Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.K.2: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Squash-Vegetable or Fruit? | 25 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Oats | 37 |
Whole Grains-Corn | 38 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Where Does Milk Come From? | 42 |
Dairy Foods | 43 |
Protein Makes Us Strong | 48 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Find the Healthy Foods | 58 |
Make Healthy Choices | 59 |
Keep Food Safe | 60 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Sleep and Rest | 62 |
Teeth Need Care | 66 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.K.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-13 |
The Food We Eat | 14 |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Fruits Checklist 1 | 16 |
Fruits Checklist 2 | 17 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Fruits Are Good for Us | 22 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Squash-Vegetable or Fruit? | 25 |
Traffic Light Peppers | 26 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
Eating Orange Roots! | 29 |
Hidden Vegetables | 30 |
A Purple Vegetable | 31 |
Garden Maze | 32 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Wheat | 36 |
Whole Grains-Oats | 37 |
Whole Grains-Corn | 38 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Whole Grains-Brown Rice | 40 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Where Does Milk Come From? | 42 |
Dairy Foods | 43 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Protein | 47 |
Protein Makes Us Strong | 48 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Food Groups | 51 |
More Food Groups | 52 |
Which Group? | 53 |
Eat Healthy Foods | 54 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Find the Healthy Foods | 58 |
Make Healthy Choices | 59 |
Keep Food Safe | 60 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Sleep and Rest | 62 |
Wash Your Hands | 63 |
What Do You Use? | 64 |
If You Are Sick | 65 |
Teeth Need Care | 66 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving in Place | 69 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Healthy Actions | 71 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Move Like an Animal | 75 |
More Animal Moves | 76 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.K.3: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Activity | Page |
The Food We Eat | 14 |
Fruits Checklist 1 | 16 |
Fruits Checklist 2 | 17 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Fruits Are Good for Us | 22 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Squash-Vegetable or Fruit? | 25 |
Traffic Light Peppers | 26 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
Garden Maze | 32 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Wheat | 36 |
Whole Grains-Oats | 37 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Dairy Foods | 43 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Protein Makes Us Strong | 48 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Food Groups | 51 |
More Food Groups | 52 |
Which Group? | 53 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Find the Healthy Foods | 58 |
Make Healthy Choices | 59 |
Keep Food Safe | 60 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Sleep and Rest | 62 |
If You Are Sick | 65 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving in Place | 69 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.K.4: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-13 |
The Food We Eat | 14 |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Fruits Checklist 1 | 16 |
Fruits Checklist 2 | 17 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Fruits Are Good for Us | 22 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Squash-Vegetable or Fruit? | 25 |
Traffic Light Peppers | 26 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
Eating Orange Roots! | 29 |
Hidden Vegetables | 30 |
A Purple Vegetable | 31 |
Garden Maze | 32 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Wheat | 36 |
Whole Grains-Oats | 37 |
Whole Grains-Corn | 38 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Whole Grains-Brown Rice | 40 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Where Does Milk Come From? | 42 |
Dairy Foods | 43 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Protein | 47 |
Protein Makes Us Strong | 48 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Food Groups | 51 |
More Food Groups | 52 |
Which Group? | 53 |
Eat Healthy Foods | 54 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Find the Healthy Foods | 58 |
Make Healthy Choices | 59 |
Keep Food Safe | 60 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Sleep and Rest | 62 |
Wash Your Hands | 63 |
What Do You Use? | 64 |
If You Are Sick | 65 |
Teeth Need Care | 66 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving in Place | 69 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Healthy Actions | 71 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Move Like an Animal | 75 |
More Animal Moves | 76 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.K.7: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Activity | Pages |
Exercise of the Day | 11-13 |
The Food We Eat | 14 |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Fruits Checklist 1 | 16 |
Fruits Checklist 2 | 17 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Fruits Are Good for Us | 22 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Squash-Vegetable or Fruit? | 25 |
Traffic Light Peppers | 26 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
Eating Orange Roots! | 29 |
Hidden Vegetables | 30 |
A Purple Vegetable | 31 |
Garden Maze | 32 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Wheat | 36 |
Whole Grains-Oats | 37 |
Whole Grains-Corn | 38 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Whole Grains-Brown Rice | 40 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Where Does Milk Come From? | 42 |
Dairy Foods | 43 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Protein | 47 |
Protein Makes Us Strong | 48 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Food Groups | 51 |
More Food Groups | 52 |
Which Group? | 53 |
Eat Healthy Foods | 54 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Find the Healthy Foods | 58 |
Make Healthy Choices | 59 |
Keep Food Safe | 60 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Sleep and Rest | 62 |
Wash Your Hands | 63 |
What Do You Use? | 64 |
If You Are Sick | 65 |
Teeth Need Care | 66 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving in Place | 69 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Healthy Actions | 71 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Move Like an Animal | 75 |
More Animal Moves | 76 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.K.10: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-13 |
The Food We Eat | 14 |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Fruits Checklist 1 | 16 |
Fruits Checklist 2 | 17 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Fruits Are Good for Us | 22 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Squash-Vegetable or Fruit? | 25 |
Traffic Light Peppers | 26 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
Eating Orange Roots! | 29 |
Hidden Vegetables | 30 |
A Purple Vegetable | 31 |
Garden Maze | 32 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Wheat | 36 |
Whole Grains-Oats | 37 |
Whole Grains-Corn | 38 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Whole Grains-Brown Rice | 40 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Where Does Milk Come From? | 42 |
Dairy Foods | 43 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Protein | 47 |
Protein Makes Us Strong | 48 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Food Groups | 51 |
More Food Groups | 52 |
Which Group? | 53 |
Eat Healthy Foods | 54 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Find the Healthy Foods | 58 |
Make Healthy Choices | 59 |
Keep Food Safe | 60 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Sleep and Rest | 62 |
Wash Your Hands | 63 |
What Do You Use? | 64 |
If You Are Sick | 65 |
Teeth Need Care | 66 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving in Place | 69 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Healthy Actions | 71 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Move Like an Animal | 75 |
More Animal Moves | 76 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.K.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...).
Activity | Page |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Activity | Page |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.K.8: With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
Activity | Page |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Hidden Vegetables | 30 |
A Purple Vegetable | 31 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Protein | 47 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Eat Healthy Foods | 54 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Healthy Actions | 71 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.K.2: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-13 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving in Place | 69 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.K.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-13 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving in Place | 69 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Move Like an Animal | 75 |
More Animal Moves | 76 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Ideas for Outdoors | 78-79 |
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.SL.K.5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Activity | Page |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Traffic Light Peppers | 26 |
Hidden Vegetables | 30 |
A Purple Vegetable | 31 |
Garden Maze | 32 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Find the Healthy Foods | 58 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.SL.K.4: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Activity | Pages |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Squash-Vegetable or Fruit? | 25 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Eating Orange Roots! | 29 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Protein | 47 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Eat Healthy Foods | 54 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Healthy Actions | 71 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.K.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Fruits Grow on Vines and Bushes | 21 |
Find the Dairy Food | 44 |
My Dairy Foods | 45 |
Protein | 47 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Eat Healthy Foods | 54 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Healthy Actions | 71 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.K.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Exercise of the Day | 11-13 |
How Do We Get Our Food? | 15 |
Seeds on the Outside! | 18 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Fruits Are Good for Us | 22 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Eating Orange Roots! | 29 |
Hidden Vegetables | 30 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Where Does Milk Come From? | 42 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
More Food Groups | 52 |
Which Group? | 53 |
My Favorites | 55 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Make Your Own Music | 73 |
Move to Music | 74 |
Move Like an Animal | 75 |
More Animal Moves | 76 |
Circus Fun | 77 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.K.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
Fruits Checklist 1 | 16 |
Fruits Checklist 2 | 17 |
Same Fruit, Different Colors | 20 |
Fruits Are Good for Us | 22 |
Many Kinds of Tomatoes | 27 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
A Purple Vegetable | 31 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
The Little Red Hen | 34-35 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Where Does Milk Come From? | 42 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Foods of Every Color | 50 |
Healthy Foods Chart | 56 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Stay Healthy | 61 |
Teeth Need Care | 66 |
Stretch and Move | 68 |
Moving Every Day | 70 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.K.5: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Activity | Page |
Take the Pledge | 8 |
The Food We Eat | 14 |
Fruits Checklist 1 | 16 |
Fruits Checklist 2 | 17 |
Fruits Grow on Trees | 19 |
Vegetables Checklist 1 | 23 |
Vegetables Checklist 2 | 24 |
Leaf Vegetables | 28 |
Grains Checklist | 33 |
Whole Grains-Barley | 39 |
Dairy Checklist | 41 |
Dairy Foods | 43 |
Protein Checklist | 46 |
Nuts Are Protein, Too! | 49 |
Food Groups | 51 |
More Food Groups | 52 |
Which Group? | 53 |
Foods to Know | 57 |
Make Healthy Choices | 59 |
If You Are Sick | 65 |
Be Safe | 67 |
Playground Fun | 72 |
Food and Fitness Journal | 80-92 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.