Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.2: Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
Passage | Page |
Australia | 9 |
Hostage Rescue in Peru | 10 |
Big Blast in Siberia | 11 |
The Discovery of New Zealand | 12 |
Maine, the Blueberry State | 13 |
The Death of the Aral Sea | 14 |
The Year Without a Summer | 15 |
The Faces of Mount Rushmore | 16 |
The Smithsonian Institute | 17 |
The Rocky Mountains | 18 |
Rhode Island, the Smallest State | 19 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 20 |
The Galapagos Islands | 21 |
The California Gold Rush | 22 |
The Earthquakes of 2010 | 23 |
The Cruelest Month in American Mining | 24 |
The Deadly Cloud from Lake Nyos | 25 |
Signs of Global Warming | 26 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 27 |
Antarctica | 28 |
Bermuda | 29 |
Mount Vernon | 30 |
Key West, Florida | 31 |
Without Warning | 32 |
The Great Yellowstone Fire of 1988 | 33 |
The Bahamas | 34 |
Egypt: One Nation, Two Continents | 35 |
Arizona's Natural Wonders | 36 |
"Houston, We've Had a Problem" | 37 |
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry | 38 |
Giant Panda Problems | 41 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake | 42 |
P-U! It's a Skunk! | 43 |
Insects | 44 |
Fearsome Fossil | 45 |
Surprises in the Sea | 46 |
Robots at Work | 47 |
Wildfires | 48 |
Disrupting Ecosystems | 49 |
Peppered Moths | 50 |
Neat Facts About Your Circulatory System | 51 |
Wind Energy | 52 |
Killer Bees Calming Down | 53 |
Trees Tell About Climates of the Past | 54 |
Snapping Turtles | 55 |
Eyelids | 56 |
Solar Storms | 57 |
Breeding Bunnies | 58 |
Glaciers | 59 |
Geothermal Energy | 60 |
Turning Soda Bottles into Blankets | 61 |
Using Two Legs Instead of Four | 62 |
Exciting News About Stem Cells | 63 |
Animal Instincts | 64 |
Volcanic Eruptions | 65 |
Live a Green Lifestyle | 66 |
Understanding Hemispheres | 67 |
Using Waste to Make Electricity | 68 |
Solar Energy | 69 |
Adapting to Global Warming | 70 |
Where Did Everyone Go? | 73 |
Did George Washington Fight at Gettysburg? | 74 |
Iceboxes: The First Refrigerators | 75 |
The U.S. Civil War | 76 |
The Montgomery Bus Boycott | 77 |
How U.S. Libraries Began | 78 |
The Orphan Trains | 79 |
Braille for the Blind | 80 |
The Invention of the Microwave Oven | 81 |
The World's First Robot and His Dog | 82 |
How Plumbing Changed America | 83 |
Highway History | 84 |
The Buried Village of Ozette | 85 |
World War II Spies | 86 |
Inventions that Use Electricity | 87 |
Skiing | 88 |
The Great Liberty Bell Adventure | 89 |
Massachusetts Promotes Education | 90 |
Decoding Hieroglyphs | 91 |
Canned Foods | 92 |
America's First Master Spy | 93 |
Amazing Ancient Structures | 94 |
The Ice Ages | 95 |
U.S. Anti-Slavery Laws | 96 |
U.S. Presidents from Ohio | 97 |
Flight Disappearances | 98 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1753 to 1863 | 99 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1902 to Now | 100 |
Native American Unsolved Mysteries | 101 |
Washington Irving, Author and Ghost | 102 |
Sea Horses | 105 |
The Popular Product That Almost Wasn't | 106 |
Not So Identical | 107 |
What You Didn't Know About George Washington | 108 |
In-Line Skates | 109 |
Mazes | 110 |
Guide Dogs | 111 |
Frozen Animals Stay Alive | 112 |
Binti Jua and Jambo to the Rescue | 113 |
The U.S. Supreme Court | 114 |
The World's Most Dangerous Animals | 115 |
Rice Feeds the World | 116 |
Bamboo | 117 |
Yawning is Contagious | 118 |
The Story of Jeep | 119 |
World's Largest Ice Sculptures: Icebergs | 120 |
Storms that Caused Discoveries | 121 |
The Sweet Story of Jelly Beans | 122 |
Pelorus Jack | 123 |
The Gulf Stream | 124 |
Snowboarding | 125 |
Dandelions: Weed, Flowers, or Food? | 126 |
The Weight, the Wind, and the Wobbling | 127 |
Heinz 57 Varieties | 128 |
Wacky Waterspouts | 129 |
Unique Languages | 130 |
Naming the States | 131 |
Mysteries in Peru | 132 |
The Story of Pizza | 133 |
The Indy 500 | 134 |
Dr. Antonia Novello, Former Surgeon General | 137 |
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, First U.S. Female Doctor | 138 |
Sojourner Truth, Civil Rights Leader | 139 |
The Angel of Marye's Heights | 140 |
Barbara Jordan, Former U.S. Congresswoman | 141 |
Garrett Morgan, Inventor | 142 |
Mary McLeod Bethune, Educator | 143 |
Will Cross, Adventurer | 144 |
Louis Pasteur, the Milk Man | 145 |
The First Woman in Space | 146 |
I.M. Pei, Architect | 147 |
Delvin Miller, Harness Racing Master | 148 |
Asa Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Leader | 149 |
Jason McElwain, Basketball Star | 150 |
Loreta Velasquez, Civil War Soldier | 151 |
Clara Hale's House | 152 |
Wilma Mankiller, Former Cherokee Chief | 153 |
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte | 154 |
William Wilberforce, British Abolitionist | 155 |
Bethany Hamilton, Fearless Surfer | 156 |
Mother Jones, Labor Activitist | 157 |
The Wizard of Menlo Park | 158 |
Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer | 159 |
Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope | 160 |
Nelson Mandela, South African Leader | 161 |
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist Artist | 162 |
Dr. Francisco Bravo | 163 |
Hallie Daggett, First Female Lookout | 164 |
Jim Thorpe, Extraordinary Athlete | 165 |
Norman Rockwell, the People's Artist | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.3: Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
Passage | Page |
Australia | 9 |
Hostage Rescue in Peru | 10 |
Big Blast in Siberia | 11 |
The Discovery of New Zealand | 12 |
Maine, the Blueberry State | 13 |
The Death of the Aral Sea | 14 |
The Year Without a Summer | 15 |
The Faces of Mount Rushmore | 16 |
The Smithsonian Institute | 17 |
The Rocky Mountains | 18 |
Rhode Island, the Smallest State | 19 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 20 |
The Galapagos Islands | 21 |
The California Gold Rush | 22 |
The Earthquakes of 2010 | 23 |
The Cruelest Month in American Mining | 24 |
The Deadly Cloud from Lake Nyos | 25 |
Signs of Global Warming | 26 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 27 |
Antarctica | 28 |
Bermuda | 29 |
Mount Vernon | 30 |
Key West, Florida | 31 |
Without Warning | 32 |
The Great Yellowstone Fire of 1988 | 33 |
The Bahamas | 34 |
Egypt: One Nation, Two Continents | 35 |
Arizona's Natural Wonders | 36 |
"Houston, We've Had a Problem" | 37 |
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry | 38 |
Giant Panda Problems | 41 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake | 42 |
P-U! It's a Skunk! | 43 |
Insects | 44 |
Fearsome Fossil | 45 |
Surprises in the Sea | 46 |
Robots at Work | 47 |
Wildfires | 48 |
Disrupting Ecosystems | 49 |
Peppered Moths | 50 |
Neat Facts About Your Circulatory System | 51 |
Wind Energy | 52 |
Killer Bees Calming Down | 53 |
Trees Tell About Climates of the Past | 54 |
Snapping Turtles | 55 |
Eyelids | 56 |
Solar Storms | 57 |
Breeding Bunnies | 58 |
Glaciers | 59 |
Geothermal Energy | 60 |
Turning Soda Bottles into Blankets | 61 |
Using Two Legs Instead of Four | 62 |
Exciting News About Stem Cells | 63 |
Animal Instincts | 64 |
Volcanic Eruptions | 65 |
Live a Green Lifestyle | 66 |
Understanding Hemispheres | 67 |
Using Waste to Make Electricity | 68 |
Solar Energy | 69 |
Adapting to Global Warming | 70 |
Where Did Everyone Go? | 73 |
Did George Washington Fight at Gettysburg? | 74 |
Iceboxes: The First Refrigerators | 75 |
The U.S. Civil War | 76 |
The Montgomery Bus Boycott | 77 |
How U.S. Libraries Began | 78 |
The Orphan Trains | 79 |
Braille for the Blind | 80 |
The Invention of the Microwave Oven | 81 |
The World's First Robot and His Dog | 82 |
How Plumbing Changed America | 83 |
Highway History | 84 |
The Buried Village of Ozette | 85 |
World War II Spies | 86 |
Inventions that Use Electricity | 87 |
Skiing | 88 |
The Great Liberty Bell Adventure | 89 |
Massachusetts Promotes Education | 90 |
Decoding Hieroglyphs | 91 |
Canned Foods | 92 |
America's First Master Spy | 93 |
Amazing Ancient Structures | 94 |
The Ice Ages | 95 |
U.S. Anti-Slavery Laws | 96 |
U.S. Presidents from Ohio | 97 |
Flight Disappearances | 98 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1753 to 1863 | 99 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1902 to Now | 100 |
Native American Unsolved Mysteries | 101 |
Washington Irving, Author and Ghost | 102 |
Sea Horses | 105 |
The Popular Product That Almost Wasn't | 106 |
Not So Identical | 107 |
What You Didn't Know About George Washington | 108 |
In-Line Skates | 109 |
Mazes | 110 |
Guide Dogs | 111 |
Frozen Animals Stay Alive | 112 |
Binti Jua and Jambo to the Rescue | 113 |
The U.S. Supreme Court | 114 |
The World's Most Dangerous Animals | 115 |
Rice Feeds the World | 116 |
Bamboo | 117 |
Yawning is Contagious | 118 |
The Story of Jeep | 119 |
World's Largest Ice Sculptures: Icebergs | 120 |
Storms that Caused Discoveries | 121 |
The Sweet Story of Jelly Beans | 122 |
Pelorus Jack | 123 |
The Gulf Stream | 124 |
Snowboarding | 125 |
Dandelions: Weed, Flowers, or Food? | 126 |
The Weight, the Wind, and the Wobbling | 127 |
Heinz 57 Varieties | 128 |
Wacky Waterspouts | 129 |
Unique Languages | 130 |
Naming the States | 131 |
Mysteries in Peru | 132 |
The Story of Pizza | 133 |
The Indy 500 | 134 |
Dr. Antonia Novello, Former Surgeon General | 137 |
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, First U.S. Female Doctor | 138 |
Sojourner Truth, Civil Rights Leader | 139 |
The Angel of Marye's Heights | 140 |
Barbara Jordan, Former U.S. Congresswoman | 141 |
Garrett Morgan, Inventor | 142 |
Mary McLeod Bethune, Educator | 143 |
Will Cross, Adventurer | 144 |
Louis Pasteur, the Milk Man | 145 |
The First Woman in Space | 146 |
I.M. Pei, Architect | 147 |
Delvin Miller, Harness Racing Master | 148 |
Asa Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Leader | 149 |
Jason McElwain, Basketball Star | 150 |
Loreta Velasquez, Civil War Soldier | 151 |
Clara Hale's House | 152 |
Wilma Mankiller, Former Cherokee Chief | 153 |
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte | 154 |
William Wilberforce, British Abolitionist | 155 |
Bethany Hamilton, Fearless Surfer | 156 |
Mother Jones, Labor Activitist | 157 |
The Wizard of Menlo Park | 158 |
Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer | 159 |
Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope | 160 |
Nelson Mandela, South African Leader | 161 |
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist Artist | 162 |
Dr. Francisco Bravo | 163 |
Hallie Daggett, First Female Lookout | 164 |
Jim Thorpe, Extraordinary Athlete | 165 |
Norman Rockwell, the People's Artist | 166 |
Key Ideas and Details
ELA.RI.4.1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Passage | Page |
Australia | 9 |
Hostage Rescue in Peru | 10 |
Big Blast in Siberia | 11 |
The Discovery of New Zealand | 12 |
Maine, the Blueberry State | 13 |
The Death of the Aral Sea | 14 |
The Year Without a Summer | 15 |
The Faces of Mount Rushmore | 16 |
The Smithsonian Institute | 17 |
The Rocky Mountains | 18 |
Rhode Island, the Smallest State | 19 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 20 |
The Galapagos Islands | 21 |
The California Gold Rush | 22 |
The Earthquakes of 2010 | 23 |
The Cruelest Month in American Mining | 24 |
The Deadly Cloud from Lake Nyos | 25 |
Signs of Global Warming | 26 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 27 |
Antarctica | 28 |
Bermuda | 29 |
Mount Vernon | 30 |
Key West, Florida | 31 |
Without Warning | 32 |
The Great Yellowstone Fire of 1988 | 33 |
The Bahamas | 34 |
Egypt: One Nation, Two Continents | 35 |
Arizona's Natural Wonders | 36 |
"Houston, We've Had a Problem" | 37 |
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry | 38 |
Giant Panda Problems | 41 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake | 42 |
P-U! It's a Skunk! | 43 |
Insects | 44 |
Fearsome Fossil | 45 |
Surprises in the Sea | 46 |
Robots at Work | 47 |
Wildfires | 48 |
Disrupting Ecosystems | 49 |
Peppered Moths | 50 |
Neat Facts About Your Circulatory System | 51 |
Wind Energy | 52 |
Killer Bees Calming Down | 53 |
Trees Tell About Climates of the Past | 54 |
Snapping Turtles | 55 |
Eyelids | 56 |
Solar Storms | 57 |
Breeding Bunnies | 58 |
Glaciers | 59 |
Geothermal Energy | 60 |
Turning Soda Bottles into Blankets | 61 |
Using Two Legs Instead of Four | 62 |
Exciting News About Stem Cells | 63 |
Animal Instincts | 64 |
Volcanic Eruptions | 65 |
Live a Green Lifestyle | 66 |
Understanding Hemispheres | 67 |
Using Waste to Make Electricity | 68 |
Solar Energy | 69 |
Adapting to Global Warming | 70 |
Where Did Everyone Go? | 73 |
Did George Washington Fight at Gettysburg? | 74 |
Iceboxes: The First Refrigerators | 75 |
The U.S. Civil War | 76 |
The Montgomery Bus Boycott | 77 |
How U.S. Libraries Began | 78 |
The Orphan Trains | 79 |
Braille for the Blind | 80 |
The Invention of the Microwave Oven | 81 |
The World's First Robot and His Dog | 82 |
How Plumbing Changed America | 83 |
Highway History | 84 |
The Buried Village of Ozette | 85 |
World War II Spies | 86 |
Inventions that Use Electricity | 87 |
Skiing | 88 |
The Great Liberty Bell Adventure | 89 |
Massachusetts Promotes Education | 90 |
Decoding Hieroglyphs | 91 |
Canned Foods | 92 |
America's First Master Spy | 93 |
Amazing Ancient Structures | 94 |
The Ice Ages | 95 |
U.S. Anti-Slavery Laws | 96 |
U.S. Presidents from Ohio | 97 |
Flight Disappearances | 98 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1753 to 1863 | 99 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1902 to Now | 100 |
Native American Unsolved Mysteries | 101 |
Washington Irving, Author and Ghost | 102 |
Sea Horses | 105 |
The Popular Product That Almost Wasn't | 106 |
Not So Identical | 107 |
What You Didn't Know About George Washington | 108 |
In-Line Skates | 109 |
Mazes | 110 |
Guide Dogs | 111 |
Frozen Animals Stay Alive | 112 |
Binti Jua and Jambo to the Rescue | 113 |
The U.S. Supreme Court | 114 |
The World's Most Dangerous Animals | 115 |
Rice Feeds the World | 116 |
Bamboo | 117 |
Yawning is Contagious | 118 |
The Story of Jeep | 119 |
World's Largest Ice Sculptures: Icebergs | 120 |
Storms that Caused Discoveries | 121 |
The Sweet Story of Jelly Beans | 122 |
Pelorus Jack | 123 |
The Gulf Stream | 124 |
Snowboarding | 125 |
Dandelions: Weed, Flowers, or Food? | 126 |
The Weight, the Wind, and the Wobbling | 127 |
Heinz 57 Varieties | 128 |
Wacky Waterspouts | 129 |
Unique Languages | 130 |
Naming the States | 131 |
Mysteries in Peru | 132 |
The Story of Pizza | 133 |
The Indy 500 | 134 |
Dr. Antonia Novello, Former Surgeon General | 137 |
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, First U.S. Female Doctor | 138 |
Sojourner Truth, Civil Rights Leader | 139 |
The Angel of Marye's Heights | 140 |
Barbara Jordan, Former U.S. Congresswoman | 141 |
Garrett Morgan, Inventor | 142 |
Mary McLeod Bethune, Educator | 143 |
Will Cross, Adventurer | 144 |
Louis Pasteur, the Milk Man | 145 |
The First Woman in Space | 146 |
I.M. Pei, Architect | 147 |
Delvin Miller, Harness Racing Master | 148 |
Asa Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Leader | 149 |
Jason McElwain, Basketball Star | 150 |
Loreta Velasquez, Civil War Soldier | 151 |
Clara Hale's House | 152 |
Wilma Mankiller, Former Cherokee Chief | 153 |
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte | 154 |
William Wilberforce, British Abolitionist | 155 |
Bethany Hamilton, Fearless Surfer | 156 |
Mother Jones, Labor Activitist | 157 |
The Wizard of Menlo Park | 158 |
Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer | 159 |
Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope | 160 |
Nelson Mandela, South African Leader | 161 |
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist Artist | 162 |
Dr. Francisco Bravo | 163 |
Hallie Daggett, First Female Lookout | 164 |
Jim Thorpe, Extraordinary Athlete | 165 |
Norman Rockwell, the People's Artist | 166 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.4.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
Passage | Page |
Australia | 9 |
Hostage Rescue in Peru | 10 |
Big Blast in Siberia | 11 |
The Discovery of New Zealand | 12 |
Maine, the Blueberry State | 13 |
The Death of the Aral Sea | 14 |
The Year Without a Summer | 15 |
The Faces of Mount Rushmore | 16 |
The Smithsonian Institute | 17 |
The Rocky Mountains | 18 |
Rhode Island, the Smallest State | 19 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 20 |
The Galapagos Islands | 21 |
The California Gold Rush | 22 |
The Earthquakes of 2010 | 23 |
The Cruelest Month in American Mining | 24 |
The Deadly Cloud from Lake Nyos | 25 |
Signs of Global Warming | 26 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 27 |
Antarctica | 28 |
Bermuda | 29 |
Mount Vernon | 30 |
Key West, Florida | 31 |
Without Warning | 32 |
The Great Yellowstone Fire of 1988 | 33 |
The Bahamas | 34 |
Egypt: One Nation, Two Continents | 35 |
Arizona's Natural Wonders | 36 |
"Houston, We've Had a Problem" | 37 |
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry | 38 |
Giant Panda Problems | 41 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake | 42 |
P-U! It's a Skunk! | 43 |
Insects | 44 |
Fearsome Fossil | 45 |
Surprises in the Sea | 46 |
Robots at Work | 47 |
Wildfires | 48 |
Disrupting Ecosystems | 49 |
Peppered Moths | 50 |
Neat Facts About Your Circulatory System | 51 |
Wind Energy | 52 |
Killer Bees Calming Down | 53 |
Trees Tell About Climates of the Past | 54 |
Snapping Turtles | 55 |
Eyelids | 56 |
Solar Storms | 57 |
Breeding Bunnies | 58 |
Glaciers | 59 |
Geothermal Energy | 60 |
Turning Soda Bottles into Blankets | 61 |
Using Two Legs Instead of Four | 62 |
Exciting News About Stem Cells | 63 |
Animal Instincts | 64 |
Volcanic Eruptions | 65 |
Live a Green Lifestyle | 66 |
Understanding Hemispheres | 67 |
Using Waste to Make Electricity | 68 |
Solar Energy | 69 |
Adapting to Global Warming | 70 |
Where Did Everyone Go? | 73 |
Did George Washington Fight at Gettysburg? | 74 |
Iceboxes: The First Refrigerators | 75 |
The U.S. Civil War | 76 |
The Montgomery Bus Boycott | 77 |
How U.S. Libraries Began | 78 |
The Orphan Trains | 79 |
Braille for the Blind | 80 |
The Invention of the Microwave Oven | 81 |
The World's First Robot and His Dog | 82 |
How Plumbing Changed America | 83 |
Highway History | 84 |
The Buried Village of Ozette | 85 |
World War II Spies | 86 |
Inventions that Use Electricity | 87 |
Skiing | 88 |
The Great Liberty Bell Adventure | 89 |
Massachusetts Promotes Education | 90 |
Decoding Hieroglyphs | 91 |
Canned Foods | 92 |
America's First Master Spy | 93 |
Amazing Ancient Structures | 94 |
The Ice Ages | 95 |
U.S. Anti-Slavery Laws | 96 |
U.S. Presidents from Ohio | 97 |
Flight Disappearances | 98 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1753 to 1863 | 99 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1902 to Now | 100 |
Native American Unsolved Mysteries | 101 |
Washington Irving, Author and Ghost | 102 |
Sea Horses | 105 |
The Popular Product That Almost Wasn't | 106 |
Not So Identical | 107 |
What You Didn't Know About George Washington | 108 |
In-Line Skates | 109 |
Mazes | 110 |
Guide Dogs | 111 |
Frozen Animals Stay Alive | 112 |
Binti Jua and Jambo to the Rescue | 113 |
The U.S. Supreme Court | 114 |
The World's Most Dangerous Animals | 115 |
Rice Feeds the World | 116 |
Bamboo | 117 |
Yawning is Contagious | 118 |
The Story of Jeep | 119 |
World's Largest Ice Sculptures: Icebergs | 120 |
Storms that Caused Discoveries | 121 |
The Sweet Story of Jelly Beans | 122 |
Pelorus Jack | 123 |
The Gulf Stream | 124 |
Snowboarding | 125 |
Dandelions: Weed, Flowers, or Food? | 126 |
The Weight, the Wind, and the Wobbling | 127 |
Heinz 57 Varieties | 128 |
Wacky Waterspouts | 129 |
Unique Languages | 130 |
Naming the States | 131 |
Mysteries in Peru | 132 |
The Story of Pizza | 133 |
The Indy 500 | 134 |
Dr. Antonia Novello, Former Surgeon General | 137 |
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, First U.S. Female Doctor | 138 |
Sojourner Truth, Civil Rights Leader | 139 |
The Angel of Marye's Heights | 140 |
Barbara Jordan, Former U.S. Congresswoman | 141 |
Garrett Morgan, Inventor | 142 |
Mary McLeod Bethune, Educator | 143 |
Will Cross, Adventurer | 144 |
Louis Pasteur, the Milk Man | 145 |
The First Woman in Space | 146 |
I.M. Pei, Architect | 147 |
Delvin Miller, Harness Racing Master | 148 |
Asa Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Leader | 149 |
Jason McElwain, Basketball Star | 150 |
Loreta Velasquez, Civil War Soldier | 151 |
Clara Hale's House | 152 |
Wilma Mankiller, Former Cherokee Chief | 153 |
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte | 154 |
William Wilberforce, British Abolitionist | 155 |
Bethany Hamilton, Fearless Surfer | 156 |
Mother Jones, Labor Activitist | 157 |
The Wizard of Menlo Park | 158 |
Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer | 159 |
Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope | 160 |
Nelson Mandela, South African Leader | 161 |
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist Artist | 162 |
Dr. Francisco Bravo | 163 |
Hallie Daggett, First Female Lookout | 164 |
Jim Thorpe, Extraordinary Athlete | 165 |
Norman Rockwell, the People's Artist | 166 |
Craft and Structure
ELA.RI.4.5: Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
Passage | Page |
Australia | 9 |
Hostage Rescue in Peru | 10 |
Big Blast in Siberia | 11 |
The Discovery of New Zealand | 12 |
Maine, the Blueberry State | 13 |
The Death of the Aral Sea | 14 |
The Year Without a Summer | 15 |
The Faces of Mount Rushmore | 16 |
The Smithsonian Institute | 17 |
The Rocky Mountains | 18 |
Rhode Island, the Smallest State | 19 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 20 |
The Galapagos Islands | 21 |
The California Gold Rush | 22 |
The Earthquakes of 2010 | 23 |
The Cruelest Month in American Mining | 24 |
The Deadly Cloud from Lake Nyos | 25 |
Signs of Global Warming | 26 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 27 |
Antarctica | 28 |
Bermuda | 29 |
Mount Vernon | 30 |
Key West, Florida | 31 |
Without Warning | 32 |
The Great Yellowstone Fire of 1988 | 33 |
The Bahamas | 34 |
Egypt: One Nation, Two Continents | 35 |
Arizona's Natural Wonders | 36 |
"Houston, We've Had a Problem" | 37 |
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry | 38 |
Giant Panda Problems | 41 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake | 42 |
P-U! It's a Skunk! | 43 |
Insects | 44 |
Fearsome Fossil | 45 |
Surprises in the Sea | 46 |
Robots at Work | 47 |
Wildfires | 48 |
Disrupting Ecosystems | 49 |
Peppered Moths | 50 |
Neat Facts About Your Circulatory System | 51 |
Wind Energy | 52 |
Killer Bees Calming Down | 53 |
Trees Tell About Climates of the Past | 54 |
Snapping Turtles | 55 |
Eyelids | 56 |
Solar Storms | 57 |
Breeding Bunnies | 58 |
Glaciers | 59 |
Geothermal Energy | 60 |
Turning Soda Bottles into Blankets | 61 |
Using Two Legs Instead of Four | 62 |
Exciting News About Stem Cells | 63 |
Animal Instincts | 64 |
Volcanic Eruptions | 65 |
Live a Green Lifestyle | 66 |
Understanding Hemispheres | 67 |
Using Waste to Make Electricity | 68 |
Solar Energy | 69 |
Adapting to Global Warming | 70 |
Where Did Everyone Go? | 73 |
Did George Washington Fight at Gettysburg? | 74 |
Iceboxes: The First Refrigerators | 75 |
The U.S. Civil War | 76 |
The Montgomery Bus Boycott | 77 |
How U.S. Libraries Began | 78 |
The Orphan Trains | 79 |
Braille for the Blind | 80 |
The Invention of the Microwave Oven | 81 |
The World's First Robot and His Dog | 82 |
How Plumbing Changed America | 83 |
Highway History | 84 |
The Buried Village of Ozette | 85 |
World War II Spies | 86 |
Inventions that Use Electricity | 87 |
Skiing | 88 |
The Great Liberty Bell Adventure | 89 |
Massachusetts Promotes Education | 90 |
Decoding Hieroglyphs | 91 |
Canned Foods | 92 |
America's First Master Spy | 93 |
Amazing Ancient Structures | 94 |
The Ice Ages | 95 |
U.S. Anti-Slavery Laws | 96 |
U.S. Presidents from Ohio | 97 |
Flight Disappearances | 98 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1753 to 1863 | 99 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1902 to Now | 100 |
Native American Unsolved Mysteries | 101 |
Washington Irving, Author and Ghost | 102 |
Sea Horses | 105 |
The Popular Product That Almost Wasn't | 106 |
Not So Identical | 107 |
What You Didn't Know About George Washington | 108 |
In-Line Skates | 109 |
Mazes | 110 |
Guide Dogs | 111 |
Frozen Animals Stay Alive | 112 |
Binti Jua and Jambo to the Rescue | 113 |
The U.S. Supreme Court | 114 |
The World's Most Dangerous Animals | 115 |
Rice Feeds the World | 116 |
Bamboo | 117 |
Yawning is Contagious | 118 |
The Story of Jeep | 119 |
World's Largest Ice Sculptures: Icebergs | 120 |
Storms that Caused Discoveries | 121 |
The Sweet Story of Jelly Beans | 122 |
Pelorus Jack | 123 |
The Gulf Stream | 124 |
Snowboarding | 125 |
Dandelions: Weed, Flowers, or Food? | 126 |
The Weight, the Wind, and the Wobbling | 127 |
Heinz 57 Varieties | 128 |
Wacky Waterspouts | 129 |
Unique Languages | 130 |
Naming the States | 131 |
Mysteries in Peru | 132 |
The Story of Pizza | 133 |
The Indy 500 | 134 |
Dr. Antonia Novello, Former Surgeon General | 137 |
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, First U.S. Female Doctor | 138 |
Sojourner Truth, Civil Rights Leader | 139 |
The Angel of Marye's Heights | 140 |
Barbara Jordan, Former U.S. Congresswoman | 141 |
Garrett Morgan, Inventor | 142 |
Mary McLeod Bethune, Educator | 143 |
Will Cross, Adventurer | 144 |
Louis Pasteur, the Milk Man | 145 |
The First Woman in Space | 146 |
I.M. Pei, Architect | 147 |
Delvin Miller, Harness Racing Master | 148 |
Asa Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Leader | 149 |
Jason McElwain, Basketball Star | 150 |
Loreta Velasquez, Civil War Soldier | 151 |
Clara Hale's House | 152 |
Wilma Mankiller, Former Cherokee Chief | 153 |
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte | 154 |
William Wilberforce, British Abolitionist | 155 |
Bethany Hamilton, Fearless Surfer | 156 |
Mother Jones, Labor Activitist | 157 |
The Wizard of Menlo Park | 158 |
Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer | 159 |
Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope | 160 |
Nelson Mandela, South African Leader | 161 |
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist Artist | 162 |
Dr. Francisco Bravo | 163 |
Hallie Daggett, First Female Lookout | 164 |
Jim Thorpe, Extraordinary Athlete | 165 |
Norman Rockwell, the People's Artist | 166 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.4.8: Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.
Passage | Page |
Australia | 9 |
Hostage Rescue in Peru | 10 |
Big Blast in Siberia | 11 |
The Discovery of New Zealand | 12 |
Maine, the Blueberry State | 13 |
The Death of the Aral Sea | 14 |
The Year Without a Summer | 15 |
The Faces of Mount Rushmore | 16 |
The Smithsonian Institute | 17 |
The Rocky Mountains | 18 |
Rhode Island, the Smallest State | 19 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 20 |
The Galapagos Islands | 21 |
The California Gold Rush | 22 |
The Earthquakes of 2010 | 23 |
The Cruelest Month in American Mining | 24 |
The Deadly Cloud from Lake Nyos | 25 |
Signs of Global Warming | 26 |
Mount Kilimanjaro | 27 |
Antarctica | 28 |
Bermuda | 29 |
Mount Vernon | 30 |
Key West, Florida | 31 |
Without Warning | 32 |
The Great Yellowstone Fire of 1988 | 33 |
The Bahamas | 34 |
Egypt: One Nation, Two Continents | 35 |
Arizona's Natural Wonders | 36 |
"Houston, We've Had a Problem" | 37 |
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry | 38 |
Giant Panda Problems | 41 |
The Great Alaskan Earthquake | 42 |
P-U! It's a Skunk! | 43 |
Insects | 44 |
Fearsome Fossil | 45 |
Surprises in the Sea | 46 |
Robots at Work | 47 |
Wildfires | 48 |
Disrupting Ecosystems | 49 |
Peppered Moths | 50 |
Neat Facts About Your Circulatory System | 51 |
Wind Energy | 52 |
Killer Bees Calming Down | 53 |
Trees Tell About Climates of the Past | 54 |
Snapping Turtles | 55 |
Eyelids | 56 |
Solar Storms | 57 |
Breeding Bunnies | 58 |
Glaciers | 59 |
Geothermal Energy | 60 |
Turning Soda Bottles into Blankets | 61 |
Using Two Legs Instead of Four | 62 |
Exciting News About Stem Cells | 63 |
Animal Instincts | 64 |
Volcanic Eruptions | 65 |
Live a Green Lifestyle | 66 |
Understanding Hemispheres | 67 |
Using Waste to Make Electricity | 68 |
Solar Energy | 69 |
Adapting to Global Warming | 70 |
Where Did Everyone Go? | 73 |
Did George Washington Fight at Gettysburg? | 74 |
Iceboxes: The First Refrigerators | 75 |
The U.S. Civil War | 76 |
The Montgomery Bus Boycott | 77 |
How U.S. Libraries Began | 78 |
The Orphan Trains | 79 |
Braille for the Blind | 80 |
The Invention of the Microwave Oven | 81 |
The World's First Robot and His Dog | 82 |
How Plumbing Changed America | 83 |
Highway History | 84 |
The Buried Village of Ozette | 85 |
World War II Spies | 86 |
Inventions that Use Electricity | 87 |
Skiing | 88 |
The Great Liberty Bell Adventure | 89 |
Massachusetts Promotes Education | 90 |
Decoding Hieroglyphs | 91 |
Canned Foods | 92 |
America's First Master Spy | 93 |
Amazing Ancient Structures | 94 |
The Ice Ages | 95 |
U.S. Anti-Slavery Laws | 96 |
U.S. Presidents from Ohio | 97 |
Flight Disappearances | 98 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1753 to 1863 | 99 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1902 to Now | 100 |
Native American Unsolved Mysteries | 101 |
Washington Irving, Author and Ghost | 102 |
Sea Horses | 105 |
The Popular Product That Almost Wasn't | 106 |
Not So Identical | 107 |
What You Didn't Know About George Washington | 108 |
In-Line Skates | 109 |
Mazes | 110 |
Guide Dogs | 111 |
Frozen Animals Stay Alive | 112 |
Binti Jua and Jambo to the Rescue | 113 |
The U.S. Supreme Court | 114 |
The World's Most Dangerous Animals | 115 |
Rice Feeds the World | 116 |
Bamboo | 117 |
Yawning is Contagious | 118 |
The Story of Jeep | 119 |
World's Largest Ice Sculptures: Icebergs | 120 |
Storms that Caused Discoveries | 121 |
The Sweet Story of Jelly Beans | 122 |
Pelorus Jack | 123 |
The Gulf Stream | 124 |
Snowboarding | 125 |
Dandelions: Weed, Flowers, or Food? | 126 |
The Weight, the Wind, and the Wobbling | 127 |
Heinz 57 Varieties | 128 |
Wacky Waterspouts | 129 |
Unique Languages | 130 |
Naming the States | 131 |
Mysteries in Peru | 132 |
The Story of Pizza | 133 |
The Indy 500 | 134 |
Dr. Antonia Novello, Former Surgeon General | 137 |
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, First U.S. Female Doctor | 138 |
Sojourner Truth, Civil Rights Leader | 139 |
The Angel of Marye's Heights | 140 |
Barbara Jordan, Former U.S. Congresswoman | 141 |
Garrett Morgan, Inventor | 142 |
Mary McLeod Bethune, Educator | 143 |
Will Cross, Adventurer | 144 |
Louis Pasteur, the Milk Man | 145 |
The First Woman in Space | 146 |
I.M. Pei, Architect | 147 |
Delvin Miller, Harness Racing Master | 148 |
Asa Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Leader | 149 |
Jason McElwain, Basketball Star | 150 |
Loreta Velasquez, Civil War Soldier | 151 |
Clara Hale's House | 152 |
Wilma Mankiller, Former Cherokee Chief | 153 |
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte | 154 |
William Wilberforce, British Abolitionist | 155 |
Bethany Hamilton, Fearless Surfer | 156 |
Mother Jones, Labor Activitist | 157 |
The Wizard of Menlo Park | 158 |
Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer | 159 |
Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope | 160 |
Nelson Mandela, South African Leader | 161 |
Mary Cassatt, Impressionist Artist | 162 |
Dr. Francisco Bravo | 163 |
Hallie Daggett, First Female Lookout | 164 |
Jim Thorpe, Extraordinary Athlete | 165 |
Norman Rockwell, the People's Artist | 166 |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ELA.RI.4.9: Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Passage | Page |
Glaciers | 59 |
Turning Soda Bottles into Blankets | 61 |
Live a Green Lifestyle | 66 |
World War II Spies | 86 |
America's First Master Spy | 93 |
The Ice Ages | 95 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1753 to 1863 | 99 |
Moving the U.S. Mail, 1902 to Now | 100 |
Sojourner Truth, Civil Rights Leader | 139 |
Mary McLeod Bethune, Educator | 143 |
Asa Philip Randolph, Civil Rights Leader | 149 |
Nelson Mandela, South African Leader | 161 |
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
ELA.RI.4.10: By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Passage | Page |
Australia | 9 |
Hostage Rescue in Peru | 10 |
Big Blast in Siberia | 11 |
The Discovery of New Zealand | 12 |
Maine, the Blueberry State | 13 |
The Death of the Aral Sea | 14 |
The Year Without a Summer | 15 |
The Faces of Mount Rushmore | 16 |
The Smithsonian Institute | 17 |
The Rocky Mountains | 18 |
Rhode Island, the Smallest State | 19 |
The Amazon Rain Forest | 20 |
The Galapagos Islands | 21 |
The California Gold Rush | 22 |
The Earthquakes of 2010 | 23 |
The Cruelest Month in American Mining | 24 |
The Deadly Cloud from Lake Nyos |