Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Activity | Page |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
Says You | 29 |
A New Perspective | 30 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
Connect the Plots | 115 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Pitch the Sequel | 121 |
Acting Out | 122-123 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.3: Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Activity | Page |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
In the End | 53 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
Connect the Plots | 115 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.6.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Activity | Page |
Says You | 29 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
List of Common Themes | 74 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Choice Words | 103 |
Alike and Opposite | 104 |
Make the Case | 105 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
Connect the Plots | 115 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
Acting Out | 122-123 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Activity | Page |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
Says You | 29 |
A New Perspective | 30 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Storyboard a Scene | 48 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
A Different Genre | 69 |
Section Log-In | 70 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
List of Common Themes | 74 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Section Log-In | 100 |
My Word Wall | 102 |
Choice Words | 103 |
Alike and Opposite | 104 |
Make the Case | 105 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
Connect the Plots | 115 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
Activity | Page |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
All Together Now | 26 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
Connect the Plots | 115 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Create a Book Trailer | 124-125 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.6.6: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Activity | Page |
Says Who? | 28 |
A New Perspective | 30 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.6.7: Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they "see" and "hear" when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.
Activity | Page |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.6.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Activity | Page |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
Says You | 29 |
A New Perspective | 30 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Storyboard a Scene | 48 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
A Different Genre | 69 |
Section Log-In | 70 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
List of Common Themes | 74 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Section Log-In | 100 |
My Word Wall | 102 |
Choice Words | 103 |
Alike and Opposite | 104 |
Make the Case | 105 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
Interview a Character | 114 |
Connect the Plots | 115 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Pitch the Sequel | 121 |
Acting Out | 122-123 |
Create a Book Trailer | 124-125 |
My Book Rating | 126 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
On Location | 137 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Activity | Page |
The Reader | 11 |
Quick Take on Topics | 12 |
Judging a Book | 13 |
The Writer | 14 |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Pitch the Sequel | 121 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Activity | Page |
The Reader | 11 |
Quick Take on Topics | 12 |
Judging a Book | 13 |
The Writer | 14 |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
Says You | 29 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Storyboard a Scene | 48 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Section Log-In | 100 |
Choice Words | 103 |
Alike and Opposite | 104 |
Make the Case | 105 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Pitch the Sequel | 121 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Text Types and Purposes
ELA.W.6.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
Activity | Page |
A New Perspective | 30 |
A Different Genre | 69 |
Section Log-In | 70 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Section Log-In | 100 |
On Location | 137 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.6.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Activity | Page |
The Reader | 11 |
Quick Take on Topics | 12 |
Judging a Book | 13 |
The Writer | 14 |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
Says You | 29 |
A New Perspective | 30 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Storyboard a Scene | 48 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
A Different Genre | 69 |
Section Log-In | 70 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
List of Common Themes | 74 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Section Log-In | 100 |
My Word Wall | 102 |
Choice Words | 103 |
Alike and Opposite | 104 |
Make the Case | 105 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Pitch the Sequel | 121 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Production and Distribution of Writing
ELA.W.6.5: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
Activity | Pages |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Activity | Page |
The Reader | 11 |
Judging a Book | 13 |
The Writer | 14 |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
Says You | 29 |
A New Perspective | 30 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Storyboard a Scene | 48 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
A Different Genre | 69 |
Section Log-In | 70 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Speaking of Dialogue | 93 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
Left in Suspense | 96 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Section Log-In | 100 |
My Word Wall | 102 |
Choice Words | 103 |
Alike and Opposite | 104 |
Make the Case | 105 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Pitch the Sequel | 121 |
Create a Book Trailer | 124-125 |
My Book Rating | 126 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
On Location | 137 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
Activity | Page |
The Writer | 14 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
ELA.W.6.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
Activity | Page |
The Writer | 14 |
Says You | 29 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
A Novel Poster | 112-113 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
On Location | 137 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Range of Writing
ELA.W.6.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Activity | Page |
The Reader | 11 |
Quick Take on Topics | 12 |
Judging a Book | 13 |
The Writer | 14 |
A Dynamic Protagonist | 18 |
Major Minors | 19 |
Getting to Know a Character | 20 |
Character Study | 21 |
Highs and Lows | 22 |
Who Had What Effect? | 23 |
Mirror, Mirror | 24 |
Those Who Oppose | 25 |
All Together Now | 26 |
Acting One's Age | 27 |
Says Who? | 28 |
Says You | 29 |
A New Perspective | 30 |
More Than One | 31 |
The Lead Singer | 32 |
Comparing Voices | 33 |
Section Log-In | 34 |
The Summaries of Its Parts | 38 |
Major Plot Points | 39 |
In the Beginning | 40 |
Getting to Know a Novel | 41 |
A Quartet of Conflicts | 42 |
Tough Times | 43 |
The Structure of a Scene | 44-45 |
An Important Scene | 46-47 |
Storyboard a Scene | 48 |
Timeline of Events | 49 |
Two Tales in One | 50 |
All in Order | 51 |
I Predict | 52 |
In the End | 53 |
Facts, Opinions, & Follow-Ups | 54-56 |
Section Log-In | 57 |
Location, Location | 60 |
A Place of Meaning | 61 |
A Sense of Place | 62-63 |
Where It Begins and Ends | 64 |
Seasons and Weather | 65 |
Time Period | 66 |
The Passage of Time | 67 |
Name the Genre | 68 |
A Different Genre | 69 |
Section Log-In | 70 |
What's the Big Idea? | 73 |
List of Common Themes | 74 |
Checking In on Theme | 75 |
Theme vs. Main Idea | 76 |
A Tale of Two Chapters | 77 |
This About Covers It | 78 |
Section Log-In | 79 |
The Long and Short of It | 83 |
Form Flip | 84 |
Beginnings and Endings | 85 |
Explicit vs. Implicit | 86 |
Meanings to the Ends | 87 |
Painting a Picture | 88 |
Descriptive Discussion | 89 |
Tone vs. Mood | 90 |
Making the Mood | 91 |
So to Speak | 92 |
Oh, the Irony | 94 |
More Than Meets the Eye | 95 |
In the Past, In the Future | 97 |
Language Locator | 98-99 |
Section Log-In | 100 |
My Word Wall | 102 |
Choice Words | 103 |
Alike and Opposite | 104 |
Make the Case | 105 |
Sum It All Up | 108-109 |
A Novel Encyclopedia | 110-111 |
An Elemental Choice | 116 |
Checking It Twice | 117 |
Writing a Persuasive Letter | 118-119 |
From Page to Screen | 120 |
Pitch the Sequel | 121 |
Acting Out | 122-123 |
Create a Book Trailer | 124-125 |
My Book Rating | 126 |
Character Comparisons | 128 |
Trading Traits | 129 |
Discussing Changes | 130 |
Thanks for the Support | 131 |
We Got Plot | 132 |
A Plot Alike and Different | 133 |
Two Points of View | 134 |
Conflicting Answers | 135 |
Get Settings, Go! | 136 |
On Location | 137 |
Theme Seeds | 138 |
Section Log-In | 139 |
Comprehension and Collaboration
ELA.SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Activity |