Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Grade 4

Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Grade 4

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 4

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.4.3: Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.

Passage Pages
Trouble in the Coral Reefs 8-9
Mount Rushmore 10-11
Beaver Dams 12-13
Light 14-15
Water Is an Amazing Matter 16-17
Your Remarkable Body 18-19
Dandelions: Flowers or Food? 20-21
May the Force Be With You 22-23
The Orphan Trains 24-25
A Most Unusual Fish 26-27
A Highway in the Atlantic Ocean 28-29
The Wonderful Walrus 30-31
Blizzard! 32-33
Looking for New Ways to Make Electricity 34-35
Mummies in Ancient Egypt 36-37
To Oregon or Bust! 38-39
The Quaker Who Shook Things Up 40-41
The Viking Ships 42-43
The Generous Doctor 44-45
The Pipes that Changed America 46-47

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.4.1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Passage Pages
Trouble in the Coral Reefs 8-9
Mount Rushmore 10-11
Beaver Dams 12-13
Light 14-15
Water Is an Amazing Matter 16-17
Your Remarkable Body 18-19
Dandelions: Flowers or Food? 20-21
May the Force Be With You 22-23
The Orphan Trains 24-25
A Most Unusual Fish 26-27
A Highway in the Atlantic Ocean 28-29
The Wonderful Walrus 30-31
Blizzard! 32-33
Looking for New Ways to Make Electricity 34-35
Mummies in Ancient Egypt 36-37
To Oregon or Bust! 38-39
The Quaker Who Shook Things Up 40-41
The Viking Ships 42-43
The Generous Doctor 44-45
The Pipes that Changed America 46-47

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.4.2: Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.

Passage Pages
Trouble in the Coral Reefs 8-9
Mount Rushmore 10-11
Beaver Dams 12-13
Light 14-15
Water Is an Amazing Matter 16-17
Your Remarkable Body 18-19
Dandelions: Flowers or Food? 20-21
May the Force Be With You 22-23
The Orphan Trains 24-25
A Most Unusual Fish 26-27
A Highway in the Atlantic Ocean 28-29
The Wonderful Walrus 30-31
Blizzard! 32-33
Looking for New Ways to Make Electricity 34-35
Mummies in Ancient Egypt 36-37
To Oregon or Bust! 38-39
The Quaker Who Shook Things Up 40-41
The Viking Ships 42-43
The Generous Doctor 44-45
The Pipes that Changed America 46-47

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.4.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.

Passage Pages
Trouble in the Coral Reefs 8-9
Mount Rushmore 10-11
Beaver Dams 12-13
Light 14-15
Water Is an Amazing Matter 16-17
Your Remarkable Body 18-19
Dandelions: Flowers or Food? 20-21
May the Force Be With You 22-23
The Orphan Trains 24-25
A Most Unusual Fish 26-27
A Highway in the Atlantic Ocean 28-29
The Wonderful Walrus 30-31
Blizzard! 32-33
Looking for New Ways to Make Electricity 34-35
Mummies in Ancient Egypt 36-37
To Oregon or Bust! 38-39
The Quaker Who Shook Things Up 40-41
The Viking Ships 42-43
The Generous Doctor 44-45
The Pipes that Changed America 46-47

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.4.5: Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.

Passage Pages
Trouble in the Coral Reefs 8-9
Beaver Dams 12-13
Light 14-15
Water Is an Amazing Matter 16-17
Your Remarkable Body 18-19
Dandelions: Flowers or Food? 20-21
May the Force Be With You 22-23
The Orphan Trains 24-25
A Most Unusual Fish 26-27
A Highway in the Atlantic Ocean 28-29
Looking for New Ways to Make Electricity 34-35
Mummies in Ancient Egypt 36-37
To Oregon or Bust! 38-39
The Quaker Who Shook Things Up 40-41
The Viking Ships 42-43
The Generous Doctor 44-45

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.4.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Passage Pages
Trouble in the Coral Reefs 8-9
Mount Rushmore 10-11
Beaver Dams 12-13
Light 14-15
Water Is an Amazing Matter 16-17
Your Remarkable Body 18-19
Dandelions: Flowers or Food? 20-21
May the Force Be With You 22-23
The Orphan Trains 24-25
A Most Unusual Fish 26-27
A Highway in the Atlantic Ocean 28-29
The Wonderful Walrus 30-31
Blizzard! 32-33
Looking for New Ways to Make Electricity 34-35
Mummies in Ancient Egypt 36-37
To Oregon or Bust! 38-39
The Quaker Who Shook Things Up 40-41
The Viking Ships 42-43
The Generous Doctor 44-45
The Pipes that Changed America 46-47

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