National Day on Writing

You might already be aware that Senate Resolution 310 declares October 20, 2009 as the National Day on Writing. I read the whole resolution (you can read it here). The part I particularly like reads, “the National Day of Writing highlights the importance of writing instruction and practice at every educational level and in every subject area.” All I could think of were all the opportunities for writing that exist without our schools. From kindergarteners to seniors in high school, the chances to write are endless. They can be structured or open ended. They can be done with crayons, elementary pencils, and sleek ballpoint pens; on laptops and white boards. The writing can tell stories, fill out forms, give directions, share common experiences, say thank you, or remind someone about homework. The list goes on and on.

Reading the resolution also made me take a look at some of my favorite TCR writing books. Through the years I have worked on a goodly number of them. For the youngest writers, I’ve always liked Emergent Writer’s Workshop and Beginning Writing. I like the practice that these books allow our littlest scribes. For all grade levels, our Meeting Writing Standards books are excellent. Featuring straightforward lessons and activities for writing stories, reports, poetry, letters, and narrative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive pieces, these books are comprehensive in their coverage of the various types of writing. Meeting Writing Standards books help students to hone their authoring skills. For lots of fun and getting kids involved, Get Up! Get Noisy! Get Writing! has all types of engaging writing lessons. My favorite lesson in this book is called “Picky, Picky! Just Pick One!” It turns fiction writing into a game of chance as students draw their story elements, including characters, setting, and objects, from a grab bag.

So grab hold of the opportunity to celebrate the National Day on Writing, no matter what subject or grade you teach, by giving your students the chance to write.

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