Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.6.6: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Knowledge of Language
ELA.L.6.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Attention, Passengers" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Summer Swim Schedule" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Leader of the Pack" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "The Postcard Club" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "Mail-In Rebate" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Take the Cake!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be Prepared" | 44-45 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Attention, Passengers" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Summer Swim Schedule" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Leader of the Pack" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "The Postcard Club" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "Mail-In Rebate" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Take the Cake!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be Prepared" | 44-45 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Attention, Passengers" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Summer Swim Schedule" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Leader of the Pack" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "The Postcard Club" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "Mail-In Rebate" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Take the Cake!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be Prepared" | 44-45 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.6.5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Lost!" | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "Grandma's Birthday" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "School Reporter" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Diving In" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "A Revolutionary Secret" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "The Youngest Forty-Niner" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Attention, Passengers" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Summer Swim Schedule" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Leader of the Pack" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "The Postcard Club" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "Mail-In Rebate" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Take the Cake!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: "The Mysterious Neighbor" | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be Prepared" | 44-45 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.6.2: Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Attention, Passengers" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Summer Swim Schedule" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Leader of the Pack" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "The Postcard Club" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "Mail-In Rebate" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Take the Cake!" | 38-39 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be Prepared" | 44-45 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.6.6: Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.6.7: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 13: "Attention, Passengers" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Summer Swim Schedule" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Leader of the Pack" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "The Postcard Club" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "Mail-In Rebate" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Take the Cake!" | 38-39 |
Informational Test: "Be Prepared" | 44-45 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Protecting Nature and Ourselves" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "Missions to Mars" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "Board Games Aren't Boring" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Three of a Kind" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "Danger Is Their Business" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "The History of Pockets" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Attention, Passengers" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Summer Swim Schedule" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Leader of the Pack" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "The Postcard Club" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "Mail-In Rebate" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Take the Cake!" | 38-39 |
Nonfiction Test: "The History of the Vacuum" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be Prepared" | 44-45 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.