Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Daily Warm-Ups: Math, Grade 1

Daily Warm-Ups: Math, Grade 1


Domain - Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Grade 1

Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

Math.1.OA.A.1: Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 1 8
Warm-Up 9 12
Warm-Up 2 42
Warm-Up 4 43
Warm-Up 8 45
Warm-Up 10 46
Warm-Up 9 46
Warm-Up 12 47
Warm-Up 13 48
Warm-Up 14 48
Warm-Up 15 49
Warm-Up 18 50
Warm-Up 17 50
Warm-Up 26 54
Warm-Up 25 54
Warm-Up 28 55
Warm-Up 27 55
Warm-Up 30 56
Warm-Up 29 56
Warm-Up 32 57
Warm-Up 31 57
Warm-Up 34 58
Warm-Up 35 59
Warm-Up 38 60
Warm-Up 40 61
Warm-Up 39 61
Warm-Up 41 62
Warm-Up 42 62
Warm-Up 43 63
Warm-Up 47 65
Warm-Up 49 66
Warm-Up 54 68
Warm-Up 56 69
Warm-Up 60 71
Warm-Up 61 72
Warm-Up 1 144
Warm-Up 12 149

Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

Math.1.OA.A.2: Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 3 43
Warm-Up 4 43
Warm-Up 6 44
Warm-Up 8 45
Warm-Up 26 54
Warm-Up 46 64
Warm-Up 58 70

Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Math.1.OA.B.4: Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. For example, subtract 10 – 8 by finding the number that makes 10 when added to 8.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 1 42
Warm-Up 6 44
Warm-Up 7 45
Warm-Up 10 46
Warm-Up 9 46
Warm-Up 16 49
Warm-Up 18 50
Warm-Up 19 51
Warm-Up 20 51
Warm-Up 22 52
Warm-Up 21 52
Warm-Up 31 57
Warm-Up 34 58
Warm-Up 38 60
Warm-Up 37 60
Warm-Up 40 61
Warm-Up 39 61
Warm-Up 44 63
Warm-Up 47 65
Warm-Up 48 65
Warm-Up 51 67
Warm-Up 56 69
Warm-Up 57 70
Warm-Up 60 71
Warm-Up 62 72

Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Math.1.OA.B.3: Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12. (Associative property of addition.)

Activity Page
Warm-Up 29 56

Add and subtract within 20.

Math.1.OA.C.6: Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g., 13 – 4 = 13 – 3 – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9); using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., knowing that 8 + 4 = 12, one knows 12 – 8 = 4); and creating equivalent but easier or known sums (e.g., adding 6 + 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13).

Activity Page
Warm-Up 1 8
Warm-Up 62 38
Warm-Up 1 42
Warm-Up 3 43
Warm-Up 5 44
Warm-Up 12 47

Add and subtract within 20.

Math.1.OA.C.5: Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to add 2).

Activity Page
Warm-Up 8 11
Warm-Up 17 16
Warm-Up 23 19
Warm-Up 26 20
Warm-Up 28 21
Warm-Up 30 22
Warm-Up 33 24
Warm-Up 60 37
Warm-Up 11 47
Warm-Up 20 51
Warm-Up 22 52
Warm-Up 36 59
Warm-Up 45 64
Warm-Up 52 67
Warm-Up 51 67
Warm-Up 55 69
Warm-Up 57 70

Work with addition and subtraction equations.

Math.1.OA.D.8: Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each of the equations 8 + ? = 11, 5 = _ – 3, 6 + 6 = _.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 2 42
Warm-Up 33 58
Warm-Up 37 60
Warm-Up 53 68
Warm-Up 58 70
Warm-Up 14 150
Warm-Up 13 150
Warm-Up 20 153
Warm-Up 19 153
Warm-Up 21 154
Warm-Up 22 154
Warm-Up 23 155
Warm-Up 25 156
Warm-Up 28 157
Warm-Up 30 158
Warm-Up 34 160
Warm-Up 36 161
Warm-Up 37 162
Warm-Up 42 164
Warm-Up 44 165
Warm-Up 46 166
Warm-Up 53 170
Warm-Up 56 171
Warm-Up 57 172
Warm-Up 58 172

Work with addition and subtraction equations.

Math.1.OA.D.7: Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true and which are false? 6 = 6, 7 = 8 – 1, 5 + 2 = 2 + 5, 4 + 1 = 5 + 2.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 11 47
Warm-Up 19 51
Warm-Up 21 52
Warm-Up 23 53
Warm-Up 36 59
Warm-Up 44 63
Warm-Up 45 64
Warm-Up 53 68
Warm-Up 55 69
Warm-Up 61 72
Warm-Up 9 148
Warm-Up 11 149
Warm-Up 13 150
Warm-Up 14 150
Warm-Up 15 151
Warm-Up 20 153
Warm-Up 19 153
Warm-Up 21 154
Warm-Up 22 154
Warm-Up 23 155
Warm-Up 24 155
Warm-Up 25 156
Warm-Up 34 160
Warm-Up 36 161
Warm-Up 37 162
Warm-Up 42 164
Warm-Up 41 164
Warm-Up 44 165
Warm-Up 47 167
Warm-Up 49 168
Warm-Up 56 171
Warm-Up 58 172
Warm-Up 57 172
Warm-Up 62 174

Domain - Measurement and Data, Grade 1

Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.

Math.1.MD.A.1: Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 19 17
Warm-Up 1 76
Warm-Up 3 77
Warm-Up 4 77
Warm-Up 14 82
Warm-Up 17 84
Warm-Up 27 89
Warm-Up 45 98

Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.

Math.1.MD.A.2: Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 7 79
Warm-Up 9 80
Warm-Up 11 81
Warm-Up 12 81
Warm-Up 19 85
Warm-Up 20 85
Warm-Up 31 91
Warm-Up 39 95
Warm-Up 47 99
Warm-Up 50 100
Warm-Up 51 101
Warm-Up 58 104
Warm-Up 60 105

Tell and write time.

Math.1.MD.B.3: Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 1 76
Warm-Up 4 77
Warm-Up 5 78
Warm-Up 7 79
Warm-Up 9 80
Warm-Up 11 81
Warm-Up 13 82
Warm-Up 23 87
Warm-Up 25 88
Warm-Up 27 89
Warm-Up 29 90
Warm-Up 37 94
Warm-Up 41 96
Warm-Up 44 97
Warm-Up 53 102
Warm-Up 54 102
Warm-Up 61 106

Represent and interpret data.

Math.1.MD.C.4: Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 31 23
Warm-Up 33 24
Warm-Up 35 25
Warm-Up 39 27
Warm-Up 40 27
Warm-Up 58 104
Warm-Up 2 110
Warm-Up 4 111
Warm-Up 5 112
Warm-Up 6 112
Warm-Up 7 113
Warm-Up 8 113
Warm-Up 9 114
Warm-Up 10 114
Warm-Up 12 115
Warm-Up 14 116
Warm-Up 15 117
Warm-Up 16 117
Warm-Up 18 118
Warm-Up 17 118
Warm-Up 19 119
Warm-Up 20 119
Warm-Up 23 121
Warm-Up 24 121
Warm-Up 26 122
Warm-Up 28 123
Warm-Up 27 123
Warm-Up 30 124
Warm-Up 31 125
Warm-Up 32 125
Warm-Up 34 126
Warm-Up 33 126
Warm-Up 36 127
Warm-Up 37 128
Warm-Up 38 128
Warm-Up 39 129
Warm-Up 40 129
Warm-Up 42 130
Warm-Up 45 132
Warm-Up 46 132
Warm-Up 48 133
Warm-Up 50 134
Warm-Up 52 135
Warm-Up 53 136
Warm-Up 54 136
Warm-Up 56 137
Warm-Up 58 138
Warm-Up 57 138
Warm-Up 59 139
Warm-Up 60 139
Warm-Up 61 140
Warm-Up 62 140

Domain - Geometry, Grade 1

Reason with shapes and their attributes.

Math.1.G.A.3: Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 12 13
Warm-Up 16 15
Warm-Up 22 18
Warm-Up 25 20
Warm-Up 29 22
Warm-Up 32 23
Warm-Up 43 29
Warm-Up 46 30
Warm-Up 51 33
Warm-Up 53 34
Warm-Up 2 76
Warm-Up 34 92
Warm-Up 41 96
Warm-Up 62 106
Warm-Up 61 106

Reason with shapes and their attributes.

Math.1.G.A.1: Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to possess defining attributes.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 2 76
Warm-Up 5 78
Warm-Up 6 78
Warm-Up 10 80
Warm-Up 16 83
Warm-Up 22 86
Warm-Up 21 86
Warm-Up 23 87
Warm-Up 24 87
Warm-Up 26 88
Warm-Up 28 89
Warm-Up 30 90
Warm-Up 32 91
Warm-Up 34 92
Warm-Up 33 92
Warm-Up 36 93
Warm-Up 35 93
Warm-Up 37 94
Warm-Up 39 95
Warm-Up 42 96
Warm-Up 46 98
Warm-Up 45 98
Warm-Up 49 100
Warm-Up 51 101
Warm-Up 52 101
Warm-Up 57 104

Reason with shapes and their attributes.

Math.1.G.A.2: Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from the composite shape.Students do not need to learn formal names such as "right rectangular prism."

Activity Page
Warm-Up 8 79
Warm-Up 10 80
Warm-Up 38 94
Warm-Up 40 95
Warm-Up 43 97
Warm-Up 54 102
Warm-Up 57 104
Warm-Up 60 105

Domain - Number and Operations in Base Ten, Grade 1

Extend the counting sequence.

Math.1.NBT.A.1: Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 2 8
Warm-Up 4 9
Warm-Up 5 10
Warm-Up 7 11
Warm-Up 8 11
Warm-Up 10 12
Warm-Up 14 14
Warm-Up 17 16
Warm-Up 20 17
Warm-Up 26 20
Warm-Up 25 20
Warm-Up 28 21
Warm-Up 27 21
Warm-Up 29 22
Warm-Up 45 30
Warm-Up 46 30
Warm-Up 48 31
Warm-Up 51 33
Warm-Up 52 33
Warm-Up 53 34
Warm-Up 56 35
Warm-Up 55 35
Warm-Up 58 36
Warm-Up 59 37

Understand place value.

Math.1.NBT.B.2: Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as special cases:

Activity Page
Warm-Up 1 8
Warm-Up 2 8
Warm-Up 4 9
Warm-Up 10 12
Warm-Up 16 15
Warm-Up 15 15
Warm-Up 20 17
Warm-Up 24 19
Warm-Up 37 26
Warm-Up 41 28
Warm-Up 42 28
Warm-Up 44 29
Warm-Up 47 31
Warm-Up 49 32
Warm-Up 52 33
Warm-Up 56 35
Warm-Up 60 37
Warm-Up 61 38

Understand place value.

Math.1.NBT.B.3: Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 3 9
Warm-Up 5 10
Warm-Up 10 12
Warm-Up 11 13
Warm-Up 12 13
Warm-Up 13 14
Warm-Up 15 15
Warm-Up 18 16
Warm-Up 19 17
Warm-Up 34 24
Warm-Up 35 25
Warm-Up 36 25
Warm-Up 38 26
Warm-Up 39 27
Warm-Up 42 28
Warm-Up 44 29
Warm-Up 50 32
Warm-Up 49 32
Warm-Up 51 33
Warm-Up 53 34
Warm-Up 55 35
Warm-Up 59 37
Warm-Up 13 48

Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.

Math.1.NBT.C.5: Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the number, without having to count; explain the reasoning used.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 5 10
Warm-Up 62 38
Warm-Up 6 146

Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.

Math.1.NBT.C.4: Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.

Activity Page
Warm-Up 5 10
Warm-Up 15 15
Warm-Up 16 15
Warm-Up 53 34
Warm-Up 56 35
Warm-Up 60 37
Warm-Up 59 37
Warm-Up 61 38
Warm-Up 48 65
Warm-Up 50 66
Warm-Up 59 71

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