Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.K.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Activity | Page |
Making Words | 30 |
Write the Letter That Makes the Sound | 31 |
What's the Right Word? | 32 |
What’s at the End? | 35 |
More Words with a Short A Sound | 39 |
More with Long A Sounds | 41 |
Spelling Words with the Short I Sound | 46 |
Spelling Words with a Short O Sound | 51 |
Getting to Know Long O | 53 |
Picking Out the Pieces of Word Families | 59 |
Edit and Revise | 64 |
Make a Sentence | 65 |
North, South, East, and West | 129 |
Seven Continents | 131 |
Different Places | 132 |
Maps and Globes | 133 |
Your World | 134 |
Learning Your Geography | 135 |
Understanding Calendar Time | 138 |
Keep a Picture Journal | 139 |
A Part of History | 142 |
Tell About It | 151 |
A Greener World | 161 |
Healthy You | 162 |
Solid, Liquid, Gas | 165 |
Science Tools | 167 |
Guess What Happens Next | 168 |
Less or More? | 191 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.K.3: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Activity | Page |
A Part of History | 142 |
Long Ago or Today? | 143 |
The Past and the Present | 144 |
Who Helps Us? | 145 |
Tell About It | 151 |
Living and Nonliving Objects | 152 |
Living Things Change | 153 |
Alike Animals | 154 |
Looking at a Garden | 156 |
More About Plants | 157 |
Keep the Community Healthy | 159 |
What Causes Pollution? | 160 |
A Greener World | 161 |
Healthy You | 162 |
What Is Matter? | 164 |
Solid, Liquid, Gas | 165 |
Simple Observation | 166 |
Science Tools | 167 |
Guess What Happens Next | 168 |
Learning About Nouns | 181 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.K.2: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Activity | Page |
A Part of History | 142 |
All About Plants | 155 |
Healthy You | 162 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.K.4: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Activity | Page |
Learning Your Geography | 135 |
More About Plants | 157 |
A Greener World | 161 |
What Is Matter? | 164 |
Science Tools | 167 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.K.7: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Activity | Page |
Making Words | 30 |
Write the Letter That Makes the Sound | 31 |
What's the Right Word? | 32 |
Making Something New | 33 |
This Becomes That | 34 |
More with Ending Sounds | 36 |
Words with a Long A Sound | 40 |
Words with a Short E Sound | 42 |
More with Long E | 45 |
More Short I | 47 |
Working with the Long I | 48 |
Spelling Words with a Short O Sound | 51 |
Getting to Know Long O | 53 |
Words with a Short U Sound | 54 |
Look What Short U Can Do | 55 |
Using Long U | 56 |
Writing That Describes | 67 |
What Happens Next? | 68 |
Write to Inform | 70 |
Write to Inform | 71 |
Write to Learn | 72 |
Read, Write, Draw | 73 |
North, South, East, and West | 129 |
Symbols on Maps | 130 |
Maps and Globes | 133 |
Common Signs in Your World | 136 |
Getting Around | 137 |
Keep a Picture Journal | 139 |
Understanding Holidays | 140 |
Landmarks of the World | 141 |
A Part of History | 142 |
Long Ago or Today? | 143 |
The Past and the Present | 144 |
Who Helps Us? | 145 |
Helping the Community | 146 |
Who Is It? | 147 |
What’s the Weather? | 148 |
The Seasons | 149 |
Dressed for the Weather | 150 |
Tell About It | 151 |
Living Things Change | 153 |
Alike Animals | 154 |
All About Plants | 155 |
Looking at a Garden | 156 |
More About Plants | 157 |
Keeping Healthy | 158 |
Keep the Community Healthy | 159 |
What Causes Pollution? | 160 |
A Greener World | 161 |
Being Safe | 163 |
What Is Matter? | 164 |
Solid, Liquid, Gas | 165 |
Simple Observation | 166 |
Science Tools | 167 |
Less or More? | 191 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.K.10: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Activity | Page |
The Past and the Present | 144 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Activity | Page |
What's a Letter? | 8 |
Is It a Letter? | 9 |
Uppercase and Lowercase | 10 |
Making a Match | 11 |
Recognizing Lowercase Letters | 12 |
Letters A and B | 13 |
Letters C and D | 14 |
Letters E and F | 15 |
Letters G and H | 16 |
Letters I and J | 17 |
Letters K and L | 18 |
Letters M and N | 19 |
Letters O and P | 20 |
Letters Q and R | 21 |
Letters S and T | 22 |
Letters U and V | 23 |
Letters W and X | 24 |
Letters Y and Z | 25 |
Making Words | 30 |
Write the Letter That Makes the Sound | 31 |
What's the Right Word? | 32 |
Making Something New | 33 |
This Becomes That | 34 |
What’s at the End? | 35 |
More with Ending Sounds | 36 |
Spelling Words with a Short A Sound | 38 |
More Words with a Short A Sound | 39 |
More with Long A Sounds | 41 |
Words with a Short E Sound | 42 |
More with Long E | 45 |
Spelling Words with the Short I Sound | 46 |
More Short I | 47 |
The Long I | 49 |
Words with a Short O | 50 |
Spelling Words with a Short O Sound | 51 |
Getting to Know Long O | 53 |
Words with a Short U Sound | 54 |
Look What Short U Can Do | 55 |
More with Long U | 57 |
Spelling with Word Families | 58 |
Learning to Spell “The” and “And” | 60 |
Edit and Revise | 64 |
Make a Sentence | 65 |
Tell About It | 66 |
Writing That Describes | 67 |
What Happens Next? | 68 |
Write to Inform | 70 |
Write to Inform | 71 |
Write to Learn | 72 |
Read, Write, Draw | 73 |
North, South, East, and West | 129 |
Different Places | 132 |
Learning Your Geography | 135 |
Understanding Calendar Time | 138 |
Keep a Picture Journal | 139 |
Understanding Holidays | 140 |
Landmarks of the World | 141 |
Who Is It? | 147 |
The Seasons | 149 |
Looking at a Garden | 156 |
Keep the Community Healthy | 159 |
What Causes Pollution? | 160 |
Healthy You | 162 |
Simple Observation | 166 |
Guess What Happens Next | 168 |
Letters and Sounds | 178 |
Alphabetical Animals | 179 |
Commas in Lists | 180 |
Learning About Nouns | 181 |
Working with Action Verbs | 182 |
Putting Words Together | 184 |
Conventions of Standard English
ELA.L.K.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Activity | Page |
Hear the Sound | 26 |
Color the Same Sounds | 27 |
Which Is the Same? | 28 |
Do You Know the Sound? | 29 |
Making Words | 30 |
Write the Letter That Makes the Sound | 31 |
Making Something New | 33 |
Where Do You Hear It? | 37 |
Spelling Words with a Short A Sound | 38 |
More Words with a Short A Sound | 39 |
Words with a Long A Sound | 40 |
More with Long A Sounds | 41 |
Words with a Short E Sound | 42 |
More with Short E | 43 |
Words with a Long E Sound | 44 |
More with Long E | 45 |
Spelling Words with the Short I Sound | 46 |
More Short I | 47 |
Working with the Long I | 48 |
The Long I | 49 |
Words with a Short O | 50 |
Spelling Words with a Short O Sound | 51 |
The Long O Sound | 52 |
Getting to Know Long O | 53 |
Words with a Short U Sound | 54 |
Look What Short U Can Do | 55 |
Using Long U | 56 |
More with Long U | 57 |
Spelling with Word Families | 58 |
Picking Out the Pieces of Word Families | 59 |
Edit and Revise | 64 |
Tell About It | 66 |
Writing That Describes | 67 |
Write to Inform | 70 |
Write to Inform | 71 |
Write to Learn | 72 |
Read, Write, Draw | 73 |
North, South, East, and West | 129 |
Different Places | 132 |
Learning Your Geography | 135 |
Understanding Calendar Time | 138 |
Keep a Picture Journal | 139 |
Understanding Holidays | 140 |
Landmarks of the World | 141 |
Who Is It? | 147 |
The Seasons | 149 |
Looking at a Garden | 156 |
Keep the Community Healthy | 159 |
What Causes Pollution? | 160 |
Healthy You | 162 |
Simple Observation | 166 |
Guess What Happens Next | 168 |
Letters and Sounds | 178 |
Alphabetical Animals | 179 |
Commas in Lists | 180 |
Learning About Nouns | 181 |
Putting Words Together | 184 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.K.5: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Activity | Page |
Spelling Numbers | 61 |
Picture Writing | 62 |
Planning a Party | 63 |
Make a Sentence | 65 |
Tell About It | 66 |
Writing That Describes | 67 |
What Happens Next? | 68 |
Getting Things in Order | 69 |
Symbols on Maps | 130 |
Maps and Globes | 133 |
Your World | 134 |
Who Helps Us? | 145 |
Who Is It? | 147 |
What’s the Weather? | 148 |
Dressed for the Weather | 150 |
Tell About It | 151 |
Alike Animals | 154 |
All About Plants | 155 |
Looking at a Garden | 156 |
More About Plants | 157 |
Letters and Sounds | 178 |
Alphabetical Animals | 179 |
Learning About Nouns | 181 |
Working with Action Verbs | 182 |
Words That Mean Nearly the Same | 183 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.K.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Activity | Page |
Planning a Party | 63 |
Tell About It | 66 |
Writing That Describes | 67 |
What Happens Next? | 68 |
Getting Things in Order | 69 |
Write to Inform | 70 |
Write to Inform | 71 |
Write to Learn | 72 |
North, South, East, and West | 129 |
Maps and Globes | 133 |
Common Signs in Your World | 136 |
Keep a Picture Journal | 139 |
Landmarks of the World | 141 |
Who Helps Us? | 145 |
Who Is It? | 147 |
The Seasons | 149 |
All About Plants | 155 |
Looking at a Garden | 156 |
Keep the Community Healthy | 159 |
A Greener World | 161 |
What Is Matter? | 164 |
Simple Observation | 166 |
Letters and Sounds | 178 |
Alphabetical Animals | 179 |
Learning About Nouns | 181 |
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
ELA.L.K.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content.
Activity | Page |
North, South, East, and West | 129 |
Symbols on Maps | 130 |
Different Places | 132 |
Your World | 134 |
Common Signs in Your World | 136 |
Understanding Holidays | 140 |
Landmarks of the World | 141 |
Who Is It? | 147 |
A Greener World | 161 |
Simple Observation | 166 |
Know number names and the count sequence.
Math.K.CC.A.3: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).
Activity | Page |
Spelling Numbers | 61 |
Numbers Make You Happy | 75 |
The Number Zero | 76 |
The Number One | 77 |
The Number Two | 78 |
The Number Three | 79 |
The Number Four | 80 |
The Number Five | 81 |
The Number Six | 82 |
The Number Seven | 83 |
The Number Eight | 84 |
The Number Nine | 85 |
The Number Ten | 86 |
Numbers 1 - 10 | 87 |
Counting to Twenty | 89 |
What's Before? What's After? | 92 |
Count and Write | 94 |
Number Patterns | 115 |
Know number names and the count sequence.
Math.K.CC.A.1: Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
Activity | Page |
What Do Numbers Do? | 74 |
Numbers Make You Happy | 75 |
Counting to Twenty | 89 |
A Yummy Way to Count to 30 | 90 |
Coloring to 30 | 91 |
What's Before? What's After? | 92 |
Count and Write | 94 |
Is It the Answer? | 95 |
Find That Number | 96 |
By 10s | 185 |
Know number names and the count sequence.
Math.K.CC.A.2: Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).
Activity | Page |
Counting to Twenty | 89 |
What's Before? What's After? | 92 |
Number Patterns | 115 |
By 10s | 185 |
Count to tell the number of objects.
Math.K.CC.B.5: Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count out that many objects.
Activity | Page |
What Do Numbers Do? | 74 |
Numbers Make You Happy | 75 |
Matching Up Numbers 1 - 10 | 88 |
Count and Write | 94 |
More or Less | 97 |
More, Less, or Equal | 98 |
Count to tell the number of objects.
Math.K.CC.B.4: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
Activity | Page |
What Do Numbers Do? | 74 |
Numbers Make You Happy | 75 |
The Number Zero | 76 |
The Number One | 77 |
The Number Two | 78 |
The Number Three | 79 |
The Number Four | 80 |
The Number Five | 81 |
The Number Six | 82 |
The Number Seven | 83 |
The Number Eight | 84 |
The Number Nine | 85 |
The Number Ten | 86 |
Matching Up Numbers 1 - 10 | 88 |
A Yummy Way to Count to 30 | 90 |
Coloring to 30 | 91 |
What's Before? What's After? | 92 |
Draw to Solve | 93 |
Count and Write | 94 |
Is It the Answer? | 95 |
Find That Number | 96 |
More or Less | 97 |
More, Less, or Equal | 98 |
Make It Equal | 99 |
Compare numbers.
Math.K.CC.C.6: Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.
Activity | Page |
More or Less | 97 |
More, Less, or Equal | 98 |
Make It Equal | 99 |
Which Is More? | 125 |
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Math.K.OA.A.1: Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Activity | Page |
Make It Equal | 99 |
Be Happy with Addition | 100 |
Perfect Petal Addition | 101 |
Shape Addition | 102 |
Having a Ball with Addition | 103 |
Zero Problems | 104 |
Addition Review | 105 |
Starting Subtraction | 106 |
How Many Are Left? | 107 |
Practice Subtraction | 108 |
Write the Problem | 109 |
Subtraction House | 110 |
Subtraction Magic | 111 |
Adding and Subtracting | 112 |
Adding More Than Two | 188 |
Working with Missing Numbers | 189 |
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Math.K.OA.A.4: For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation.
Activity | Page |
Perfect Petal Addition | 101 |
Having a Ball with Addition | 103 |
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Math.K.OA.A.3: Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 + 1).
Activity | Page |
Perfect Petal Addition | 101 |
Having a Ball with Addition | 103 |
Zero Problems | 104 |
Addition Review | 105 |
Working with Missing Numbers | 189 |
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Math.K.OA.A.5: Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Activity | Page |
Zero Problems | 104 |
Addition Review | 105 |
Subtraction House | 110 |
Subtraction Magic | 111 |
Adding and Subtracting | 112 |
Describe and compare measurable attributes.
Math.K.MD.A.2: Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/“less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
Activity | Page |
More or Less | 97 |
More, Less, or Equal | 98 |
Be Happy with Addition | 100 |
Shape Addition | 102 |
Big and Small and Short and Tall | 126 |
Less or More? | 191 |
Describe and compare measurable attributes.
Math.K.MD.A.1: Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
Activity | Page |
Big and Small and Short and Tall | 126 |
Less or More? | 191 |
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
Math.K.MD.B.3: Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count. Limit category counts to be less than or equal to 10.
Activity | Page |
Draw to Solve | 93 |
Is It the Answer? | 95 |
Inside and Outside | 127 |
Adding Money | 190 |
Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres).
Math.K.G.A.3: Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, “flat”) or three-dimensional (“solid”).
Activity | Page |
What Comes Next? | 113 |
Patterns | 116 |
Fun Shapes | 123 |
Finish the Shape | 124 |
Which Is More? | 125 |
Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres).
Math.K.G.A.2: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.
Activity | Page |
Shapes and More Shapes | 122 |
Fun Shapes | 123 |
Finish the Shape | 124 |
Which Is More? | 125 |
Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres).
Math.K.G.A.1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Activity | Page |
Fun Shapes | 123 |
Up, Down, Below, Above | 128 |
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