Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Activity | Page |
Living or Nonliving? | 7 |
Where the Living Lives | 9 |
About Those Valuable Plants | 13 |
How Plants Grow | 14 |
Which Part Is Which? | 17 |
Fruit Facts | 19 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
What Are Invertebrates? | 25 |
Land Snail Lifestyle | 29 |
Getting to Know Snails | 30 |
Snail Features | 31 |
Snail Life | 32 |
Snails of the World | 34 |
You Should Like Earthworms, And Here's Why! | 35 |
Earthworm Terms | 37 |
Calling All Crayfish | 39 |
The Lives of Butterflies and Moths | 42 |
Meet the Terrible Lizards | 50 |
Dinosaur Terms | 51 |
Presenting the Vertebrates | 56 |
Animal Groups and Features | 59 |
More Animal Features | 60 |
How Animals Protect Themselves | 62 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
What Are Animal Adaptations? | 68 |
Adaptations in Nature | 71 |
Hiding in Plain Sight | 75 |
Interesting Animal Disguises | 77 |
Your Human Body | 81 |
Body Facts: True or False? | 84 |
Ecosystems and Biomes | 90 |
Biomes Around the World | 91 |
Biome Descriptions | 92 |
What Are Wetlands? | 97 |
15 Wetland Facts to Know | 100 |
What Are Grasslands? | 102 |
Grassland Facts to Think About | 103 |
What Is the Arctic Circle? | 106 |
Arctic Facts to Know | 107 |
What's the Matter? | 111 |
Water on the Water Planet | 114 |
What Is Energy? | 118 |
Sources of Energy | 119 |
Light and Reflection | 122 |
Reflecting on Light Facts | 123 |
Atoms: The Building Blocks of the World | 126 |
Atomic Facts | 128 |
Scientific Measurement | 131 |
Your Home: Earth | 139 |
The Sun: Earth's Shining Star | 144 |
The Moon: Earth's Traveling Companion | 151 |
Moon Facts | 153 |
The Inner Planets | 157 |
The Outer Planets | 163 |
Outer Planets and Moons | 164 |
Outer Planet Facts | 165 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.3: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
Activity | Page |
How Will the Plant React? | 16 |
Butterfly Life Cycle Stages | 43 |
Sources and Uses | 120 |
Comparing Measurements | 133 |
Phases of the Moon | 154 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.3.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.
Activity | Page |
These Are Living Things | 8 |
A Nonliving Puzzle | 10 |
Word Study | 12 |
How Plants Grow | 18 |
Word Study | 24 |
Scrambled Invertebrate Names | 27 |
Know Your Invertebrates | 28 |
The Truth About Earthworms | 36 |
Crayfish Features | 41 |
Unusual Caterpillar Features | 45 |
Butterfly Features | 46 |
Butterfly Bodies | 47 |
Butterfly Scrambled Features | 48 |
Word Study | 49 |
Dinosaur Names | 52 |
Word Study | 55 |
Identifying Animals and Groups | 58 |
Word Study | 61 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Who Am I? | 65 |
Identifying Animal Protections | 66 |
Recognizing Animal Protections | 67 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
Uses for Adaptations | 70 |
Adaptation Features | 72 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Adaptation Crossword | 74 |
Match the Disguises | 76 |
Working with Animal Disguises | 78 |
Animal Disguise Crossword Puzzle | 79 |
Word Study | 80 |
Human Body Systems | 82 |
Matching Human Body Systems | 83 |
Human Body Organs | 85 |
Human Senses | 86 |
Body Math | 87 |
Human Senses and Organs | 88 |
Word Study | 89 |
Scrambled Biomes | 93 |
Recognizing Biomes | 94 |
Word Study | 96 |
Recognizing Wetland Features | 98 |
Word Study | 101 |
Grassland Residents Scrambled Words | 104 |
Word Study | 105 |
Predators and Prey | 108 |
Arctic Wildlife | 109 |
Word Study | 110 |
Identifying States of Matter | 112 |
States of Matter Fill-in-the-Blanks | 113 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Identifying Water Terms | 116 |
Word Study | 117 |
Types of Energy | 121 |
Recognizing Light Terms | 124 |
Scrambled Light Words | 125 |
Atomic Crossword Puzzle | 129 |
Word Study | 130 |
Measuring in Metrics | 132 |
Choosing the Metric Unit | 134 |
Using the Correct Metric Unit of Weight | 135 |
Measurement in the Classroom | 136 |
More Measurements to Compare | 137 |
Word Study | 138 |
Air and Water Features | 140 |
Earth Features | 141 |
Scrambled Earth Features | 142 |
Word Study | 143 |
Sun Features | 145 |
Sun Facts on File | 146 |
Sun Crossword | 149 |
Word Study | 150 |
Moon Terms | 152 |
Moon Terms | 155 |
Word Study | 156 |
Inner Planet Terms | 159 |
Organizing the Planets | 160 |
Planets by the Numbers | 161 |
Word Study | 162 |
Word Study | 166 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.3.7: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
Activity | Page |
These Are Living Things | 8 |
A Nonliving Puzzle | 10 |
Fruit Scramble | 20 |
Fruit Match | 22 |
Identifying Invertebrates and Vertebrates | 26 |
Parts of a Caterpillar | 44 |
Grouping Animals | 57 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Atom Diagram | 127 |
The Sun Uncovered | 147 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Activity | Page |
Living or Nonliving? | 7 |
These Are Living Things | 8 |
Where the Living Lives | 9 |
A Nonliving Puzzle | 10 |
Identifying Nonliving Things | 11 |
Word Study | 12 |
About Those Valuable Plants | 13 |
How Plants Grow | 14 |
A Plant's Life Cycle | 15 |
How Will the Plant React? | 16 |
Which Part Is Which? | 17 |
How Plants Grow | 18 |
Fruit Facts | 19 |
Fruit Scramble | 20 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
Fruit Match | 22 |
What Would Happen If . . . ? | 23 |
Word Study | 24 |
What Are Invertebrates? | 25 |
Identifying Invertebrates and Vertebrates | 26 |
Scrambled Invertebrate Names | 27 |
Know Your Invertebrates | 28 |
Land Snail Lifestyle | 29 |
Getting to Know Snails | 30 |
Snail Features | 31 |
Snail Life | 32 |
Snail Math | 33 |
Snails of the World | 34 |
You Should Like Earthworms, And Here's Why! | 35 |
The Truth About Earthworms | 36 |
Earthworm Terms | 37 |
Earthworm Math | 38 |
Calling All Crayfish | 39 |
Crayfish Features | 41 |
The Lives of Butterflies and Moths | 42 |
Butterfly Life Cycle Stages | 43 |
Parts of a Caterpillar | 44 |
Unusual Caterpillar Features | 45 |
Butterfly Features | 46 |
Butterfly Bodies | 47 |
Butterfly Scrambled Features | 48 |
Word Study | 49 |
Meet the Terrible Lizards | 50 |
Dinosaur Terms | 51 |
Dinosaur Names | 52 |
Dinosaur Math | 53 |
Word Study | 55 |
Presenting the Vertebrates | 56 |
Grouping Animals | 57 |
Identifying Animals and Groups | 58 |
Animal Groups and Features | 59 |
More Animal Features | 60 |
Word Study | 61 |
How Animals Protect Themselves | 62 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
Who Am I? | 65 |
Identifying Animal Protections | 66 |
Recognizing Animal Protections | 67 |
What Are Animal Adaptations? | 68 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
Uses for Adaptations | 70 |
Adaptations in Nature | 71 |
Adaptation Features | 72 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Adaptation Crossword | 74 |
Hiding in Plain Sight | 75 |
Match the Disguises | 76 |
Interesting Animal Disguises | 77 |
Working with Animal Disguises | 78 |
Animal Disguise Crossword Puzzle | 79 |
Word Study | 80 |
Your Human Body | 81 |
Human Body Systems | 82 |
Matching Human Body Systems | 83 |
Body Facts: True or False? | 84 |
Human Body Organs | 85 |
Human Senses | 86 |
Body Math | 87 |
Human Senses and Organs | 88 |
Word Study | 89 |
Ecosystems and Biomes | 90 |
Biomes Around the World | 91 |
Biome Descriptions | 92 |
Scrambled Biomes | 93 |
Recognizing Biomes | 94 |
Making it Personal | 95 |
Word Study | 96 |
What Are Wetlands? | 97 |
Recognizing Wetland Features | 98 |
What's in the Wetlands? | 99 |
15 Wetland Facts to Know | 100 |
Word Study | 101 |
What Are Grasslands? | 102 |
Grassland Facts to Think About | 103 |
Grassland Residents Scrambled Words | 104 |
Word Study | 105 |
What Is the Arctic Circle? | 106 |
Arctic Facts to Know | 107 |
Predators and Prey | 108 |
Arctic Wildlife | 109 |
Word Study | 110 |
What's the Matter? | 111 |
Identifying States of Matter | 112 |
States of Matter Fill-in-the-Blanks | 113 |
Water on the Water Planet | 114 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Identifying Water Terms | 116 |
Word Study | 117 |
What Is Energy? | 118 |
Sources of Energy | 119 |
Sources and Uses | 120 |
Types of Energy | 121 |
Light and Reflection | 122 |
Reflecting on Light Facts | 123 |
Recognizing Light Terms | 124 |
Scrambled Light Words | 125 |
Atoms: The Building Blocks of the World | 126 |
Atom Diagram | 127 |
Atomic Facts | 128 |
Atomic Crossword Puzzle | 129 |
Word Study | 130 |
Scientific Measurement | 131 |
Measuring in Metrics | 132 |
Comparing Measurements | 133 |
Choosing the Metric Unit | 134 |
Using the Correct Metric Unit of Weight | 135 |
Measurement in the Classroom | 136 |
More Measurements to Compare | 137 |
Word Study | 138 |
Your Home: Earth | 139 |
Air and Water Features | 140 |
Earth Features | 141 |
Scrambled Earth Features | 142 |
Word Study | 143 |
The Sun: Earth's Shining Star | 144 |
Sun Features | 145 |
Sun Facts on File | 146 |
The Sun Uncovered | 147 |
Sun Math | 148 |
Sun Crossword | 149 |
Word Study | 150 |
The Moon: Earth's Traveling Companion | 151 |
Moon Terms | 152 |
Moon Facts | 153 |
Phases of the Moon | 154 |
Moon Terms | 155 |
Word Study | 156 |
The Inner Planets | 157 |
Inner Planet Facts | 158 |
Inner Planet Terms | 159 |
Organizing the Planets | 160 |
Planets by the Numbers | 161 |
Word Study | 162 |
The Outer Planets | 163 |
Outer Planets and Moons | 164 |
Outer Planet Facts | 165 |
Word Study | 166 |
ELA.RF.3.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Activity | Page |
Living or Nonliving? | 7 |
These Are Living Things | 8 |
Where the Living Lives | 9 |
A Nonliving Puzzle | 10 |
Identifying Nonliving Things | 11 |
Word Study | 12 |
About Those Valuable Plants | 13 |
How Plants Grow | 14 |
A Plant's Life Cycle | 15 |
How Will the Plant React? | 16 |
Which Part Is Which? | 17 |
How Plants Grow | 18 |
Fruit Facts | 19 |
Fruit Scramble | 20 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
Fruit Match | 22 |
What Would Happen If . . . ? | 23 |
Word Study | 24 |
What Are Invertebrates? | 25 |
Identifying Invertebrates and Vertebrates | 26 |
Scrambled Invertebrate Names | 27 |
Know Your Invertebrates | 28 |
Land Snail Lifestyle | 29 |
Getting to Know Snails | 30 |
Snail Features | 31 |
Snail Life | 32 |
Snail Math | 33 |
Snails of the World | 34 |
You Should Like Earthworms, And Here's Why! | 35 |
The Truth About Earthworms | 36 |
Earthworm Terms | 37 |
Earthworm Math | 38 |
Calling All Crayfish | 39 |
Crayfish Features | 41 |
The Lives of Butterflies and Moths | 42 |
Butterfly Life Cycle Stages | 43 |
Parts of a Caterpillar | 44 |
Unusual Caterpillar Features | 45 |
Butterfly Features | 46 |
Butterfly Bodies | 47 |
Butterfly Scrambled Features | 48 |
Word Study | 49 |
Meet the Terrible Lizards | 50 |
Dinosaur Terms | 51 |
Dinosaur Names | 52 |
Dinosaur Math | 53 |
Word Study | 55 |
Presenting the Vertebrates | 56 |
Grouping Animals | 57 |
Identifying Animals and Groups | 58 |
Animal Groups and Features | 59 |
More Animal Features | 60 |
Word Study | 61 |
How Animals Protect Themselves | 62 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
Who Am I? | 65 |
Identifying Animal Protections | 66 |
Recognizing Animal Protections | 67 |
What Are Animal Adaptations? | 68 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
Uses for Adaptations | 70 |
Adaptations in Nature | 71 |
Adaptation Features | 72 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Adaptation Crossword | 74 |
Hiding in Plain Sight | 75 |
Match the Disguises | 76 |
Interesting Animal Disguises | 77 |
Working with Animal Disguises | 78 |
Animal Disguise Crossword Puzzle | 79 |
Word Study | 80 |
Your Human Body | 81 |
Human Body Systems | 82 |
Matching Human Body Systems | 83 |
Body Facts: True or False? | 84 |
Human Body Organs | 85 |
Human Senses | 86 |
Body Math | 87 |
Human Senses and Organs | 88 |
Word Study | 89 |
Ecosystems and Biomes | 90 |
Biomes Around the World | 91 |
Biome Descriptions | 92 |
Scrambled Biomes | 93 |
Recognizing Biomes | 94 |
Making it Personal | 95 |
Word Study | 96 |
What Are Wetlands? | 97 |
Recognizing Wetland Features | 98 |
What's in the Wetlands? | 99 |
15 Wetland Facts to Know | 100 |
Word Study | 101 |
What Are Grasslands? | 102 |
Grassland Facts to Think About | 103 |
Grassland Residents Scrambled Words | 104 |
Word Study | 105 |
What Is the Arctic Circle? | 106 |
Arctic Facts to Know | 107 |
Predators and Prey | 108 |
Arctic Wildlife | 109 |
Word Study | 110 |
What's the Matter? | 111 |
Identifying States of Matter | 112 |
States of Matter Fill-in-the-Blanks | 113 |
Water on the Water Planet | 114 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Identifying Water Terms | 116 |
Word Study | 117 |
What Is Energy? | 118 |
Sources of Energy | 119 |
Sources and Uses | 120 |
Types of Energy | 121 |
Light and Reflection | 122 |
Reflecting on Light Facts | 123 |
Recognizing Light Terms | 124 |
Scrambled Light Words | 125 |
Atoms: The Building Blocks of the World | 126 |
Atom Diagram | 127 |
Atomic Facts | 128 |
Atomic Crossword Puzzle | 129 |
Word Study | 130 |
Scientific Measurement | 131 |
Measuring in Metrics | 132 |
Comparing Measurements | 133 |
Choosing the Metric Unit | 134 |
Using the Correct Metric Unit of Weight | 135 |
Measurement in the Classroom | 136 |
More Measurements to Compare | 137 |
Word Study | 138 |
Your Home: Earth | 139 |
Air and Water Features | 140 |
Earth Features | 141 |
Scrambled Earth Features | 142 |
Word Study | 143 |
The Sun: Earth's Shining Star | 144 |
Sun Features | 145 |
The Sun Uncovered | 147 |
Sun Math | 148 |
Sun Crossword | 149 |
Word Study | 150 |
The Moon: Earth's Traveling Companion | 151 |
Moon Terms | 152 |
Moon Facts | 153 |
Phases of the Moon | 154 |
Moon Terms | 155 |
Word Study | 156 |
The Inner Planets | 157 |
Inner Planet Facts | 158 |
Inner Planet Terms | 159 |
Organizing the Planets | 160 |
Planets by the Numbers | 161 |
Word Study | 162 |
The Outer Planets | 163 |
Outer Planets and Moons | 164 |
Outer Planet Facts | 165 |
Word Study | 166 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.3.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
Activity | Page |
Identifying Nonliving Things | 11 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
What Would Happen If . . . ? | 23 |
Butterfly Scrambled Features | 48 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Making it Personal | 95 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Inner Planet Facts | 158 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.3.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Activity | Page |
Identifying Nonliving Things | 11 |
Which Part Is Which? | 17 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
What Would Happen If . . . ? | 23 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Making it Personal | 95 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.3.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Page |
A Nonliving Puzzle | 10 |
Identifying Nonliving Things | 11 |
Word Study | 12 |
How Plants Grow | 14 |
A Plant's Life Cycle | 15 |
How Will the Plant React? | 16 |
Which Part Is Which? | 17 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
What Would Happen If . . . ? | 23 |
Word Study | 24 |
Identifying Invertebrates and Vertebrates | 26 |
Know Your Invertebrates | 28 |
Getting to Know Snails | 30 |
Snail Features | 31 |
Snail Life | 32 |
The Truth About Earthworms | 36 |
Earthworm Terms | 37 |
Butterfly Life Cycle Stages | 43 |
Parts of a Caterpillar | 44 |
Word Study | 49 |
Dinosaur Terms | 51 |
Word Study | 55 |
Word Study | 61 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
Adaptations in Nature | 71 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Interesting Animal Disguises | 77 |
Working with Animal Disguises | 78 |
Word Study | 80 |
Matching Human Body Systems | 83 |
Human Body Organs | 85 |
Human Senses | 86 |
Human Senses and Organs | 88 |
Word Study | 89 |
Biome Descriptions | 92 |
Word Study | 96 |
Recognizing Wetland Features | 98 |
What's in the Wetlands? | 99 |
15 Wetland Facts to Know | 100 |
Word Study | 101 |
Grassland Facts to Think About | 103 |
Word Study | 105 |
Arctic Wildlife | 109 |
Word Study | 110 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Word Study | 117 |
Sources of Energy | 119 |
Types of Energy | 121 |
Reflecting on Light Facts | 123 |
Recognizing Light Terms | 124 |
Scrambled Light Words | 125 |
Atomic Facts | 128 |
Word Study | 130 |
More Measurements to Compare | 137 |
Word Study | 138 |
Word Study | 143 |
Sun Features | 145 |
Sun Facts on File | 146 |
The Sun Uncovered | 147 |
Word Study | 150 |
Moon Facts | 153 |
Word Study | 156 |
Inner Planet Facts | 158 |
Word Study | 162 |
Outer Planets and Moons | 164 |
Word Study | 166 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.3.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Activity | Page |
A Nonliving Puzzle | 10 |
Identifying Nonliving Things | 11 |
Word Study | 12 |
How Plants Grow | 14 |
A Plant's Life Cycle | 15 |
How Will the Plant React? | 16 |
Which Part Is Which? | 17 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
What Would Happen If . . . ? | 23 |
Word Study | 24 |
Identifying Invertebrates and Vertebrates | 26 |
Know Your Invertebrates | 28 |
Getting to Know Snails | 30 |
Snail Features | 31 |
Snail Life | 32 |
The Truth About Earthworms | 36 |
Earthworm Terms | 37 |
Butterfly Life Cycle Stages | 43 |
Parts of a Caterpillar | 44 |
Word Study | 49 |
Dinosaur Terms | 51 |
Word Study | 55 |
Word Study | 61 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
Adaptations in Nature | 71 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Interesting Animal Disguises | 77 |
Working with Animal Disguises | 78 |
Word Study | 80 |
Matching Human Body Systems | 83 |
Human Body Organs | 85 |
Human Senses | 86 |
Human Senses and Organs | 88 |
Word Study | 89 |
Biome Descriptions | 92 |
Word Study | 96 |
Recognizing Wetland Features | 98 |
What's in the Wetlands? | 99 |
15 Wetland Facts to Know | 100 |
Word Study | 101 |
Grassland Facts to Think About | 103 |
Word Study | 105 |
Arctic Wildlife | 109 |
Word Study | 110 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Word Study | 117 |
Sources of Energy | 119 |
Types of Energy | 121 |
Reflecting on Light Facts | 123 |
Recognizing Light Terms | 124 |
Scrambled Light Words | 125 |
Atomic Facts | 128 |
Word Study | 130 |
More Measurements to Compare | 137 |
Word Study | 138 |
Word Study | 143 |
Sun Features | 145 |
Sun Facts on File | 146 |
The Sun Uncovered | 147 |
Word Study | 150 |
Moon Facts | 153 |
Word Study | 156 |
Inner Planet Facts | 158 |
Word Study | 162 |
Outer Planets and Moons | 164 |
Word Study | 166 |
Knowledge of Language
ELA.L.3.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Activity | Page |
Living or Nonliving? | 7 |
These Are Living Things | 8 |
Where the Living Lives | 9 |
A Nonliving Puzzle | 10 |
Identifying Nonliving Things | 11 |
Word Study | 12 |
About Those Valuable Plants | 13 |
How Plants Grow | 14 |
A Plant's Life Cycle | 15 |
How Will the Plant React? | 16 |
Which Part Is Which? | 17 |
How Plants Grow | 18 |
Fruit Facts | 19 |
Fruit Scramble | 20 |
Know Your Fruit | 21 |
Fruit Match | 22 |
What Would Happen If . . . ? | 23 |
Word Study | 24 |
What Are Invertebrates? | 25 |
Identifying Invertebrates and Vertebrates | 26 |
Scrambled Invertebrate Names | 27 |
Know Your Invertebrates | 28 |
Land Snail Lifestyle | 29 |
Getting to Know Snails | 30 |
Snail Features | 31 |
Snail Life | 32 |
Snail Math | 33 |
Snails of the World | 34 |
You Should Like Earthworms, And Here's Why! | 35 |
The Truth About Earthworms | 36 |
Earthworm Terms | 37 |
Earthworm Math | 38 |
Calling All Crayfish | 39 |
Crayfish Features | 41 |
The Lives of Butterflies and Moths | 42 |
Butterfly Life Cycle Stages | 43 |
Parts of a Caterpillar | 44 |
Unusual Caterpillar Features | 45 |
Butterfly Features | 46 |
Butterfly Bodies | 47 |
Butterfly Scrambled Features | 48 |
Word Study | 49 |
Meet the Terrible Lizards | 50 |
Dinosaur Terms | 51 |
Dinosaur Names | 52 |
Dinosaur Math | 53 |
Word Study | 55 |
Presenting the Vertebrates | 56 |
Grouping Animals | 57 |
Identifying Animals and Groups | 58 |
Animal Groups and Features | 59 |
More Animal Features | 60 |
Word Study | 61 |
How Animals Protect Themselves | 62 |
Match the Protections | 63 |
Humans or Animals? | 64 |
Who Am I? | 65 |
Identifying Animal Protections | 66 |
Recognizing Animal Protections | 67 |
What Are Animal Adaptations? | 68 |
Match the Adaptations | 69 |
Uses for Adaptations | 70 |
Adaptations in Nature | 71 |
Adaptation Features | 72 |
More Animal Adaptations | 73 |
Adaptation Crossword | 74 |
Hiding in Plain Sight | 75 |
Match the Disguises | 76 |
Interesting Animal Disguises | 77 |
Working with Animal Disguises | 78 |
Animal Disguise Crossword Puzzle | 79 |
Word Study | 80 |
Your Human Body | 81 |
Human Body Systems | 82 |
Matching Human Body Systems | 83 |
Body Facts: True or False? | 84 |
Human Body Organs | 85 |
Human Senses | 86 |
Body Math | 87 |
Human Senses and Organs | 88 |
Word Study | 89 |
Ecosystems and Biomes | 90 |
Biomes Around the World | 91 |
Biome Descriptions | 92 |
Scrambled Biomes | 93 |
Recognizing Biomes | 94 |
Making it Personal | 95 |
Word Study | 96 |
What Are Wetlands? | 97 |
Recognizing Wetland Features | 98 |
What's in the Wetlands? | 99 |
15 Wetland Facts to Know | 100 |
Word Study | 101 |
What Are Grasslands? | 102 |
Grassland Facts to Think About | 103 |
Grassland Residents Scrambled Words | 104 |
Word Study | 105 |
What Is the Arctic Circle? | 106 |
Arctic Facts to Know | 107 |
Predators and Prey | 108 |
Arctic Wildlife | 109 |
Word Study | 110 |
What's the Matter? | 111 |
Identifying States of Matter | 112 |
States of Matter Fill-in-the-Blanks | 113 |
Water on the Water Planet | 114 |
Water Forms | 115 |
Identifying Water Terms | 116 |
Word Study | 117 |
What Is Energy? | 118 |
Sources of Energy | 119 |
Sources and Uses | 120 |
Types of Energy | 121 |
Light and Reflection | 122 |
Reflecting on Light Facts | 123 |
Recognizing Light Terms | 124 |
Scrambled Light Words | 125 |
Atoms: The Building Blocks of the World | 126 |
Atom Diagram | 127 |
Atomic Facts | 128 |
Atomic Crossword Puzzle | 129 |
Word Study | 130 |
Scientific Measurement | 131 |
Measuring in Metrics | 132 |
Comparing Measurements | 133 |
Choosing the Metric Unit | 134 |
Using the Correct Metric Unit of Weight | 135 |
Measurement in the Classroom | 136 |
More Measurements to Compare | 137 |
Word Study | 138 |
Your Home: Earth | 139 |
Air and Water Features | 140 |
Earth Features | 141 |
Scrambled Earth Features | 142 |
Word Study | 143 |
The Sun: Earth's Shining Star | 144 |
Sun Features | 145 |
Sun Facts on File | 146 |
The Sun Uncovered | 147 |
Sun Math | 148 |
Sun Crossword | 149 |
Word Study | 150 |
The Moon: Earth's Traveling Companion | 151 |
Moon Terms | 152 |
Moon Facts | 153 |
Phases of the Moon | 154 |
Moon Terms | 155 |
Word Study | 156 |
The Inner Planets | 157 |
Inner Planet Facts | 158 |
Inner Planet Terms | 159 |
Organizing the Planets | 160 |
Planets by the Numbers | 161 |
Word Study | 162 |
The Outer Planets | 163 |
Outer Planets and Moons | 164 |
Outer Planet Facts | 165 |
Word Study | 166 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.3.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Page |
Living or Nonliving? | 7 |
About Those Valuable Plants | 13 |
Fruit Facts | 19 |
What Are Invertebrates? | 25 |
Land Snail Lifestyle | 29 |
Getting to Know Snails | 30 |
Snail Life | 32 |
Snails of the World | 34 |
You Should Like Earthworms, And Here's Why! | 35 |
Calling All Crayfish | 39 |
The Lives of Butterflies and Moths | 42 |
Meet the Terrible Lizards | 50 |
Presenting the Vertebrates | 56 |
How Animals Protect Themselves | 62 |
What Are Animal Adaptations? | 68 |
Hiding in Plain Sight | 75 |
Your Human Body | 81 |
Ecosystems and Biomes | 90 |
What Are Wetlands? | 97 |
What Are Grasslands? | 102 |
Grassland Facts to Think About | 103 |
What Is the Arctic Circle? | 106 |
What's the Matter? | 111 |
Water on the Water Planet | 114 |
What Is Energy? | 118 |
Sources of Energy | 119 |
Light and Reflection | 122 |
Atoms: The Building Blocks of the World | 126 |
Your Home: Earth | 139 |
The Sun: Earth's Shining Star | 144 |
Sun Facts on File | 146 |
The Moon: Earth's Traveling Companion | 151 |
Moon Facts | 153 |
The Inner Planets | 157 |
The Outer Planets | 163 |
Outer Planet Facts | 165 |
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