Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Building Words: Using Base Words, Prefixes and Suffixes Gr 3

Building Words: Using Base Words, Prefixes and Suffixes Gr 3

English Language Arts

Strand - Phonics and Word Recognition, Grade 3

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

ELA.RF.3.3c: Decode multi-syllable words.

Activity Page
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

ELA.RF.3.3a: Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes.

Activity Page
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

ELA.RF.3.3b: Decode words with common Latin suffixes.

Activity Page
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

ELA.RF.3.3d: Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

Activity Page
Plural Nouns Review 52

Strand - Fluency, Grade 3

Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

ELA.RF.3.4c: Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Strand - Speaking and Listening Standards, Grade 3

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.3.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Strand - Comprehension and Collaboration, Grade 3

Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on <i>grade 3 topics and texts</i>, building on others&rsquo; ideas and expressing their own clearly.

ELA.SL.3.1d: Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 3

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.3.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Strand - Conventions of Standard English, Grade 3

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

ELA.L.3.1e: Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.

Activity Page
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffixes Review 48
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

ELA.L.3.1b: Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns.

Activity Page
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

ELA.L.3.1g: Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.

Activity Page
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

ELA.L.3.2f: Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

ELA.L.3.2g: Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

ELA.L.3.2e: Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness).

Activity Page
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Strand - Vocabulary Acquisition and Use, Grade 3

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

ELA.L.3.4d: Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

ELA.L.3.4c: Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., company, companion).

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

ELA.L.3.4b: Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless, heat/preheat).

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

ELA.L.3.4a: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

ELA.L.3.5b: Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe people who are friendly or helpful).

Activity Page
Alphabetizing Words 5
Dictionary Practice 6
Base Words or Roots? 7
Make Compound Words 8
Compound Word Cards 9-10
What Is an Affix? 11
Common Prefixes List 12
Play with Prefixes 13
Prefixes: co-, com-, and con- 14
Prefix: de- 15
Prefix: dis- 16
Prefixes: em- and en- 17
Prefixes: im- and in- 18
Prefix: mis- 19
Prefixes: non- and un- 20
Prefixes: pre- and post- 21
Prefix: re- 22
Prefix: tele- 23
The Prefix Comes First 24
Add a Prefix, Make an Opposite 25
Change the Prefix, Change the Meaning 26
Same Prefixes, Different Base Words 27
Prefixes Review 28
Numerical Prefixes List 29
How Many? 30
How Many Musicians? 31
Numerical Prefixes Review 32
Common Suffixes List 33
Identify the Suffixes 34
Play with the Suffixes 35
Suffixes: -ar, -er, and -or 36
Suffixes: -d and -ed 37
Suffixes: -en and -n 38
Suffix: -ful 39
Suffix: -ing 40
Suffix: -less 41
Suffix: -ly 42
Suffix: -ment 43
Suffix: -ness 44
Suffixes: -sion and -tion 45
Changing Parts of Speech 46
Suffixes and the Silent "e" 47
Suffixes Review 48
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es to y Endings 49
Plural Suffixes: Adding -s and -es to o Endings 50
Plural Suffixes: Adding -es Endings 51
Plural Nouns Review 52
Suffixes: -er and -r 53
Suffixes: -est and -st 54
Suffixes for Comparing Review 55
Prefixes and Suffixes 56
Ways a Word Can Grow 57
Words Can Grow 58
Make a Word Game 59-61

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