Family Tree 27
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Local Foods 50
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Staying Fit 71
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.6.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Exercise for a Healthier Life 11-12
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Exercise for a Healthier Life 11-12
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Healthy Lifestyles 70
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 6

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Activity Page
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving? 54-55
Calories 56
Natural Sugar and Added Sugar 57-58
What Is Fiber? 59
What Is Cholesterol? 60
Sodium in Foods 61
Add More Fruits and Vegetables! 62
My Plate-Revised! 63
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health 64
Food Safety 65
Sleep Is Good for Us 66
Protect Your Lungs! 67
Pathway to Health 68
Stranger Danger 69
Staying Fit 71
Interval Training 72
You Are a Fitness Machine! 73
Fitness Survey 74
Case for Fitness 75
Sports 76
Think Like an Athlete 77
Careers in the Health Industry 78
Healthy Habits Review 79
Food and Fitness Journal 81-91

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

Activity Page
Take the Pledge 8
What Makes a Healthy Food? 9
Healthy Foods Come in Groups 10
Exercise for a Healthier Life 11-12
Think About Fruit 13-14
Growing Fruit 15
Stone Fruits 16
How Well Do You Know Melons? 17
Dragon Fruit 18
Bunches of Bananas 19
Think About Vegetables 20-21
Different Kinds of Vegetables 22
Culinary Vegetables Crossword 23-24
Peppers 25-26
Vegetable Family Tree 27
All Kinds of Squash 28-29
Leafy Greens and Dark Green Vegetables 30
Growing Vegetables in Small Places 31
Think About Grains 32
Corn 33
Whole Grains 34
What Does Gluten-Free Mean? 35
Whole Grains-Spotlight on Sorghum 36
Think About Dairy Foods 37
Types of Milk 38
Not All Milk Comes from Cows 39
Say Cheese! 40
Fun with Dairy Facts 41
Think About Protein Foods 42
Types of Protein 43
Do You Know Your Food Animals? 44
All Kinds of Nuts 45
Wild About Seeds 46
Fish and Shellfish Crossword 47-48
Legumes 49
Local Foods 50
Organic Foods 51
What’s in Your Food? 52
Look at the Label! 53
What Counts as One Serving?