Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Passage | Pages |
A Pace Too Slow | 9-11 |
The Bitter Bird | 13-15 |
The Counterfeit Painting | 17-19 |
From Where We're Going | 21-23 |
A Native-American Fire Tale | 25-27 |
Worth Its Weight in Gold | 29-31 |
The Charlatan | 33-35 |
Unusual Canine Occupations | 37-39 |
Canada Trivia | 41-43 |
When the Goal Is Survival | 45-47 |
Succor | 49-51 |
Her Own Personal Style | 53-55 |
The Vehicle of Life | 57-59 |
Hog Ride | 61-63 |
Babysitting Like a Meerkat | 65-67 |
Breaking the World Record | 69-71 |
Letter from La Paz | 73-75 |
A Wrong That Was Right | 77-79 |
The Avian Beast | 81-83 |
Conundrums | 85-87 |
Chunnel Journal | 89-91 |
One, Two, or Three | 93-95 |
The Only Reptile with a Shell | 97-99 |
The Scam | 101-103 |
My Dream Career | 105-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RL.7.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Passage | Pages |
A Pace Too Slow | 9-11 |
The Bitter Bird | 13-15 |
The Counterfeit Painting | 17-19 |
From Where We're Going | 21-23 |
A Native-American Fire Tale | 25-27 |
Worth Its Weight in Gold | 29-31 |
The Charlatan | 33-35 |
Unusual Canine Occupations | 37-39 |
Canada Trivia | 41-43 |
When the Goal Is Survival | 45-47 |
Succor | 49-51 |
Her Own Personal Style | 53-55 |
The Vehicle of Life | 57-59 |
Hog Ride | 61-63 |
Babysitting Like a Meerkat | 65-67 |
Breaking the World Record | 69-71 |
Letter from La Paz | 73-75 |
A Wrong That Was Right | 77-79 |
The Avian Beast | 81-83 |
Conundrums | 85-87 |
Chunnel Journal | 89-91 |
One, Two, or Three | 93-95 |
The Only Reptile with a Shell | 97-99 |
The Scam | 101-103 |
My Dream Career | 105-107 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RL.7.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
Passage | Pages |
A Pace Too Slow | 9-11 |
The Bitter Bird | 13-15 |
The Counterfeit Painting | 17-19 |
From Where We're Going | 21-23 |
A Native-American Fire Tale | 25-27 |
Worth Its Weight in Gold | 29-31 |
The Charlatan | 33-35 |
Unusual Canine Occupations | 37-39 |
Canada Trivia | 41-43 |
When the Goal Is Survival | 45-47 |
Succor | 49-51 |
Her Own Personal Style | 53-55 |
The Vehicle of Life | 57-59 |
Hog Ride | 61-63 |
Babysitting Like a Meerkat | 65-67 |
Breaking the World Record | 69-71 |
Letter from La Paz | 73-75 |
A Wrong That Was Right | 77-79 |
The Avian Beast | 81-83 |
Conundrums | 85-87 |
Chunnel Journal | 89-91 |
One, Two, or Three | 93-95 |
The Only Reptile with a Shell | 97-99 |
The Scam | 101-103 |
My Dream Career | 105-107 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RL.7.9: Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place, or character and a historical account of the same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter history.
Passage | Pages |
The Last Man | 8-11 |
A Pace Too Slow | 9-11 |
A Genuine Hoax | 16-19 |
The Counterfeit Painting | 17-19 |
To the Pole | 20-23 |
From Where We're Going | 21-23 |
A Short History of the Match | 24-27 |
A Native-American Fire Tale | 25-27 |
The Escape Artist | 32-35 |
The Charlatan | 33-35 |
One-Handed Rescue | 44-47 |
When the Goal Is Survival | 45-47 |
A Different Type of Bank | 56-59 |
The Vehicle of Life | 57-59 |
Two Early Motorcycle Racers | 60-63 |
Hog Ride | 61-63 |
A New Type of Swimsuit | 68-71 |
Breaking the World Record | 69-71 |
Found, but Position Secret | 80-83 |
The Avian Beast | 81-83 |
A Historic Handshake | 88-91 |
Chunnel Journal | 89-91 |
The Man Who Preserved Blood | 92-95 |
One, Two, or Three | 93-95 |
What Stopped Columbus | 96-99 |
The Only Reptile with a Shell | 97-99 |
The Blue Men | 104-107 |
My Dream Career | 105-107 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RL.7.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Pages |
A Pace Too Slow | 9-11 |
The Bitter Bird | 13-15 |
The Counterfeit Painting | 17-19 |
From Where We're Going | 21-23 |
A Native-American Fire Tale | 25-27 |
Worth Its Weight in Gold | 29-31 |
The Charlatan | 33-35 |
Unusual Canine Occupations | 37-39 |
Canada Trivia | 41-43 |
When the Goal Is Survival | 45-47 |
Succor | 49-51 |
Her Own Personal Style | 53-55 |
The Vehicle of Life | 57-59 |
Hog Ride | 61-63 |
Babysitting Like a Meerkat | 65-67 |
Breaking the World Record | 69-71 |
Letter from La Paz | 73-75 |
A Wrong That Was Right | 77-79 |
The Avian Beast | 81-83 |
Conundrums | 85-87 |
Chunnel Journal | 89-91 |
One, Two, or Three | 93-95 |
The Only Reptile with a Shell | 97-99 |
The Scam | 101-103 |
My Dream Career | 105-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.7.2: Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Passage | Pages |
The Last Man | 8-11 |
Flying Poison | 12-15 |
A Genuine Hoax | 16-19 |
To the Pole | 20-23 |
A Short History of the Match | 24-27 |
The Road with Two-Humped Camels | 28-31 |
The Escape Artist | 32-35 |
No Singing Birds and Dogs | 36-39 |
Canada's Peculiar Trees | 40-43 |
One-Handed Rescue | 44-47 |
New Communication Forms | 48-51 |
The Disliked Hat | 52-55 |
A Different Type of Bank | 56-59 |
Two Early Motorcycle Racers | 60-63 |
A Social Mob | 64-67 |
A New Type of Swimsuit | 68-71 |
The World's Largest Flat | 72-75 |
Murphy's Law | 76-79 |
Found, but Position Secret | 80-83 |
A Problem that Makes People Angry | 84-87 |
A Historic Handshake | 88-91 |
The Man Who Preserved Blood | 92-95 |
What Stopped Columbus | 96-99 |
Where Voting Is the Law | 100-103 |
The Blue Men | 104-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Passage | Pages |
The Last Man | 8-11 |
Flying Poison | 12-15 |
A Genuine Hoax | 16-19 |
To the Pole | 20-23 |
A Short History of the Match | 24-27 |
The Road with Two-Humped Camels | 28-31 |
The Escape Artist | 32-35 |
No Singing Birds and Dogs | 36-39 |
Canada's Peculiar Trees | 40-43 |
One-Handed Rescue | 44-47 |
New Communication Forms | 48-51 |
The Disliked Hat | 52-55 |
A Different Type of Bank | 56-59 |
Two Early Motorcycle Racers | 60-63 |
A Social Mob | 64-67 |
A New Type of Swimsuit | 68-71 |
The World's Largest Flat | 72-75 |
Murphy's Law | 76-79 |
Found, but Position Secret | 80-83 |
A Problem that Makes People Angry | 84-87 |
A Historic Handshake | 88-91 |
The Man Who Preserved Blood | 92-95 |
What Stopped Columbus | 96-99 |
Where Voting Is the Law | 100-103 |
The Blue Men | 104-107 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.7.3: Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).
Passage | Pages |
The Last Man | 8-11 |
Flying Poison | 12-15 |
A Genuine Hoax | 16-19 |
To the Pole | 20-23 |
A Short History of the Match | 24-27 |
The Road with Two-Humped Camels | 28-31 |
The Escape Artist | 32-35 |
No Singing Birds and Dogs | 36-39 |
Canada's Peculiar Trees | 40-43 |
One-Handed Rescue | 44-47 |
New Communication Forms | 48-51 |
The Disliked Hat | 52-55 |
A Different Type of Bank | 56-59 |
Two Early Motorcycle Racers | 60-63 |
A Social Mob | 64-67 |
A New Type of Swimsuit | 68-71 |
The World's Largest Flat | 72-75 |
Murphy's Law | 76-79 |
Found, but Position Secret | 80-83 |
A Problem that Makes People Angry | 84-87 |
A Historic Handshake | 88-91 |
The Man Who Preserved Blood | 92-95 |
What Stopped Columbus | 96-99 |
Where Voting Is the Law | 100-103 |
The Blue Men | 104-107 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.7.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Passage | Pages |
The Last Man | 8-11 |
Flying Poison | 12-15 |
A Genuine Hoax | 16-19 |
To the Pole | 20-23 |
A Short History of the Match | 24-27 |
The Road with Two-Humped Camels | 28-31 |
The Escape Artist | 32-35 |
No Singing Birds and Dogs | 36-39 |
Canada's Peculiar Trees | 40-43 |
One-Handed Rescue | 44-47 |
New Communication Forms | 48-51 |
The Disliked Hat | 52-55 |
A Different Type of Bank | 56-59 |
Two Early Motorcycle Racers | 60-63 |
A Social Mob | 64-67 |
A New Type of Swimsuit | 68-71 |
The World's Largest Flat | 72-75 |
Murphy's Law | 76-79 |
Found, but Position Secret | 80-83 |
A Problem that Makes People Angry | 84-87 |
A Historic Handshake | 88-91 |
The Man Who Preserved Blood | 92-95 |
What Stopped Columbus | 96-99 |
Where Voting Is the Law | 100-103 |
The Blue Men | 104-107 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.7.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Pages |
The Last Man | 8-11 |
Flying Poison | 12-15 |
A Genuine Hoax | 16-19 |
To the Pole | 20-23 |
A Short History of the Match | 24-27 |
The Road with Two-Humped Camels | 28-31 |
The Escape Artist | 32-35 |
No Singing Birds and Dogs | 36-39 |
Canada's Peculiar Trees | 40-43 |
One-Handed Rescue | 44-47 |
New Communication Forms | 48-51 |
The Disliked Hat | 52-55 |
A Different Type of Bank | 56-59 |
Two Early Motorcycle Racers | 60-63 |
A Social Mob | 64-67 |
A New Type of Swimsuit | 68-71 |
The World's Largest Flat | 72-75 |
Murphy's Law | 76-79 |
Found, but Position Secret | 80-83 |
A Problem that Makes People Angry | 84-87 |
A Historic Handshake | 88-91 |
The Man Who Preserved Blood | 92-95 |
What Stopped Columbus | 96-99 |
Where Voting Is the Law | 100-103 |
The Blue Men | 104-107 |
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