Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.2.7: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.2.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.2.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Phonics and Word Recognition
ELA.RF.2.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
ELA.RF.2.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Knowledge of Language
ELA.L.2.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.2.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.2.5: Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.2.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy).
Activity | Pages |
Passage 1: "Buzz Buzz | 4-5 |
Passage 2: "The Real Thing?" | 6-7 |
Passage 3: "The Great Sock Hunt" | 8-9 |
Passage 4: "Desert Living" | 10-11 |
Passage 5: "Growing Things" | 12-13 |
Passage 6: "Sign Language" | 14-15 |
Passage 7: "Crying Crocodiles" | 16-17 |
Passage 8: "A Holiday Called Hanami" | 18-19 |
Passage 9: "A Solar Eclipse" | 20-21 |
Passage 10: "Salmon" | 22-23 |
Passage 11: "A Better Light" | 24-25 |
Passage 12: "Snakes" | 26-27 |
Passage 13: "Butterfly Gardens" | 28-29 |
Passage 14: "Pumpkin Seeds" | 30-31 |
Passage 15: "Winter Fun" | 32-33 |
Passage 16: "At the Library" | 34-35 |
Passage 17: "The Hand Game" | 36-37 |
Passage 18: "Giant Bubbles!" | 38-39 |
Fiction Test: What's for Lunch? | 40-41 |
Nonfiction Test: "Foot Fishing" | 42-43 |
Informational Test: "Be a Rock Hound" | 44-45 |
Common Core State Standards and Expectations© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.