Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Correlations

Close Reading Using Text-Dependent Questions Grade 2

Close Reading Using Text-Dependent Questions Grade 2

English Language Arts

Strand - Reading Standards: Literature, Grade 2

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RL.2.2: Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.2.5: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.2.4: Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Craft and Structure

ELA.RL.2.6: Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RL.2.7: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RL.2.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89

Strand - Reading Standards: Informational Text, Grade 2

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Key Ideas and Details

ELA.RI.2.3: Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.

Activity Pages
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Craft and Structure

ELA.RI.2.5: Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.2.8: Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.RI.2.7: Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.

Activity Pages
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

ELA.RI.2.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Strand - Reading Standards: Foundational Skills, Grade 2

Phonics and Word Recognition

ELA.RF.2.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91


ELA.RF.2.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Strand - Writing Standards, Grade 2

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.2.1: Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87

Text Types and Purposes

ELA.W.2.3: Write narratives in which they recount a well elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

Activity Pages
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

ELA.W.2.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Strand - Speaking and Listening Standards, Grade 2

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.2.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.2.2: Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.

Activity Pages
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Comprehension and Collaboration

ELA.SL.2.3: Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.

Activity Pages
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.2.6: Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

ELA.SL.2.4: Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.

Activity Pages
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Strand - Language Standards, Grade 2

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.2.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Conventions of Standard English

ELA.L.2.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Knowledge of Language

ELA.L.2.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.2.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy).

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.2.5: Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

ELA.L.2.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.

Activity Pages
Unit 1: Dead-Tree Wishes 8-11
Unit 2: Going, Going, Gone! 12-15
Unit 3: Helping Hands 16-19
Unit 4: Biscuit Drop 20-23
Unit 5: Animal Facts 24-27
Unit 6: Edward Lear 28-31
Unit 7: Horribly Sick 32-35
Unit 8: Crocodile Tears 36-39
Unit 9: Magic Trick 40-43
Unit 10: Alive and Dead 44-47
Unit 11: A Bare Escape 48-51
Unit 12: The Ins and Outs of Doors 52-55
Unit 13: Shooting Fish 56-59
Unit 14: Carrie the Carrier 60-63
Unit 15: Never Growing Old 64-67
Unit 16: Always First 68-71
Unit 17: Sportsmanship 72-75
Unit 18: On the Leash 76-79
Unit 19: Surviving the Fire 80-84
Unit 20: Cat for Dessert 84-87
Unit 21: The Mouse and the Tornado 88-89
Unit 22: Around the Cape 90-91

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