Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.7.3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot).
Passage | Page |
Bearskin | 89 |
Puss in Boots | 90 |
Felicia and the Carnations | 91 |
The Old Woman and the Doctor | 94 |
The Bear and the Travelers | 96 |
The Stag at the Pool | 97 |
Two Fables | 98 |
The Turtle and the Lizard | 100 |
The Perfect Princess | 101 |
The Miserly Farmer | 103 |
Storms of Life | 104 |
Held for Ransom | 105 |
Salvage, Anyone? | 107 |
Space Wars | 108 |
The Midnight Ride | 112 |
Bombs Away | 113 |
Penicillium | 116 |
Meeting of Two Worlds | 120 |
Change of Plans | 121 |
Climb a Mountain | 122 |
Rescue Companion | 125 |
Perfect Planets | 126 |
Restart | 127 |
Tunnel Tour | 128 |
Runaway | 130 |
Kite Competition | 132 |
A New Language | 134 |
Return of the Aunts | 135 |
From the Depths | 136 |
Green Goo | 137 |
Adventure Hike | 138 |
Reaching for the Heights | 141 |
Stranded! | 143 |
The Kraken | 145 |
State Fair | 149 |
A Deal with a Gremlin | 151 |
Northern Night | 152 |
The Storytellers | 154 |
The Cheshire Cat | 160 |
The Time Machine | 162 |
Dragon Games | 163 |
Monster Camp | 164 |
Shadows | 165 |
The Electric Touch | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.7.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Passage | Page |
Bearskin | 89 |
Puss in Boots | 90 |
The Firebird | 92 |
Prince Ricky | 93 |
The Old Woman and the Doctor | 94 |
Mercury and the Woodman | 95 |
The Bear and the Travelers | 96 |
The Stag at the Pool | 97 |
Two Fables | 98 |
Samar and the Tigers | 99 |
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Fable | 102 |
The Miserly Farmer | 103 |
Storms of Life | 104 |
Held for Ransom | 105 |
Salvage, Anyone? | 107 |
Space Wars | 108 |
Leap from the Sky | 109 |
Maria Isabella Boyd | 110 |
The Raft | 111 |
Texas Quilts | 114 |
Farewell at Independence, Missouri | 115 |
Penicillium | 116 |
Kit | 117 |
Labor for Grain | 118 |
Golf for Everyone | 119 |
Meeting of Two Worlds | 120 |
Climb a Mountain | 122 |
Friendly Ferns | 123 |
Fast Pitch | 124 |
Perfect Planets | 126 |
Tunnel Tour | 128 |
Mountains and Mushrooms | 129 |
Kite Competition | 132 |
Runner-Up | 133 |
A New Language | 134 |
Return of the Aunts | 135 |
Adventure Hike | 138 |
Security Guards | 139 |
Island of Mystery | 140 |
Surf’s Up! | 142 |
Stranded! | 143 |
Hummock Trail | 146 |
Go-Cart Adventure | 148 |
The Walking Dead? | 150 |
The Figurine | 156 |
The Statue | 159 |
Dragon Games | 163 |
Monster Camp | 164 |
The Electric Touch | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Passage | Page |
Bearskin | 89 |
Puss in Boots | 90 |
Felicia and the Carnations | 91 |
The Firebird | 92 |
Prince Ricky | 93 |
The Old Woman and the Doctor | 94 |
Mercury and the Woodman | 95 |
The Bear and the Travelers | 96 |
The Stag at the Pool | 97 |
Two Fables | 98 |
Samar and the Tigers | 99 |
The Turtle and the Lizard | 100 |
The Perfect Princess | 101 |
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Fable | 102 |
The Miserly Farmer | 103 |
Storms of Life | 104 |
Held for Ransom | 105 |
Friend or Foe | 106 |
Salvage, Anyone? | 107 |
Space Wars | 108 |
Leap from the Sky | 109 |
Maria Isabella Boyd | 110 |
The Raft | 111 |
The Midnight Ride | 112 |
Bombs Away | 113 |
Texas Quilts | 114 |
Farewell at Independence, Missouri | 115 |
Penicillium | 116 |
Kit | 117 |
Labor for Grain | 118 |
Golf for Everyone | 119 |
Meeting of Two Worlds | 120 |
Change of Plans | 121 |
Climb a Mountain | 122 |
Friendly Ferns | 123 |
Fast Pitch | 124 |
Rescue Companion | 125 |
Perfect Planets | 126 |
Restart | 127 |
Tunnel Tour | 128 |
Mountains and Mushrooms | 129 |
Runaway | 130 |
Morning Meal | 131 |
Kite Competition | 132 |
Runner-Up | 133 |
A New Language | 134 |
Return of the Aunts | 135 |
From the Depths | 136 |
Green Goo | 137 |
Adventure Hike | 138 |
Security Guards | 139 |
Island of Mystery | 140 |
Reaching for the Heights | 141 |
Surf’s Up! | 142 |
Stranded! | 143 |
The Case of the Missing Reed | 144 |
The Kraken | 145 |
Hummock Trail | 146 |
Dinner Biscuits | 147 |
Go-Cart Adventure | 148 |
State Fair | 149 |
The Walking Dead? | 150 |
A Deal with a Gremlin | 151 |
Northern Night | 152 |
Riches to Rags | 153 |
The Storytellers | 154 |
Tick Tock | 155 |
The Figurine | 156 |
A Twist of Fate | 157 |
The Gift of Sight | 158 |
The Statue | 159 |
The Cheshire Cat | 160 |
Thoughts From a Muse | 161 |
The Time Machine | 162 |
Dragon Games | 163 |
Monster Camp | 164 |
Shadows | 165 |
The Electric Touch | 166 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.7.6: Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.
Passage | Page |
Bearskin | 89 |
Felicia and the Carnations | 91 |
Prince Ricky | 93 |
Mercury and the Woodman | 95 |
Two Fables | 98 |
The Turtle and the Lizard | 100 |
The Perfect Princess | 101 |
The Miserly Farmer | 103 |
Storms of Life | 104 |
Friend or Foe | 106 |
Space Wars | 108 |
The Raft | 111 |
Kit | 117 |
Meeting of Two Worlds | 120 |
Friendly Ferns | 123 |
Fast Pitch | 124 |
Restart | 127 |
Mountains and Mushrooms | 129 |
Security Guards | 139 |
The Storytellers | 154 |
Tick Tock | 155 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.7.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
Passage | Page |
Bearskin | 89 |
Puss in Boots | 90 |
Felicia and the Carnations | 91 |
The Firebird | 92 |
Prince Ricky | 93 |
The Old Woman and the Doctor | 94 |
Mercury and the Woodman | 95 |
The Bear and the Travelers | 96 |
The Stag at the Pool | 97 |
Two Fables | 98 |
Samar and the Tigers | 99 |
The Turtle and the Lizard | 100 |
The Perfect Princess | 101 |
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Fable | 102 |
The Miserly Farmer | 103 |
Storms of Life | 104 |
Held for Ransom | 105 |
Friend or Foe | 106 |
Salvage, Anyone? | 107 |
Space Wars | 108 |
Leap from the Sky | 109 |
Maria Isabella Boyd | 110 |
The Raft | 111 |
The Midnight Ride | 112 |
Bombs Away | 113 |
Texas Quilts | 114 |
Farewell at Independence, Missouri | 115 |
Penicillium | 116 |
Kit | 117 |
Labor for Grain | 118 |
Golf for Everyone | 119 |
Meeting of Two Worlds | 120 |
Change of Plans | 121 |
Climb a Mountain | 122 |
Friendly Ferns | 123 |
Fast Pitch | 124 |
Rescue Companion | 125 |
Perfect Planets | 126 |
Restart | 127 |
Tunnel Tour | 128 |
Mountains and Mushrooms | 129 |
Runaway | 130 |
Morning Meal | 131 |
Kite Competition | 132 |
Runner-Up | 133 |
A New Language | 134 |
Return of the Aunts | 135 |
From the Depths | 136 |
Green Goo | 137 |
Adventure Hike | 138 |
Security Guards | 139 |
Island of Mystery | 140 |
Reaching for the Heights | 141 |
Surf’s Up! | 142 |
Stranded! | 143 |
The Case of the Missing Reed | 144 |
The Kraken | 145 |
Hummock Trail | 146 |
Dinner Biscuits | 147 |
Go-Cart Adventure | 148 |
State Fair | 149 |
The Walking Dead? | 150 |
A Deal with a Gremlin | 151 |
Northern Night | 152 |
Riches to Rags | 153 |
The Storytellers | 154 |
Tick Tock | 155 |
The Figurine | 156 |
A Twist of Fate | 157 |
The Gift of Sight | 158 |
The Statue | 159 |
The Cheshire Cat | 160 |
Thoughts From a Muse | 161 |
The Time Machine | 162 |
Dragon Games | 163 |
Monster Camp | 164 |
Shadows | 165 |
The Electric Touch | 166 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.7.9: Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place, or character and a historical account of the same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter history.
Passage | Page |
Storms of Life | 104 |
Space Wars | 108 |
The Raft | 111 |
The Midnight Ride | 112 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.7.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Page |
Bearskin | 89 |
Puss in Boots | 90 |
Felicia and the Carnations | 91 |
The Firebird | 92 |
Prince Ricky | 93 |
The Old Woman and the Doctor | 94 |
Mercury and the Woodman | 95 |
The Bear and the Travelers | 96 |
The Stag at the Pool | 97 |
Two Fables | 98 |
Samar and the Tigers | 99 |
The Turtle and the Lizard | 100 |
The Perfect Princess | 101 |
The Lynx and the Hare: A Chippewa Fable | 102 |
The Miserly Farmer | 103 |
Storms of Life | 104 |
Held for Ransom | 105 |
Friend or Foe | 106 |
Salvage, Anyone? | 107 |
Space Wars | 108 |
Leap from the Sky | 109 |
Maria Isabella Boyd | 110 |
The Raft | 111 |
The Midnight Ride | 112 |
Bombs Away | 113 |
Texas Quilts | 114 |
Farewell at Independence, Missouri | 115 |
Penicillium | 116 |
Kit | 117 |
Labor for Grain | 118 |
Golf for Everyone | 119 |
Meeting of Two Worlds | 120 |
Change of Plans | 121 |
Climb a Mountain | 122 |
Friendly Ferns | 123 |
Fast Pitch | 124 |
Rescue Companion | 125 |
Perfect Planets | 126 |
Restart | 127 |
Tunnel Tour | 128 |
Mountains and Mushrooms | 129 |
Runaway | 130 |
Morning Meal | 131 |
Kite Competition | 132 |
Runner-Up | 133 |
A New Language | 134 |
Return of the Aunts | 135 |
From the Depths | 136 |
Green Goo | 137 |
Adventure Hike | 138 |
Security Guards | 139 |
Island of Mystery | 140 |
Reaching for the Heights | 141 |
Surf’s Up! | 142 |
Stranded! | 143 |
The Case of the Missing Reed | 144 |
The Kraken | 145 |
Hummock Trail | 146 |
Dinner Biscuits | 147 |
Go-Cart Adventure | 148 |
State Fair | 149 |
The Walking Dead? | 150 |
A Deal with a Gremlin | 151 |
Northern Night | 152 |
Riches to Rags | 153 |
The Storytellers | 154 |
Tick Tock | 155 |
The Figurine | 156 |
A Twist of Fate | 157 |
The Gift of Sight | 158 |
The Statue | 159 |
The Cheshire Cat | 160 |
Thoughts From a Muse | 161 |
The Time Machine | 162 |
Dragon Games | 163 |
Monster Camp | 164 |
Shadows | 165 |
The Electric Touch | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.7.2: Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Passage | Page |
A Forest Secret | 9 |
Animal Intelligence | 10 |
Long-Distance Travelers | 11 |
The Jumping Spider | 12 |
Nature’s Helicopters | 17 |
The African Generuk | 18 |
The Climbing Rodent | 20 |
Cave Dwellers | 22 |
Animals and Humans | 23 |
Sir Thomas More | 26 |
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President | 28 |
Man of Finance | 29 |
Stronger Than Steel | 30 |
The Father of Public Libraries | 33 |
Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware | 40 |
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks | 48 |
Microbursts | 56 |
The Science of Color | 60 |
Physics for Our Amusement | 64 |
Antarctic Ice Sheet | 65 |
Football for Kids | 71 |
Men on Mars? | 72 |
United States Spy Agencies | 74 |
Is Recycling Worth It? | 78 |
Virtual Learning | 86 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.7.3: Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).
Passage | Page |
A Forest Secret | 9 |
Animal Intelligence | 10 |
Long-Distance Travelers | 11 |
Swimming with the Turtles | 13 |
The Rare Dolphin | 14 |
Blue Dragons | 15 |
Pippi | 16 |
Nature’s Helicopters | 17 |
The African Generuk | 18 |
Deadly Delicacy | 19 |
Panda Ants | 21 |
Animals and Humans | 23 |
The Unknown Winston Churchill | 24 |
Lawrence of Arabia | 25 |
Sir Thomas More | 26 |
Olympic Inspiration | 27 |
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President | 28 |
Man of Finance | 29 |
Stronger Than Steel | 30 |
Just an Ordinary Guy | 31 |
Woman of Justice | 32 |
The Father of Public Libraries | 33 |
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister | 34 |
Author of Adventure | 35 |
Pelé | 36 |
Harland David Sanders | 37 |
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman | 38 |
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner | 39 |
Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware | 40 |
Animated Cartoons | 41 |
Handheld Calculators | 42 |
The Emancipation Proclamation | 43 |
Prohibition | 44 |
The Great American Dessert | 45 |
The History of Airships | 46 |
Pirates of the South China Sea | 47 |
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks | 48 |
The Louisiana Purchase | 49 |
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped | 50 |
That Phone in Your Pocket | 51 |
Livestock Reduction | 52 |
Salt of the Earth | 53 |
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind | 54 |
Braces | 55 |
Microbursts | 56 |
Invasive Plant Species | 57 |
Twins | 58 |
"Beam Me Up" | 59 |
The Science of Color | 60 |
How Are Mountains Formed? | 62 |
Telling Time Without a Clock | 63 |
Physics for Our Amusement | 64 |
Antarctic Ice Sheet | 65 |
Garbage to Good | 66 |
How We Use Corn | 68 |
International Space Station | 69 |
Football for Kids | 71 |
The Philippines | 73 |
3D Printing | 77 |
Meteorites on Earth | 80 |
Electric Cars | 81 |
Tree Climbing: Not Just for Kids | 82 |
Travel of the Future | 84 |
Virtual Learning | 86 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Passage | Page |
A Forest Secret | 9 |
Animal Intelligence | 10 |
Long-Distance Travelers | 11 |
The Jumping Spider | 12 |
Swimming with the Turtles | 13 |
The Rare Dolphin | 14 |
Blue Dragons | 15 |
Pippi | 16 |
Nature’s Helicopters | 17 |
The African Generuk | 18 |
Deadly Delicacy | 19 |
The Climbing Rodent | 20 |
Panda Ants | 21 |
Cave Dwellers | 22 |
Animals and Humans | 23 |
The Unknown Winston Churchill | 24 |
Lawrence of Arabia | 25 |
Sir Thomas More | 26 |
Olympic Inspiration | 27 |
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President | 28 |
Man of Finance | 29 |
Stronger Than Steel | 30 |
Just an Ordinary Guy | 31 |
Woman of Justice | 32 |
The Father of Public Libraries | 33 |
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister | 34 |
Author of Adventure | 35 |
Pelé | 36 |
Harland David Sanders | 37 |
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman | 38 |
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner | 39 |
Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware | 40 |
Animated Cartoons | 41 |
Handheld Calculators | 42 |
The Emancipation Proclamation | 43 |
Prohibition | 44 |
The Great American Dessert | 45 |
The History of Airships | 46 |
Pirates of the South China Sea | 47 |
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks | 48 |
The Louisiana Purchase | 49 |
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped | 50 |
That Phone in Your Pocket | 51 |
Livestock Reduction | 52 |
Salt of the Earth | 53 |
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind | 54 |
Braces | 55 |
Microbursts | 56 |
Invasive Plant Species | 57 |
Twins | 58 |
"Beam Me Up" | 59 |
The Science of Color | 60 |
Audiology | 61 |
How Are Mountains Formed? | 62 |
Telling Time Without a Clock | 63 |
Physics for Our Amusement | 64 |
Antarctic Ice Sheet | 65 |
Garbage to Good | 66 |
The Exciting Field of Engineering | 67 |
How We Use Corn | 68 |
International Space Station | 69 |
Geothermal Energy | 70 |
Football for Kids | 71 |
Men on Mars? | 72 |
The Philippines | 73 |
United States Spy Agencies | 74 |
Word of the Year | 75 |
Global Warming | 76 |
3D Printing | 77 |
Is Recycling Worth It? | 78 |
The Homework Debate | 79 |
Meteorites on Earth | 80 |
Electric Cars | 81 |
Tree Climbing: Not Just for Kids | 82 |
Weather Is a Current Event | 83 |
Travel of the Future | 84 |
The State of Hawaii | 85 |
Virtual Learning | 86 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.7.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Passage | Page |
A Forest Secret | 9 |
Animal Intelligence | 10 |
Long-Distance Travelers | 11 |
The Jumping Spider | 12 |
Swimming with the Turtles | 13 |
The Rare Dolphin | 14 |
Blue Dragons | 15 |
Pippi | 16 |
Nature’s Helicopters | 17 |
The African Generuk | 18 |
Deadly Delicacy | 19 |
The Climbing Rodent | 20 |
Panda Ants | 21 |
Cave Dwellers | 22 |
Animals and Humans | 23 |
The Unknown Winston Churchill | 24 |
Lawrence of Arabia | 25 |
Sir Thomas More | 26 |
Olympic Inspiration | 27 |
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President | 28 |
Man of Finance | 29 |
Stronger Than Steel | 30 |
Just an Ordinary Guy | 31 |
Woman of Justice | 32 |
The Father of Public Libraries | 33 |
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister | 34 |
Author of Adventure | 35 |
Pelé | 36 |
Harland David Sanders | 37 |
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman | 38 |
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner | 39 |
Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware | 40 |
Animated Cartoons | 41 |
Handheld Calculators | 42 |
The Emancipation Proclamation | 43 |
Prohibition | 44 |
The Great American Dessert | 45 |
The History of Airships | 46 |
Pirates of the South China Sea | 47 |
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks | 48 |
The Louisiana Purchase | 49 |
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped | 50 |
That Phone in Your Pocket | 51 |
Livestock Reduction | 52 |
Salt of the Earth | 53 |
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind | 54 |
Braces | 55 |
Microbursts | 56 |
Invasive Plant Species | 57 |
Twins | 58 |
"Beam Me Up" | 59 |
The Science of Color | 60 |
Audiology | 61 |
How Are Mountains Formed? | 62 |
Telling Time Without a Clock | 63 |
Physics for Our Amusement | 64 |
Antarctic Ice Sheet | 65 |
Garbage to Good | 66 |
The Exciting Field of Engineering | 67 |
How We Use Corn | 68 |
International Space Station | 69 |
Geothermal Energy | 70 |
Football for Kids | 71 |
Men on Mars? | 72 |
The Philippines | 73 |
United States Spy Agencies | 74 |
Word of the Year | 75 |
Global Warming | 76 |
3D Printing | 77 |
Is Recycling Worth It? | 78 |
The Homework Debate | 79 |
Meteorites on Earth | 80 |
Electric Cars | 81 |
Tree Climbing: Not Just for Kids | 82 |
Weather Is a Current Event | 83 |
Travel of the Future | 84 |
The State of Hawaii | 85 |
Virtual Learning | 86 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.7.5: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.
Passage | Page |
The Jumping Spider | 12 |
Swimming with the Turtles | 13 |
Blue Dragons | 15 |
Nature’s Helicopters | 17 |
Deadly Delicacy | 19 |
Panda Ants | 21 |
Animals and Humans | 23 |
Pelé | 36 |
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner | 39 |
Livestock Reduction | 52 |
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind | 54 |
Microbursts | 56 |
The Science of Color | 60 |
Audiology | 61 |
The Exciting Field of Engineering | 67 |
International Space Station | 69 |
Men on Mars? | 72 |
3D Printing | 77 |
Meteorites on Earth | 80 |
Tree Climbing: Not Just for Kids | 82 |
Weather Is a Current Event | 83 |
Travel of the Future | 84 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.7.8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claims.
Passage | Page |
Animal Intelligence | 10 |
The Jumping Spider | 12 |
The Rare Dolphin | 14 |
Nature’s Helicopters | 17 |
Panda Ants | 21 |
Cave Dwellers | 22 |
Animals and Humans | 23 |
The Unknown Winston Churchill | 24 |
Lawrence of Arabia | 25 |
Sir Thomas More | 26 |
Olympic Inspiration | 27 |
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President | 28 |
Man of Finance | 29 |
Just an Ordinary Guy | 31 |
Woman of Justice | 32 |
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister | 34 |
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman | 38 |
Animated Cartoons | 41 |
Handheld Calculators | 42 |
The Emancipation Proclamation | 43 |
Prohibition | 44 |
The Great American Dessert | 45 |
The History of Airships | 46 |
Pirates of the South China Sea | 47 |
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks | 48 |
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped | 50 |
Livestock Reduction | 52 |
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind | 54 |
Braces | 55 |
Invasive Plant Species | 57 |
Twins | 58 |
"Beam Me Up" | 59 |
The Science of Color | 60 |
Audiology | 61 |
Telling Time Without a Clock | 63 |
Garbage to Good | 66 |
The Exciting Field of Engineering | 67 |
How We Use Corn | 68 |
International Space Station | 69 |
Geothermal Energy | 70 |
Football for Kids | 71 |
Men on Mars? | 72 |
United States Spy Agencies | 74 |
Global Warming | 76 |
Is Recycling Worth It? | 78 |
The Homework Debate | 79 |
Meteorites on Earth | 80 |
Electric Cars | 81 |
Weather Is a Current Event | 83 |
Travel of the Future | 84 |
The State of Hawaii | 85 |
Virtual Learning | 86 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.7.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Page |
A Forest Secret | 9 |
Animal Intelligence | 10 |
Long-Distance Travelers | 11 |
The Jumping Spider | 12 |
Swimming with the Turtles | 13 |
The Rare Dolphin | 14 |
Blue Dragons | 15 |
Pippi | 16 |
Nature’s Helicopters | 17 |
The African Generuk | 18 |
Deadly Delicacy | 19 |
The Climbing Rodent | 20 |
Panda Ants | 21 |
Cave Dwellers | 22 |
Animals and Humans | 23 |
The Unknown Winston Churchill | 24 |
Lawrence of Arabia | 25 |
Sir Thomas More | 26 |
Olympic Inspiration | 27 |
Harry S. Truman, U.S. President | 28 |
Man of Finance | 29 |
Stronger Than Steel | 30 |
Just an Ordinary Guy | 31 |
Woman of Justice | 32 |
The Father of Public Libraries | 33 |
Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister | 34 |
Author of Adventure | 35 |
Pelé | 36 |
Harland David Sanders | 37 |
Walt Disney's Greatest Storyman | 38 |
Barbara McClintock, Nobel Prize Winner | 39 |
Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware | 40 |
Animated Cartoons | 41 |
Handheld Calculators | 42 |
The Emancipation Proclamation | 43 |
Prohibition | 44 |
The Great American Dessert | 45 |
The History of Airships | 46 |
Pirates of the South China Sea | 47 |
The Beginnings of Fountain Drinks | 48 |
The Louisiana Purchase | 49 |
Julius Caesar, Kidnapped | 50 |
That Phone in Your Pocket | 51 |
Livestock Reduction | 52 |
Salt of the Earth | 53 |
Claiming the South Pole for Mankind | 54 |
Braces | 55 |
Microbursts | 56 |
Invasive Plant Species | 57 |
Twins | 58 |
"Beam Me Up" | 59 |
The Science of Color | 60 |
Audiology | 61 |
How Are Mountains Formed? | 62 |
Telling Time Without a Clock | 63 |
Physics for Our Amusement | 64 |
Antarctic Ice Sheet | 65 |
Garbage to Good | 66 |
The Exciting Field of Engineering | 67 |
How We Use Corn | 68 |
International Space Station | 69 |
Geothermal Energy | 70 |
Football for Kids | 71 |
Men on Mars? | 72 |
The Philippines | 73 |
United States Spy Agencies | 74 |
Word of the Year | 75 |
Global Warming | 76 |
3D Printing | 77 |
Is Recycling Worth It? | 78 |
The Homework Debate | 79 |
Meteorites on Earth | 80 |
Electric Cars | 81 |
Tree Climbing: Not Just for Kids | 82 |
Weather Is a Current Event | 83 |
Travel of the Future | 84 |
The State of Hawaii | 85 |
Virtual Learning | 86 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.