Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.3: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
Passage | Pages |
When the Earth Shakes | 8-9 |
Your Genes | 10-11 |
Making Energy from the Moon | 12-13 |
Ocean Dwellers Disappearing | 14-15 |
Fossils Tell Us About the Past | 16-17 |
Gravity: The Invisible Force | 18-19 |
We Live On a Giant Magnet | 20-21 |
Animal Adaptations | 22-23 |
The Birds that Swim Instead of Fly | 24-25 |
Dry as a Desert | 26-27 |
The Water Below Us | 28-29 |
Turning Plastic Bottles into Benches | 30-31 |
The Dust Bowl | 32-33 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 34-35 |
America's First Nurse | 36-37 |
The Man Who Gave the First Shot | 38-39 |
A Female "Moses" | 40-41 |
The Story of the Brooklyn Bridge | 42-43 |
Horses Helped Humans | 44-45 |
Algonquin Native Americans | 46-47 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.2: Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
Passage | Pages |
When the Earth Shakes | 8-9 |
Your Genes | 10-11 |
Making Energy from the Moon | 12-13 |
Ocean Dwellers Disappearing | 14-15 |
Fossils Tell Us About the Past | 16-17 |
Gravity: The Invisible Force | 18-19 |
We Live On a Giant Magnet | 20-21 |
Animal Adaptations | 22-23 |
The Birds that Swim Instead of Fly | 24-25 |
Dry as a Desert | 26-27 |
The Water Below Us | 28-29 |
Turning Plastic Bottles into Benches | 30-31 |
The Dust Bowl | 32-33 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 34-35 |
America's First Nurse | 36-37 |
The Man Who Gave the First Shot | 38-39 |
A Female "Moses" | 40-41 |
The Story of the Brooklyn Bridge | 42-43 |
Horses Helped Humans | 44-45 |
Algonquin Native Americans | 46-47 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Passage | Pages |
When the Earth Shakes | 8-9 |
Your Genes | 10-11 |
Making Energy from the Moon | 12-13 |
Ocean Dwellers Disappearing | 14-15 |
Fossils Tell Us About the Past | 16-17 |
Gravity: The Invisible Force | 18-19 |
We Live On a Giant Magnet | 20-21 |
Animal Adaptations | 22-23 |
The Birds that Swim Instead of Fly | 24-25 |
Dry as a Desert | 26-27 |
The Water Below Us | 28-29 |
Turning Plastic Bottles into Benches | 30-31 |
The Dust Bowl | 32-33 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 34-35 |
America's First Nurse | 36-37 |
The Man Who Gave the First Shot | 38-39 |
A Female "Moses" | 40-41 |
The Story of the Brooklyn Bridge | 42-43 |
Horses Helped Humans | 44-45 |
Algonquin Native Americans | 46-47 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.3.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.
Passage | Pages |
When the Earth Shakes | 8-9 |
Your Genes | 10-11 |
Making Energy from the Moon | 12-13 |
Ocean Dwellers Disappearing | 14-15 |
Fossils Tell Us About the Past | 16-17 |
Gravity: The Invisible Force | 18-19 |
We Live On a Giant Magnet | 20-21 |
Animal Adaptations | 22-23 |
The Birds that Swim Instead of Fly | 24-25 |
Dry as a Desert | 26-27 |
The Water Below Us | 28-29 |
Turning Plastic Bottles into Benches | 30-31 |
The Dust Bowl | 32-33 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 34-35 |
America's First Nurse | 36-37 |
The Man Who Gave the First Shot | 38-39 |
A Female "Moses" | 40-41 |
The Story of the Brooklyn Bridge | 42-43 |
Horses Helped Humans | 44-45 |
Algonquin Native Americans | 46-47 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.3.8: Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text(e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence).
Passage | Pages |
Your Genes | 10-11 |
Making Energy from the Moon | 12-13 |
Ocean Dwellers Disappearing | 14-15 |
Animal Adaptations | 22-23 |
The Birds that Swim Instead of Fly | 24-25 |
Dry as a Desert | 26-27 |
The Water Below Us | 28-29 |
Turning Plastic Bottles into Benches | 30-31 |
The Dust Bowl | 32-33 |
A Female "Moses" | 40-41 |
The Story of the Brooklyn Bridge | 42-43 |
Horses Helped Humans | 44-45 |
Algonquin Native Americans | 46-47 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Passage | Pages |
When the Earth Shakes | 8-9 |
Your Genes | 10-11 |
Making Energy from the Moon | 12-13 |
Ocean Dwellers Disappearing | 14-15 |
Fossils Tell Us About the Past | 16-17 |
Gravity: The Invisible Force | 18-19 |
We Live On a Giant Magnet | 20-21 |
Animal Adaptations | 22-23 |
The Birds that Swim Instead of Fly | 24-25 |
Dry as a Desert | 26-27 |
The Water Below Us | 28-29 |
Turning Plastic Bottles into Benches | 30-31 |
The Dust Bowl | 32-33 |
The Great Barrier Reef | 34-35 |
America's First Nurse | 36-37 |
The Man Who Gave the First Shot | 38-39 |
A Female "Moses" | 40-41 |
The Story of the Brooklyn Bridge | 42-43 |
Horses Helped Humans | 44-45 |
Algonquin Native Americans | 46-47 |
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