Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.3: Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Activity | Page |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Activity | Page |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Gol | 42 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
An Important Event | 67 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Activity | Page |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
An Important Event | 67 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
Activity | Pages |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Gol | 42 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.6.6: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Activity | Pages |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Starting Over | 26 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.6.9: Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.
Activity | Page |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.6.5: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
Activity | Pages |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
Activity | Pages |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Activity | Page |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Starting Over | 26 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.6.3: Delineate a speaker's argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.
Activity | Page |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.6.2: Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
Activity | Page |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.SL.6.5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.
Activity | Page |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.SL.6.4: Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Activity | Page |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.SL.6.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Activity | Page |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.6.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.6.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Knowledge of Language
ELA.L.6.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |
Resolution | 25 |
Starting Over | 26 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 3 | 28 |
A Sense of Place | 29 |
The Past and the Present | 30 |
School Days | 31 |
Setting and Meaning | 32 |
Discussing Setting and Meaning | 33 |
A Deeper Understanding of Setting | 34 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 4 | 36 |
Theme Seeds | 37 |
Wisdom of Elders | 38-39 |
A New World | 40 |
Discussing a New World | 41 |
Gol | 42 |
Interactive Literature Suggestions for Unit 5 | 45 |
African Proverbs | 46-47 |
Studying Writer's Craft | 48 |
Whose Point of View? | 49 |
What's Left Unsaid | 50 |
Identifying Tone | 51 |
Form Flip | 52-53 |
Welcome to America | 55 |
Country Scrapbook | 56-57 |
Comparing a Theme | 58 |
Comparing Genre and Form | 59-60 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Rough Draft) | 61 |
Peer-Editing Checklist | 62 |
Self-Editing Checklist (Final Draft) | 63 |
Word Wall | 66 |
An Important Event | 67 |
What If? | 68 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 69 |
My Book Rating | 70 |
Character Changes | 72 |
Summarizing Stories | 73 |
Describing Settings | 74-75 |
A War Within a War | 76-77 |
Create a Novel Poster | 78 |
Conduct a Gallery Walk | 79 |
Historical Events, Fictional Accounts | 80-81 |
Transforming Form | 83 |
Sum It Up! | 84-85 |
Characterizing Cousins | 86-87 |
Getting to Know Secondary Characters | 88 |
Land of the Free | 89 |
Readers Theater | 90-91 |
Home of the Brave Posters | 92 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Activity | Page |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 1 | 9 |
Getting to Know the Characters | 10 |
Alike and Different | 11 |
Compare the Pair! | 12 |
Helping Hands | 13-14 |
A Family of Friends | 15 |
Two Tribes | 16 |
Interactive Literature Notebook Suggestions for Unit 2 | 18 |
Types of Conflict | 20 |
Taking the Conflict Further | 21 |
Plotting Problems | 22 |
Turning Points | 23 |
Talking About Turning Points | 24 |