Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Activity | Page |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Fish-Protein and Good Fat | 45 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Physical Fitness | 70 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.3: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
Activity | Page |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.2: Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
Activity | Page |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.3.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-12 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Fish-Protein and Good Fat | 45 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Physical Fitness | 70 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Beanbags and Relays | 72 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.3.5: Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.
Activity | Page |
Food Groups | 14 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.3.7: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
Activity | Page |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-12 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Fish-Protein and Good Fat | 45 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Physical Fitness | 70 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Beanbags and Relays | 72 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.3.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Activity | Page |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.3.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
Activity | Page |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Junk Food | 89 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.3.4: With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Junk Food | 89 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.3.7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
Activity | Page |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Let’s Talk About Water | 87 |
Junk Food | 89 |
I Am In Charge | 90 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Range of Writing
ELA.W.3.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Junk Food | 89 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.3.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Activity | Page |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Beanbags and Relays | 72 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Relay Activities | 80 |
Outdoor Activities | 81 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.3.2: Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
Activity | Page |
Beanbags and Relays | 72 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Outdoor Activities | 81 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.3.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
My Plate | 15 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Active Days | 73 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Let’s Talk About Water | 87 |
Junk Food | 89 |
I Am In Charge | 90 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Journal Entry | 92 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.3.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Activity | Page |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Active Days | 73 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Let’s Talk About Water | 87 |
Junk Food | 89 |
I Am In Charge | 90 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Journal Entry | 92 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.3.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-12 |
Steps to Healthy Eating | 13 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Fish-Protein and Good Fat | 45 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Physical Fitness | 70 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Beanbags and Relays | 72 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Let’s Talk About Water | 87 |
Junk Food | 89 |
I Am In Charge | 90 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Journal Entry | 92 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.3.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).
Activity | Page |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Active Days | 73 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Let’s Talk About Water | 87 |
Junk Food | 89 |
I Am In Charge | 90 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Journal Entry | 92 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Activity | Page |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Fish-Protein and Good Fat | 45 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Physical Fitness | 70 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.3: Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
Activity | Page |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.2: Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
Activity | Page |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.4.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-12 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Fish-Protein and Good Fat | 45 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Physical Fitness | 70 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Beanbags and Relays | 72 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.4.5: Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
Activity | Page |
Food Groups | 14 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.4.7: Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.
Activity | Page |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.4.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-12 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Fruit Seeds We Eat | 19 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
Green Is a Great Color | 28 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Two Kinds of Peppers | 30 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Types of Corn | 33 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
How Do We Get Our Milk? | 38-39 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Fish-Protein and Good Fat | 45 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Nuts About Protein | 47 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins and Minerals Chart | 49 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
How Much Is a Serving? | 61 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Dental Health | 67 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Physical Fitness | 70 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Beanbags and Relays | 72 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.4.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Activity | Page |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
Activity | Page |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Junk Food | 89 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.4.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins | 50 |
Vitamins and Minerals | 51 |
Calories Equal Energy | 52 |
What Is Junk Food? | 53 |
What Is Fiber? | 54 |
What Is Cholesterol? | 55 |
Sodium | 56 |
Sugar | 57 |
Added Sugar | 58 |
Why Water? | 59 |
Food Tips for Tip-Top Health | 60 |
Plan a Menu | 62 |
So Many Healthy Foods! | 63 |
Food Safety | 64 |
Healthy Lifestyles | 65 |
Make a “Healthy Me” Mini-Book | 66 |
Get Enough Sleep | 68 |
Physical Safety | 69 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Active Days | 73 |
Machine Movements | 74 |
Sports Field Day | 75 |
Summer Fun | 76 |
Fitness Challenge | 77 |
The World Around You | 78 |
Healthy Habits Game | 79 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 82-92 |
Being Healthy | 83 |
I Didn’t Know That! | 86 |
Junk Food | 89 |
Be Active Every Day | 91 |
Range of Writing
ELA.W.4.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Food Groups | 14 |
My Plate | 15 |
Think About Fruit | 16-17 |
How Does Fruit Grow? | 18 |
Learn About Mangoes | 20 |
Talk About Fruit | 21 |
Think About Vegetables | 22 |
Culinary or Fruit Vegetables | 23 |
Plant Parts | 24 |
Where Do Our Vegetables Grow? | 25 |
Garden to Plate | 26 |
Farm to Store | 27 |
New Vegetables | 29 |
Think About Whole Grains | 31 |
What Is a Whole Grain? | 32 |
Corn Review Word Search | 34 |
Which Foods Have Whole Grains? | 35 |
Whole Grains Every Day | 36 |
Think About Dairy Foods | 37 |
What’s the Difference? | 40 |
Eating Dairy Foods | 41 |
Think About Protein Foods | 42 |
Beef Is a Source of Protein | 43-44 |
Legumes for Protein and More! | 46 |
Making Healthy Food Choices | 48 |
Vitamins |