Tag Archives: folders

A Classroom Journey from Frazzled to Dazzled!

Walking into a classroom at the beginning of a new year can make a teacher frazzled. “What should I teach?” “What kind of students will I have?” “Where am I going to get my supplies on such a small budget?” “How am I going to get this classroom in shape in just a week?” With … Continue reading A Classroom Journey from Frazzled to Dazzled! »

Tips for Returning Work and Distributing Classroom Materials

After checking student independent practice (see previous post, “Tips for Checking Student Work“), you’re ready to return graded papers, assignments, and/or distribute additional learning materials, but how do you do so in the most efficient and least cumbersome way? Returning Work There are several ways that work can be returned to students without making it … Continue reading Tips for Returning Work and Distributing Classroom Materials »