Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards: Part V of V

Part V: After the Conference

Immediately following each conference, before the next parent comes to your desk, jot down in your daily task book the follow-up tasks that need to be done. (For example, “Check with Johnny’s math teacher about homework assignments.”) Make sure to follow up and record this the next day.

Ending the Conference
Whatever you do in your conferencing with the parents, you want to end the conference on a positive note. You need to have secured their cooperation and their support.

Record the Conference
Always make a record of the parental conference. You will need to allow time, after the conference, to immediately make notes of what transpired. Be sure to schedule plenty of time for the conference. File all notes individually in each student’s personal folder. The importance of documenting everything in your work cannot be emphasized too much. You never know when such documentation may be needed to back up your position. Do not take lightly the documentation of conversations, notes, conferences, and student behavior.

Other Tips
Be sure that whenever you are sending information or notes home to the parents, you have used correct grammar and spelling. You need to write any message clearly and concisely. Be neat in your work as it is a reflection of you as a teacher and the educational system. Always keep a copy of any communication you have with any parent, such as notes that were sent home or telephone calls.

What has been your experience with parent-teacher conferences? Share your tips in our comment roll.

For more tips on parent-teacher conferences and writing report card comments, check out the following books:

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